Saturday, November 14, 2015

Love, Mission & "Imagine"

I've never been to Paris.  I'd love to visit some day, and I will.  I dream of taking my son to many different places so he can see the world and get to know new people and have exciting experiences.  I am also raising my child to be loving, kind, accepting, just, merciful and tolerant.  If there is one thing I press on my child it is to make LOVING choices.  Not right or wrong choices- we all fuck up and I don't like "right or wrong."  Instead I teach him to make loving choices.  I am far from perfect and every day I have opportunities myself to make my own loving choices, to overcome ego, to smile and say "I love you" in my head instead of flipping someone off who won't let me merge into traffic.

Love- love love love.  If we ALL held only love in our hearts wouldn't this world be a wonderful place to live?  There would be no war.  No hatred or intolerance.

The attack in Paris last night really break my heart.  And it makes me think.  A twin soul friend and I have been texting this morning.  Her guidance tells her a lot of "worldly" messages about universal energy and the battle going on right not between the darkness and the Light.  And how we are "The Light."  And I want to discuss that for a moment.  For a few years before I met James my guidance told me that all I am is a HUGE walking ball of Love and Light energy.  It was constantly told to me, all the time.  I did not understand why and I did not believe it at all.  Back then it was easy for me to love other people but I could not love myself.  I look back and can see how far I've come since then.  It's amazing really.  Since that day I've had lessons in learning to let things go with others, and I am always working to love others more unconditionally, and it does not always come easily as we all know.  But I do know one thing: I AM that walking ball of Love and Light that my guidance told me I am.  I LOVE differently than most people, and only recently can I see the difference.  I love beyond borders.  I love beyond... well, most anything.  So going back to this concept of us being "The Light." I feel that those of us who genuinely are "twin soul energy" we are created to be ONLY love.  Only love, and God is making us shed and release pretty much any fear-based energies inside of us, and this is done through our twin soul as our mirror to show us what needs to be released.

Please understand I am only sharing what *I* believe, and please don't debate me.  My feelings are not up for debate.  I am not pushing this on you as YOUR truth but it is what I've been shown, and it is why I am SO loyal to James.  If in the end it is shown to me that what I believe is not really truth then I will have to deal with that accordingly.  But for now this is my TRUTH and I do believe in it.

We as twin souls are told that we love differently.  Or at least we are made to love differently.  We are like Love Machines.  So we are just people walking around on earth but we are here, we chose to be here, to be LOVE so inside of us is supposed to ONLY BE LOVE.  We are meant to generate love, send it out to the world, and there are a lot of us.  Look how many twin soul experiences are happening out there right now.  It's happening more and more as the energies speed up and change.  I don't understand it all.  My brain is too simple to comprehend most of it.  All I know is SHIT IS HAPPENING.  We are changing.  An energetic shift is occurring and we are being asked to PLEASE let go of old programming, old beliefs, fear-based energy and just be love.

Before I met James I was given that analogy of the butterfly where I was told I am being asked to be more soul than human, which is Awakening.  And then when I met him he told me he dreamed that I told him I am not truly human but a butterfly which was symbolic of me being more soul {butterfly/Psyche} than human.  I was being told back then, even directly through my twin soul, that I am Awakening, and he was there to help me.

Speaking of my own situation only I can see where James has been used as my mirror to help me do this.  Be less fear and more love, more soul than human.  It's so obvious to me that he immediately reflects my fear, anger and resentment right back at me so I can see it.  Until I so badly no longer want to see it or feel it and I finally stop GENERATING it from within me.  Then once it is all gone I can be that "Walking ball of love and light" that I chose to be before I came to earth. To be as much of a pure soul walking around in a human vessel as possible.  And I truly do believe that somehow, on some level, the soul that is inside of me DOES generate love for the earth, a love that is so desperately needed right now.

I know James is helping me do this.  It's what I was told.  I was told he was helping me heal so I rid myself of fear-based energy and become pretty much only Love.  And I do believe with everything inside of me that he is meant for me, a gift from God.  So I cherish him as a human and as a soul.  Twin soul or soul mate or soul friend or my soul BFF- whatever it is.  Maybe he truly is me, like one soul.  Just the same soul energy divided into two different people.  He once told me that when we die he wants us to go to heaven and kiss there for eternity.  Back then I had no idea what he was to me but now I look back and think, yeah-- he's mine.  He's my eternal sweetheart. And I do love him dearly.  He's done a JOB for me that he was meant to.  God GIFTED him to me. He's been here to be almost like my mentor, or my spiritual personal trainer, and I am the "student" in a way.  This entire time  he's shown me the things inside of myself that I need to either honor or let go of.  He's helped show me that I am love and to be adored, and he's shown the the things that would do me well to release now.  I have to release those things or else they will continue to bring me pain.  I will be forced to experience my fearful creations until I stop putting out the energy that is creating them.

