Wednesday, September 14, 2016

In My Heart

This time of year reminds me of the time I spent with him. Nearly every morning on my way to work I drive past where we met.  I glance over remembering James walking across the parking lot with his cute smile reaching to hug me while telling me "You are just as beautiful as I knew you would be." And he was even sweeter than I expected. Like a gift. Perfection.

Memories are bittersweet. I remember sitting out on my deck talking to him on the phone; the mosquitoes must not have been as bad that summer. I used to sit out past dark and look at the stars while discussing life with James. For hours. We used to talk for hours and only hung up because it was late and we had to sleep. He always asked for just a few more minutes. "Aw, don't go yet" and we'd end up a half hour longer. It blows my mind how many hours we spent talking on the phone. If he was not here with me then most likely we were talking.

When he was with me we did not talk as much as we kissed. Together we were kissing. Apart we were talking. I miss those sweet kisses too.

So. I can look to my door and totally picture him coming in and standing there looking all smiley and adorable. He would come in, hand me whatever sweet thoughtful gift he'd brought me and say hello. Then he would smile big and kiss me. Like he had been aching to do so since the last time he saw me. *sigh* And we would kiss for hours. Hugging and kissing and laughing and being close, cuddly and loving. It was bliss. Being with James kissing and cuddling was Heaven.

He is in my heart. Always.

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