Tuesday, March 29, 2016


I would really love to hug James again.

There's a lot inside of me, and I don't always know how to process it.  My words and thoughts are quickly being shown back to me in ways I don't specifically share here.  I don't know if any of you are experiencing this but it seems I am manifesting faster and harder all the time, and I have to be super careful of what I am creating because guys I am still creating shit I don't like. 

I've been debating whether or not to take the blog down.  I don't have much to say anymore on here because there is nothing left to share besides my loving memories.  But I think I will leave it up for others who might need to find it and see that, no, they are not crazy.  Maybe I am doing something beneficial then; my experience can do some good for others.

But I honestly can't write here anymore, not until I have something really large to share, something shifts for the better and I can share my excitement and joy with you all.  Wouldn't that be nice, a good dose of hope and joy?  Sure would be.

For now though, since I am shown I need to really be careful in what I say about my journey, I'm going to try and step back for a while and do my writing privately.  It is more comfortable for me to write about my loving memories and dreams of James {some of them not completely PG-rated} freely while doing so in private.  And here I find myself writing about the experience too much when I feel I need to focus only on love.  It is not always easy to write over and over again about the times we spent together here.  I've shared it already.  You don't need to read it twenty-five times.

I really hope and pray I can do this, whatever "this" is.  Something to do with shifting the energy and changing my focus.  It's a meticulous process.  I feel like I can do it.  I've always only ever felt that I would eventually get through this and back to James.  In my mind and heart there is no other option.

I want to create my Love back in my arms again like he once was, true bliss.  I want to allow him to love me again like I know he wants to.

I dream of talking to my loving friend again.

So, bye for now while I do my private work.  I do always try my best.  I love him too much not to try.

Best of luck and blessings to all.

Love and hugs,


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