Saturday, December 6, 2014

Accelerated Ascension Dot Com


I spoke with a "psychic" last night, Elise from  She is really personable and easy to talk to.  And she called me out and confirmed everything I've been feeling.  I wanted to speak with her about getting over my hump.  I am immobilized right now.

She asked me, "There is resentment in you.  Where does it come from?  Your dad?  A past lover?"  I told her no.  I've forgiven my past but I have resentment over right now.  I let ego flare and I get mad at Joron and at Higher Self.  I get mad that I am going through this at all.

She is very cute, gentle looking.  She gave me this square stare and told me I have no room to be resentful and can point my finger at no one because this is all coming from ME.  And I know this. She kept chuckling and saying, "And you KNOW all this," like shit or get off the pot already.

Big difference between her and EVERYONE else going through this.  Everyone else would tell me, even those going through it, that I am being a pussy in how I deal with Joron.  Because I don't retaliate or question him or push him or "stand up for myself" by challenging him on his behavior. Well... that's the interesting tricky thing about twin souls- the old rules don't apply.  Yes if he was anyone else treating me "badly" then I'd defend myself.  In this one singular UNIQUE out-of-this-world case there is nothing to defend.  He is only doing his job, playing his role, in reflecting back to me that which I don't want to see.  I cannot blame him for showing me myself.

And if my mirroring has been this insane and intense let me tell you something- yours could be too. And once you LET GO and accept the mirroring for what it is VIOLA!  The fear can DIE!  DIE FEAR!  Why?  Because you know none of it is his INTENTION.  He is NOT rejecting you.  Not abandoning you.  Not ignoring you or disregarding you or forgetting you or not loving you.  And that, once you truly can see the mirror for what it is, is a total relief.  All that fear should melt away once you make this realization.  Then look in that mirror and see what you need to clear away, address, work through, junk, let go.  Let it all go.  And love him.  And then he will come back.  Free Will or not.  These unions are made for them to come back to us once we love them totally and unconditionally.  But this means letting it all go.

It is ME.  LOL.  He is SO mirroring me, and that it kind of scary!  It is weird to see how blatant my fears are, and honestly- it is strange to see what an absolute SHIT I can be!  She said he goes quiet because his soul feels my energy and SHUTS HIM DOWN.  And it does not matter free will or choice or any of that.  His soul shuts him down based on his mirror {me} and there is nothing either one of us can do about in 3D to change that. Only energy work, love, belief, etc. will change it.   If I try to connive him into emailing me then his soul blocks that "needy" energy too.  But if I fear or resent then his soul shuts him down, or he mirrors to me.  It is because he is my full all-encompassing HUGELY strong spiritual mirror. Bottom line.  Mirror.

But again- I know all this, right?  I've been writing it on my blog since day one and yet here I am.  So I must work on my energy now.

She said the universe is probably getting tired of me dragging my feet.  I need to wake up and just deal with it, tackle it and get this thing done.

She said she talks with people who are far from reunion.  But she told me I am *this* close.  He loves me just as much as I love him, and I know this.

I owe it to my twin soul to move us back together, to open a place where his soul will allow him to come back to me.  We are meant to be together but it's only going to happen if I come to a place of unconditional love for him.  I love myself but I get mad at all this.  And at him.  And boy howdy does he show me this.

I must believe in him fully.

Yes she confirmed the writing.  To write three times a day {at least} of the love and feel the energy shift.  I can do this, and I will.  He so loves me, and I do miss my Beloved.  I also don't like the idea of making him wait for love.  He wants to be married and have a family so the longer I pussyfoot around the longer I am keeping that from him until... well who knows what the universe will do if I don't buck up soon.  I don't feel like poking around to find out.  I want to bring us back together now by trusting in him and God.  I have not been trusting God.  I've been fearing pain.

So there it is.  This is why I am creating the new blog so I can celebrate our love again.

It is all energy.  All of it.  He is my mirror and everything I receive from him is a reflection of me and what I am feeling and believing.  What a way to teach someone how to shift shit around.  Eee Gads.

I love the end of this song... "You are you are The, Love. Of. My Life."  Yes.  This.  You are the love of my life.  Any surprise that this song was released recently when all these twin souls are staring to come together faster and faster?

"And now I can say goodbye to the old me, so dead and gone."

You are you are the love of my life.



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