And to do that I must consciously shift my thoughts and energy around.  That is why I "work" on this. Why I write happiness and love,  It is how I meditate.  It is is how I avoid the crappy thoughts and energy.  It is how I shift my focus.  For me just sitting back and asking God to take it from me will not work.  I have to shift it by working at it, so I do.

And in the end it all comes back to the fact that we do have a "mission" here on earth as twin souls. It is a mission to be love and light, only.  And I think that for some of us we don't have to to much more than clear ourselves so we can be just love and light.  For some of us once that is achieved we can spread that love and light in certain ways like opening soup kitchens, or even just working in soup kitchens, or tutoring kids while showing them love, or even just raising our own families with love and light.  But the mission still goes back to being love and light, and our twins are helping us do this.

And what are we doing for them?  I only know that I am meant to love him and trust in him and his wonderfully sweet love.  I've been told from above time and again that anything beyond that concerning him and his life is none of my business.  I am not meant to fret and wonder what he is going through or try and figure out what his lessons are.  Not my business.  And I was shown that he is amazingly perfect and whole and healed and awesome so that is what I believe.  Once I shift things more to love then my hope is that door will be opened for me and I can begin to share life with him again.  I look forward to knowing about my Love and his life and sharing with him mine.

I do believe fully that God is asking me to hold my twin soul, my divine helper, my gift from God, very close to my heart.  I believe he is meant to be my one and only, and I believe we are meant to be together in the end.  Twin souls, IMO, are special to one another.  So I do cherish him and I will not be with anyone else because I feel the Lord above is asking that of me.  And I am listening.  I also believe that when we do reunite, together we will create HUGE huge love, even bigger than we each do separately as twin souls.  James... he is so loving.  When he was in my life I can say he was a HUGE walking ball of love energy; he felt like me.  I remember walking next to him hand in hand and him turning to smile at me and I thought, "How is it that being with this man feels like being with myself?  He's exactly like me.  He FEELS like me."

This is SO far beyond what my ego may demand.  I am working to use my free will to choose what I believe my soul wants from me, not what my ego wants.  That is the gift of free will- choosing between human desires and soul desires.  I do feel like I am being asked to be more than a simple ego-based human.  I am to be patience and kindness and to hold on... even if there are times where I feel like I want a boyfriend NOW.  Or I want to be cuddled right this very moment.  Of course I have those moments and desires, and sometimes I do get frustrated and want to run off.  Believe me.  But I am working to look past that and continue forward with my twin soul.

What I am trying to express to you is there is a bigger picture to all of this.  It is not just about a "relationship" or getting married or being fulfilled with what we want right this very moment.  It is about ascending past some of that to believe in what is being asked of us.  To be more soul than human.  I TRULY believe this and it is my goal.  I am striving with every fiber of my being to just sit tight, believe, meditate/manifest and hold on.  It is way more than my simple little mind can comprehend BUT I do honor and cherish this person who is my divine other half, who has had to show me myself, and no it has not always been pretty.  I am certain he'd much rather wrap me in a warm embrace and kiss my sweet lips, the lips he loves, instead of all the rest that has had to happen. And that is why I hold him so closely to my heart, and why I won't let go.  This is why I think he is precious and there is no moving on for me.  Because it is a love so strong and so divine that there is no way for me to let him go.  I don't want to.  I am in this and it is where I will stay.  I feel it is what GOD is asking of me.  And I love James so I honor my heart.

I pray for our strength and our belief.  For us to always be more love every day.  I pray for your aches and pains to be relieved, and I do pray that we all one day have these people we love in our lives and in our arms.  I pray for peace and love!  My heart is breaking over all the pain and fear in the world, especially right now in Paris.  All we can do is be love and pray and keep goodness in our twin soul hearts.  I know God is guiding us all, and I know our twin souls love us very much, just like we are meant to love ourselves and others.  It truly is God's love.

I really wish to hold my Love close to me, safely in my arms.  

Take care and "Imagine,"  Imagine, pray for, intent, manifest... a loving world.


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