Thursday, December 18, 2014

Sherry & Lee: Twin Flames and Sex with Other Partners

Lee's eyes crack me up!  He's so intense and funny.  Ha!  Check out his face at around 27:00.  He is so hilarious.  They are so cute together.

This video is why I feel so blessed my my twin and I are both single.  We did not meet when we were married.  Both of us had worked through long-term relationships and marriages before meeting.  Thank God.  I feel for those of you who are married and in love with a twin soul/twin flame.  I will never ever judge those who fall in love while married to another.  It can be Hell.  Been there, and it is soul-based on many occasions.  Soul wants us to respect those we have "contracts" with but also soul does not care about those 3D circumstances; when two souls are meant to meet- they will.  It then falls on US as to how we handle the situation, and love outside of marriage does happen.   

I'm pretty sure my twin is staying single.  I am staying single.  When I "do it for myself" I cry every time.  I can only think of Joron and it really sweeps through me in a way I can't explain.  The thought of sharing myself with someone else makes me physically ill.  I'd much rather wait, work out my shit, and be with the one I love instead of loving the one I try to make fit when I know it's not going to feel right.

Last time I heard from Joron, even through the mirroring. the message clearly was "I am with no one else."  I'd like it to stay that way.  I know he is a very faithful monogamous type of person who prefers to be in a meaningful relationship with whoever he is intimate with.  I'd like that to be me.  And soon.  We were not able to share that physical love for long because we waited and he was not in my life for very long but what we did share was sweet.  Maybe not perfect because we didn't have time to perfect it but it was genuinely sweet and... gah, good.  It was good.  That energy was definitely there, that bonding and knowing each other.  We also were not uncomfortable with each other.  He felt comfy if not a bit shy to say things like {lol} "maybe kiss it?" when we were, er, lol.  You know.  Getting busy.  But he was cute about it.  Always soft and gentle.  Always looking out for me.  My perfect.

This is why I can't be with someone new.  He's the one for me. 


  1. IKR.
    It's like they have completely 'ruined it' for us! Nobody else will do.
    I have even gone to the extent of refusing guys who have been trying to get with me from before I met my guy. It just doesn't feel right with anyone else.
    I went out on a bike ride with a guy who had been vying for me since a long time, but never made the move to get intimate. He asked to to hold him tight, really tight. I did that but there was nothing, no spark at all. And he rode past the place where Seth first kissed me. And that place is way out of the way for any of us. So I know the universe was trying to tell me something. Like give me a hint.

  2. Yep. Back in October I joined a dating site because I was all up in arms. A guy from my area has wanted to meet me for a while and text me on the night that was the year anniversary of Joron moving to CA. He asked to go for a walk; it was a gorgeous night. I figured why not? He's cute, charming, a nice single dad and he wants to meet me. I vaguely know him from high school so I knew he was not a bad man or anything. Well we ended up, of course, meeting at the park by the swings to go for a walk under the moonlight which was the same as my first date with Joron. As I started talking with this new guy he told me how his son spent the night that weekend at his friend's house, and he mentioned the friend's name- same as my twin {whose name is not "Joron" of course.} Also ironic is the fact that on my first date with Joron this guy was sitting at the bar. We'd exchanged messages before on a dating site but never met. Then I met Joron. Well after our walk which was very pleasant he wanted to get together and I explained that I really wasn't looking to date. He agreed but later it felt so much like a "date" that I was sick. Like sick to my stomach, a walking ball of nerves. I didn't want to go so I cancelled. And of course he was disappointed... and I know there is no way to play both sides of the fence. I can't string someone new along knowing that if Joron were to pop back up I'd run to him in a heartbeat. And how can I even like someone new if I love Joron so much? And it's MY energy that's kept us apart so how fair is it for me to now run off to some new guy? It just won't work for me. Maybe for others but not for me. This new guy is tempting too- very attractive, nice man, good dad, pleasant, hard-working, plenty of money and he lives right by me, and he's interested. But my heart just isn't in it. He hugged me before we parted and it was a nice hug but the thought of anything more makes me wanna hurl.

  3. Nice video, I like this couple, they remind me of me and my TF.

    Lee's face echos my sentiments exactly! There has to be some perks to this roller coaster ride
