Monday, January 11, 2016

Twin Souls Who Are Married to Others

Blessings David!  

I stumbled across this picture of David Bowie and his beloved wife Iman today as I was reading about him and their life and love together.  My heart goes out to her at this sad time.  But look at this photo of them together!  Doesn't it just make you smile, like totally smile!?  SUCH huge love there!  The love they have for each other shines through in this picture.

People who are married to each other are supposed to be HAPPY together.  This happy!!!  IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER happy.  Two people should stay married out of real strong love for one another.  Not out of a sense of duty.  Not for the children.  And not, for the love of all things holy, to stay faithful to a legal promise or because you mistakenly said, "Till death do we part."  Relationships between people change.  People grow, sometimes together, sometimes apart.  My point is not all marriages are meant to last or will last even though society tells us we are supposed to be "stick it out" and "try harder."  Some marriages and love together grown stronger over time.  Some does not.  That is the honest truth.

I was married and God showed me I was no longer meant to be married and life happened and my marriage ended because it was meant to.  

My feeling about people who are married and then meet their twin souls is this: it's meant to make you TOTALLY examine your marriage to see if its time has come to an end.  SOUL will push you to end a human "contract" if the soul contract has ended.  

Many people have this idea about the twin soul union that the universe will do all the work for you.  That if you mind your p's and q's and do everything "right" then the universe will shift things around and BAM all the pieces will fall into place and then your twin can miraculously be in your life.

My feeling is no, it does not work this way.  You are going to be forced to make those hard decisions to make room for even the possibility for your twin to be with you in the future.  And the decision is going to have to be made for YOU- not for you to "for sure" be with your twin.  Meaning scary choices have to be made, like the choice to be alone instead of stuck in an unfulfilling marriage.  I had to make the final decision to end my marriage.  I had to look him in the face and say, "This has to end.  I need you to move out."  Was it hard?  Fuck yeah.  We had a two year-old toddler son at the time.  I DREAMED of a "happy family" with my husband but it was just not going to happen.  For us to stay together I would have had to compromise a huge part of myself, my heart, and my dreams.  And my soul was absolutely not willing for that to happen.

And neither was my husband's soul.  At the moment my past husband and current friend and my sons' dad is happily with another woman.  They live together and she adores him, and I really hope they get married one day.  He seems happy and that is SO good because he was not happy with me.  I wished we could be happy together, and there was a time early on when we were.  But then we were not happy.  We coexisted.  And guess what finally had to happen for it to change?  

I met a soul mate and fell in love with him.  And even though I knew I did not have a future with that man it showed me that I could no longer stay with my husband.  It was not quite as easy as that.  Spirit really had to work with me to get me to finally make the decision to end the marriage, but end it I did.  My guidance told me everything would work out for the best.  I was told my husband would actually be happier in the end, that he was not happy with me.  But who wants to get a divorce, right?  Yet in an unhappy marriage SOMEONE has to make that scary decision.  And it is BIG and it is scary but it has to be made.

So... a married person meets her twin and it's amazing and she's in love, and not with her husband, and then the twin disappears.  Why?  Well it is my opinion that the universe is now asking you to do the hard work.  God is not going to reach down with his magic wand and end your marriage.  You are going to have to be the one to do that, and most likely WITHOUT the affirmation of love from your twin or knowing you will have a future with your twin. 

It's going to have to be a leap of faith done with the knowledge that no longer being married to your current partner is in the best interest of at least YOU.  That you cannot live a lie any longer.  That you cannot stay married out of a sense of duty, or guilt, or for the kids, or for everyone else who will be disappointed if you leave.  You cannot stay out of a sense of security or for any other reason besides you are HAPPY in your marriage and truly in love.  Not just "I love him as a friend unconditionally." That does not cut it.  Marriage is about two people who are fully in love with each other, not just "making do."  You can be divorced and love him unconditionally.  That's what I did.

I do not judge.  I have a hard time with so-called "spiritual" people who judge infidelity or when a married person falls in love outside of marriage.  Love happens.  "Being in love" fades.  Soul contracts end.  A human marriage continues even when the souls have finished their contract and then things get muddy.  

My feeling is that when you are married and you meet your twin soul it means you are meant to either shit or get off that pot.  If you feel you can fall back in love with your spouse, entirely, then get that shit done.  But if you canNOT find that spark again, if you have to "make do" in any way, shape or form in order to keep that marriage doing then your SOUL is forcing you to find a way out.

Soul, in this time period of quick Awakening, is no longer allowing us to exist in situations that are no longer for our higher good.  And a twin soul will come and go in order to force change.

There is no promise the twin soul will come back.  I know.  But soul is going to force you to make some decision, hard decision, to even give you the space and freedom for a future relationship with a twin soul.  It's going to be a very small percentage of people who are going to be able to stay married and have an intense twin soul "friendship" at the same time with all parties privy to the situation and fine, happy and content with it all.  With everyone honestly truthfully transparently knowing the entire situation and being totally okay with it.  In most cases something is going to have to change.

So, in summary I feel that when a married person meets a twin soul it is to really push the married person to search her soul about her current marriage.  I read farrrrrr too many accounts of these people who try and force their marriages to work after meeting a twin.  It's obvious they are NOT in love with their spouses any longer yet they try and try and try to keep it going for all reasons beyond being in love with that person, and it is sad to me because it means they are sacrificing their own personal happiness to make everyone else, including society, happy.  And once you get a taste of REAL love, soul mate or twin soul love, it's a game changer.  Maybe before you could settle for 3D "love" but not after experiencing the transformational love of a soul mate.  It hurts to try and stay for the sake of everything else but your heart after meeting a soul mate and knowing that wonderful glory and bliss and happiness is what REAL love is meant to feel like.

Soul does not want that for us.  Soul wants us to make the hard decisions.  I was forced to do that before meeting my twin.  But it was a similar situation.  I could no longer exist in my marriage knowing that love like the new one I experienced existed.  Even though I knew I would be alone for a while, or "dating" and dealing with the unknown it was a choice I had to make.  And meeting my soul mate was the definite catalyst for that decision.  I knew I'd rather be ALONE than married and lonely.

The irony is my prior husband is happily in love with his girlfriend, and I met my twin soul.  And if you've read my blog you know the rest.

'Nuff said, lol. 

It's how God works.  Through other people.

Best wishes to all of you!


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