Monday, May 25, 2015

Lights... Camera... Action!

I was talking to a friend the other day and an analogy for my twin soul union came to mind, and I want to share it here.  My Higher Self often refers to James by saying, "His role for you..." and it will be explained to me that his role in my life is to not only love me but to also force me to face my fears.
But I know Higher Self is strong and has a ton of power, and Higher Self is me in another form.  I know this although sometimes it is hard to conceptualize.  And those of you who read my blog know how my stance: I do not reflect anything to my twin, not that I can see.  He reflects back to me my fears, doubts, worries, etc.  He also reflects love back to me when I am in a space of belief and trust- mainly though I am shown my fears through him.  He is my trigger, my catalyst, my mirror.

In my journal I have a lot written where I am majorly pissed off at HS.  I used to write things like, "Why the fuck are you doing this to me?"  "Why is he doing this to me?"  "I know you can change this so bring him back to me already!"  'Why is he staying away?!"  I used to get mad and think HS was "keeping my twin away from me," and it made me furious.  Why can't it be easy already, right?

Well when we are expert manifestors creating our own lives then every thought, intention, word, belief, bitch, moan, worry, etc. can and will create our existence, and this is shown to us strongly through the twin soul.

Now as time has progressed I no longer "blame" my Higher Self although I do feel my HS has a lot to do with my union.  So this is how I view my HS- as the DIRECTOR of the script that *I* write.

Do you follow me???  I am the writer of the script of my life.  And when it comes to my biggest life lesson, which is to overcome my fears concerning love, my twin soul is the main actor in my play.  His "role" is to enact whatever I script for him.  And who "directs" the play?  Higher Self.  So basically whatever I write, whatever script I create, my Higher Self ensures that script is enacted through my twin soul.

But the key here is that I write the script.  I do believe my twin soul signed up for this role before we came here to earth and he knew the part he would play.  And when he mirrors nonsense to me it is because I have scripted the nonsense.  But at the end of the day he as a real man, not the actor playing the role, really truly LOVES me.  His love for me is truth at all times but he HAS to play his role in my play, and that role is created by ME.  ME me me.

So when I am talking on the phone to my Aunt who asks me "How's things with James," and I start to tell her all about the strange shit he wrote to me, and I put energy towards the nonsense instead of the love, then I've just SCRIPTED more nonsense to be played out by my twin, and often this is done through the silence.

And it is directed by Higher Self.  I know it is.  I often feel like Higher Self is the energy that animates my twin soul so really {not to be confusing} but then the director would also be the actor.

Higher Self DOES "control" the situation but it is based on MY energy and the script I am creating through all my thoughts, intentions, worries, written words, spoken words, beliefs, worries, doubts, fears... and love I create.  All of those things create my script and then my Higher Self directs my twin soul to enact my script... just the way I've written it.

I hope that makes sense to some of you.

YOU are the creators of your own scripts.  How will you write the role your twin soul plays for you?  If you down yourself then your Higher Self will ensure your twin soul shows you this by playing it out for you in some way, shape or form.  If you doubt your twin soul then he will also show this to you by enacting the script you have created.

Guys I've seen this happen perfectly in my union.  I could say to a friend, "My twin's favorite color is red," and then two days later he could send me an email saying, "Look at these new golf clubs I bought in my favorite color, red!"  That's a neutral example but I am sure you can imagine what would happen if I was talking to a friend and said, "My twin soul is such a fucker!"  As the actor in my play, and I just scripted him as a fucker... what do you think his next scene in my life will consist of?

Now imagine I finally get to a point where I know in my heart, mind and soul that my twin soul is only love and truth, and it's all I write about, think about, pray about and occasionally say to others... the script I write will have turned into a love story where he will once again become my TRUTH, my Prince Charming, my Love.

We all the ability to write, script, our own happy endings.

Got it?

It's a wrap!


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