Tuesday, December 16, 2014

NO: Anger, Resentment, Sarcasm, Pettiness, Emotional Walls or FEAR... There Must Be Only Love

Isn't this the most glorious looking photograph?  I love it.  It's called "HDR photography" which means "High Dynamic Range" and it's done with DSLR cameras by blending different exposures of the same image.  I know this because I've done some amateur photography; I actually love photography.  It offers such a different perspective of the world.  Here are some of my shots, and these are reposted from Facebook so they are not high-quality images but they will do:

Ahhh I do love me some photography.  Last night I dreamed I was flying.  I have not had a flying dream in ages, just years and years, and I JUST thought to myself the other day, "I wish I could have another flying dream" and last night I did.  In my flying dreams I am flying.  Me, just my body.  I can fly and I am always soaring over some beautiful body of water like the one in the first picture with the swans.  Last night was no different.  I was soaring over the water, swooping around all the vegetation and it was stunning, magical.  Then I began THINKING about the flying and I quickly stopped and sank, lol.  Not scary sank but I could no longer fly.

Thinking.  Thinking kills me and this is why I am told to write about LOVE.  Writing about love avoids me thinking about lack.  We are meant to be vibrating from a place of LOVE.  Not fear.  Complaining about our twin souls, bitching about the experience {and oh I am so guilty of that!} dwelling on negativity, replaying "bad" events over and over again, thinking "Oh if I only would have done this or not done that" will get us nowhere.

Only LOVE will allow me to move forward.  And if this means editing old photos I've taken in order to get some of that joy back then so be it.  But if it also means writing about Joron from a place of love, then I'd better do that too.

And singing carols with my son, and snuggling him.  And writing here but not of wallowing and despair.  This blog was never meant for that.  My relationship with Joron has always been one of Love.  Only the mirroring does not feel good and that's my own craptaculat energy coming back at me.  Not his intent.  I know this and it is time to move forward already because my destiny will be waiting for me on the other side of despair.

Many people in twin soul unions are feeling fearful.  They hide behind their fear and say these experiences are only for healing.  They get jaded and put walls up and that CANNOT happen.  Sarcasm cannot be used when become enlightened.  There is no place for sarcasm in Awakening.  NO shittiness being "disguised" as humor.  No tongue-in-cheek "only kidding you" passive aggressive behavior.  Humor makes people LAUGH.  Sarcasm hurts, and sarcasm is evidence of someone using attitude to cover up fear then calling it humor as an excuse.

Spirit expects us to be genuine and good.  Kind and open.  Helpful.  Not pushing buttons.  We are not meant to be pushing buttons but to instead be loving.  The time for pushing buttons is in the past.  And sometimes, well, you reap what you sow.  Don't we all. 

People should wake up and realize that once a twin soul comes to us this means we are meant to elevate on all levels.  This means no anger or resentment towards the twin flame or towards ourselves, and then this should spread out towards others, especially those who are suffering.  We do need to find our joy and stay out of fear and ego, any way we can.  A state of unconditional love is very important; it's the only way to progress and cattiness and sarcasm must be avoided at all costs; is not unconditional love.  I can fall prey to lower ego-based emotions myself and I'd like to avoid doing so in the future.

PROTECT YOUR ENERGY and if this means becoming selfish with your time and energy then so be it.  Avoid negativity at all costs.

This means no despair.  It means being creative through writing or art of playing or reading smutty novels.  Going easy on yourself.  Being joyful.  Having fun.  It might not be the easiest thing to do when the one I love with all my heart is not in my life but I also know staying in a state of loneliness and fear won't work either.  May as well move past it, hm?

A choice must be made.  Love or fear? 

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