Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Note on "Signs"

I have to share my most recent sign with you.  Us twin souls get all of these signs and synchs and some of us question our sanity and we wonder if it is just coincidence or if we are just seeing what we want to.  Some twin souls say the signs are only manifested by us because we want them so we see them all over, and that they hold no significance, and I've always felt that is not truth.

Well let me tell you about my sign this morning.  I realized that last year in March I created this little mural of a "Tree of Life" and on it I drew all intention for James to be in our lives as my husband and my son's step daddy.  I drew it and put a shit ton of good energy into it.  I worked on it while watching the movie "Seredipity" and while watching that movie he tells her she has a constellation on her arm, and James told me I had one on my leg.  So I drew this picture and I colored it all in and painted it and put glitter on it and stickers and all meaningful stuff to us.  I really manifested my ass off on this one, and a week later he was back.  Like BAM slammed back to me.  And two weeks before that, as a reflection of my fear energy, I received a not-so-nice message from him that my guidance blatantly ask me after receiving, "So how does fear feel?"  Three weeks later after working on my energy, bringing TRUTH close to me, he came back,

I was thinking about that this morning.  And I wrote in my journal all goodness.  All what I know is our truth.  He will be back.  He misses me and my child dearly.  He met me and realized I am an amazing woman who would make an excellent loving wife and mother, and James wants a child.  He met me and felt I would be that woman to give him a child, and we will raise a loving free-thinking enlightened family together.  I know this.  He totally fell in hard love with me as I did him.

So then it was time to make breakfast because the Little Man who lives with me was saying, "I'm so hungry mommy- it is time for "breadsticks" yet?" Which means he was asking for breakfast- his word "breakfast" sounds like "breadsticks."  Cracks me up.  I ended my journaling and went to make some oatmeal and eggs.

My twin soul friend then text me and said, "Well this must be a sign for you."  She sent me a photo she took of her XM radio screen in her car.  A pop song was playing but instead of the title of the song there was only one word.  A name.  My twin's name.  "James."  That is all.  Right there on the screen of her XM radio.

TOTAL sign.  Total sign telling me I am on the right track.  It is the correct energy, and to keep moving forward.  And I will.  But I did not imagine that sign.  It was not even given to me directly although The Divine knew my friend would share it with me.

Amazing, right?  Absolutely amazing.  I am in awe. and I am grateful for the sign because it helps me realize that all I need is to know the truth which is we are both just love and we love each other dearly.  I've been saying I hope I get a sign to show me I am doing the best thing I can for our union, and this was a good one.  A sign I absolutely cannot and will not ignore or overlook or write off. This was a clear sign given to me strongly so I cannot ignore it.

Just wanted to share for those of us who get the signs and then wonder why.  I think they are often affirmation that something you are thinking or writing is right.  If the sign is not a very great sign then it might be showing you that you need to shift your energy elsewhere; this happens to me too. But this one is clearly to show me I am on the right track here.



ETA: later this same day while out with my son, perfectly timed, I heard "Your Kiss Is On My List" which is like my number one "sign" song for our union :)

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