Today is James' birthday. I wish him a very happy, joyous, peaceful birthday spent with those he loves. It has been a while since we met and I realize how weird it seems that I'm here after all these years but no one has had more impact on me than him so here I am.
Happy birthday. Thank you for being my twin soul. No matter where you are right now I will love you forever for all you've done for me. I hope you have a wonderful birthday
I've learned so much since losing you. I never imagined I would love a man like I love you, although I was shown. I had the song in my head before I met you. The one that showed me I was going to meet a love that I could not get over, one I could not let go of. I was shown, and while at that time I didn't understand it soon became clear.
I've come to love again. Because my heart is large and open. But you are not replaceable. No matter how sweet this new love is, what a blessing it is, it does not replace how I feel for you.
You are irreplaceable to me.
I didn't know how magical it would be. I was shown, yes, but I didn't understand and oh how I wish I had understood! I wish!
The day I met you in person my fortune cookie told me I was lucky enough to ask and blessed enough to receive. It also told me my energy is magnetic but to be careful because I could also repel. And then you came to me, my gift.
I miss you.
I will love you forever.
You told me it was not goodbye but until next time. I still wish hope and pray to see you and talk with you again. I an only continue to hope that one day my wishes come true.
I am an admitted endlessly hopeful bright shining love. A stubborn love. And I will always love you.