Thursday, May 14, 2015

More on Manifestion & Intention

A quick shout out about the miracle of manifestation.  It is about a twin soul friend of mine.  We met on  I've blogged about her before.  We shall call her "L."  Well L has a twin soul we shall call "J."  L and J met a lonnnngggg time ago, happenstance meeting.  She saw him.  Their eyes locked.  She felt the magnetism.  Later that night they ended up out together and he kissed her and she ran off.  End of story from back then.  Fast forward over ten years.  L is contemplating leaving her marriage, and she's right on the verge.  No other man is in the picture; she's simply very unhappy but with a young child it takes courage to leave and she'd on the fence, beginning to doubt her decision and wondering if she should stay.  That very day she sees J again and the feelings that flow through her let her know that she must take the plunge and trust her decision to end her marriage, so she does.

But see she has no idea where J even lives.  She knows nothing about him yet she feels in her heart, with that knowing of the truth that the heart knows yet the mind cannot understand, that they will be together in the future.  She has no idea how to contact him though.  She looks on spiritualforums and reads a post {mine} about manifesting {compliments of my Higher Self} and she gives it a shot.  She literally manifests J into her life by privately writing in a journal that she would see him.  And she did see him.  And she privately wrote in her journal that she would talk to him, and she did talk to him.  He came by her work and they spoke and exchanged info and and and...

And it is a year later.  She knows quite clearly that he is her twin soul.  She knows quite clearly that he responds to her based on her energy and her intention, and her ability to overcome her fears and know his love for her.  She has manifested some happenings that I will not repeat here for the sake of... privacy :)  Approximately a year ago J offered something large to L but at the time she could not accept the offer.  Now a year later she is hoping and praying to have the offer repeated but she knows better than to ask outright because she seems to be "blocked" whenever she physically tries in 3D to reach out to J.  Her texts are cut off.  She gets no response or the text stream will end mid-conversation.  If she has any fear or doubt or worry that J is not contacting her or blowing her off, etc. then there is little contact, and it's always very strange.  Unreal.

So she decided to buckle down, overcome and ignore any doubts or fear and write in her journal all about what she wants and knows is meant to happen, especially concerning this large offer he made to her a year ago, an offer that has never been spoken of since.  She concentrated only on the good, on her dreams, on thanking him through her journaled words and energy for the offer, thanking him for the love she knows he feels for her...

And he text her recently and repeated the offer, out of the blue with NO 3D contact from L at all. 

She absolutely manifested this by ignoring any negative thoughts and by only thinking of the good, and by concentrating ONLY on what she knows is meant to happen between them.  I wanted to share this here because there is NO coincidence here, and it does take work.  My friend L is super strong, super courageous but she is no different than you or I.  If she can do it then so can we but the key is staying positive and not faltering.  It takes overlooking the illusion because remember our twin souls show us our fears/doubts and that can sometimes be hard to take or look past but we have to.  It takes overlooking that fear and doubt and really owning the loving TRUTH we know in our hearts {that our heads often fight} but can be afraid to dream about when we don't have it right now, or when it seems too good to be true. 

I really feel it means we have to concentrate our energies on what we truly want, like L has done here.  This is why I feel that dating, turning away from our twins and concentrating our energies on something or someone else, might not be in our best interests... unless we are not looking to reunite.  I don't think we get punished or anything for dating but since our energy and intention creates our reality then whatever we concentrate on most is what we attract to us- this means if we concentrate on someone else, or some other energy, and push the energy of our twins aside, then we are not attracting them back to us.  So in the end the distance and separation continues to be a result of our energy, not theirs.  And it's not "God" or The Universe or Higher Self or some evil entity or The Flying Spaghetti Monster keeping us apart... it's still just us.   I know many people end up giving up on a twin soul reunion and desire to move on, and that is for sure an option and your prerogative... until your soul tries to push you back on track to your destiny whether you want it or not.  I am assuming due to free will that some people are able to consistently ignore the signs and achieve living a good solid life either by themselves or with someone who is not their twin yet I don't think this is aligned with the original destiny their souls have planned for them. 

So- Where we are concentrating our energies?  What thoughts and intentions are we manifesting?  I honestly feel this entire twin soul mission is... just that, a mission.  It takes time and energy and concentration.  We have to really want it to make it happen, and it takes work, especially healing ourselves so we can achieve the appropriate energetic vibration to make positive manifestation possible.  To be able to perform the appropriate energy work we need to be clear, healthy and cleared of most fear and doubt.  We must vibrate on a level of love and confidence in order to open our hearts for our twins to come back to us.

Way to go my friend L ;)  I guess "dare to dream" really is more than a catchy phrase.



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