Saturday, December 13, 2014

Are Twin Souls Meant to Be Together?

Yes.  Yes they are,  Many.  Maybe a few are not, or maybe some people mistake strong soul mates for twin souls but I feel most twin souls are meant to be together, on earth, like as in a couple.

Romance, but not a narrow-minded, selfish, limited 3D version of romance.  It's so much more.

"Dance with him at your wedding"
"He is helping to heal his wife."
"Sushi at our wedding, right?"

These are only a few of the comments concerning marriage that revolve around my twin soul union. It's always been about marriage, and I do not think God is cruel.  Joron and I have talked marriage since we met, and I've been pushed to believe in a dream ever since I met my first soul mate.  Three years ago I was told "If you do not dream it then you cannot have it."

That said, one of the biggest stumbling blocks for me in this twin soul experience have been those out there who say that twin souls are not meant to be together in a romantic relationship in the physical.  These are the same people who say it's more important to be together in spirit than in the physical on earth when some of us want to be merged on all levels.  These are the same people who say it's for healing only, not for romantic love or relationship.  I have let those people affect my reality and it's not good.  I understand that we are always together and our destiny together is already set so yes we really are not separated but it can feel like it since he is not here in my arms.  I am working so hard to have faith in that which I cannot see.  What I cannot hold in my arms or kiss and hug like I dream about.  When you have someone trying so hard to hold on to faith- that precious delicate faith is easily shot down.

PROTECT YOUR ENERGY!  What I can tell people in that situation is to become a hermit and go inner.  Stop talking about it with those who do not understand you.  Stop sharing on the 'Net or in real life where the overall attitude is working against your hopeful energy. Those attitudes will just make you sick and lower your energy and hope.  When your energy and hope is low then you cannot be in a state of unconditional love because you are in fear.   Do not let other people lower your energy. You must protect your energy now.

I don't know for everyone on earth but I think most people who meet their twin souls right now are meant to reunite in love on earth in this lifetime.  And I do mean LOVE as in unconditional and "romantic" meaning marriage and or a committed relationship FULL of hot monkey sex, like every day sweet deep sweaty face-to-face gazing into each others eyes moans galore climatic intense intimate wall-shaking twin soul lovemaking.  Oh yeah- that's what I am talking about.

I want it all.

Those of us who have been in a love relationship with our twins where we are both single, dating, boyfriend and girlfriend and suddenly they *poof* with no real reason or closure besides finding out they are our twin souls- who would NOT want to work through all the healing to make it back to reunion?  That is human nature, and it is what soul wants.  Why is this so hard to understand or accept?  It was love, still is love, and is meant to come together as love.

Things like reiki and energy healing can definitely help a person clear their energy and begin healing. But when it really comes down to facing down inner demons and BELIEVING that comes from WITHIN.  Not from anything external.  Not from talking for hours with others about this connection. Sometimes talking too much is a hindrance.  Meditation is cool yes.  Yoga is good but my personal belief is it has more to do with holding on to truth.  Staying out of fear.  Really trusting who your twin soul is to you because if you do not do this then you create what you believe.  If you believe fear you will create fear.

You really REALLY must hold on to your truth and not let anyone take that away from you.  This may mean really secluding and going internal.  Journaling,  Prayer.  Asking to find a friend who understands.  I had that friend find me, two of them actually, and it is SO refreshing to resonate with someone who is going through the very same thing.  It is supportive and affirming.  But back away from people who test your faith at this time.  Other times in life it is fine to have people push your buttons, test your viewpoint, and challenge you.  But when it is time to work towards a twin soul reunion THAT is not the time to be tested.  Once you enter into wanting to work on yourself and reunite with your twin soul it is all about faith, trust and strength.  Being tested by others saps a person of her energy.  Go inner.  Find your truth there.  Don't set yourself up for having fear thrust into your faith; it will only take you longer to reunite and at this point isn't that what most of us want most? Reunion with our one and only true loves?  The ones who push us and prod us and walk with us in this journey... I want to be with my boyfriend again, the one who has pushed me through this union since day one.

Remember- DOUBT throws a wrench in the energy.  Doubt kills.  Do not invite doubt into your energy.

My soul journey is fighting through my fears and doubts so I can believe in my dreams.  I just know it.  So in my case my twin soul is in my life to help me heal my fears of not being loveable or worthy or memorable.  But I have been told adamantly "He is helping to heal his wife."  <--- that statement does not mean "He is helping to prepare you for another."  It means HE IS MEANT TO MARRY ME.

And that is my truth.  Yes- I am meant to be together with my twin soul.  Living together, married, loving together, forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I am glad this helps you. Just make sure that you do care about yourself and take care of yourself while you go through this experience. Love yourself and be as happy as you can while you love him and hold on to your hope. Best wishes.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My twin soul and I had to separate about 6 months ago. I have never questioned what we experienced or what we felt for one another. But since we separated, I have lived with this void, this emptiness that is deep in my soul. When I am allowed to feel, it is devastating and if it weren't for my physical body and my lungs, I wouldn't be able to breathe. When I found out about twin flames, everything made perfect sense. But since then, I have had to navigate through this journey on my own, and sometimes I feel so alone. I miss him...I love him. And I wish more than anything we could find our way back together. But I have no one to really talk to about all this. I'm scared I sound crazy and naive. I just want the emptiness to go away. I want the separation to make sense (sometimes it does...). More than anything....yes, I want to feel him again. And I don't just mean physically....I want to feel us again. Our love, our souls, our spirits....everything that made us us. I want us to be reunited. But I know I have to continue on my spiritual journey and have faith, and trust in God's plan. But any other advice would be so greatly appreciated!

    1. Hello friend. I understand exactly how you feel and my heart goes out to you. I know this is all for a reason but it does hurt while going through it. It hurts to miss someone you love so much, for your heart to constantly cry out for him. I do understand. Some things I can tell you from my journey is no matter how it appears on the surface always know that he does love you and is playing a "role" or kind of "acting" in order to be your mirror. You can trust in God's plan but do not rely on "God's timing." There is no "waiting on God" in this. YOU are God. God is giving you the power to choose what you create, and sometimes it is not easy. My best piece of advice to you is to focus only on love and truth and no doubt or fear. Be careful what you think, write or speak about your twin because he will behave towards you exactly how you feel about him. A lot of the responsibility of managing this falls on your shoulders now so be careful what you are creating/manifesting. He loves you even through the quiet and "separation." It's just the role they must play for us, and I do firmly believe they ache and hurt and miss us as much as we do them if not more because they love us and would much rather be with us yet they have to stay away and play their "role" of our mirrors. I wish you the best!

  4. I think my previous comment disappeared! :( I will try again...

    My twin flame and I had to separate about 6 months ago. By far the most devastating thing I have ever experienced. It is not a typical broken heart. It is like a piece of my soul was cut out of me. Initially, I couldn't feel anything after we separated. I felt so empty and void. But when i did it weren't for my physical body and my lungs, I don't think I would have been able to breathe. This has never felt like a typical, traditional broken heart. I have had those. This was different. And it has been so difficult to try to talk to anyone but just a couple of people about all this. More than anything, I have felt so alone in this journey. I miss him sooo much. I love him, and wish more than anything things had turned out differently. But I know I need to have faith in my journey and trust God and his plan. But any advice on how to get through this would be sooo appreciated!

  5. Wow I really enjoyed reading all these post and can relate. Felt a relif like im not crazy I have found my twin.I will not doubt it. Thanks to all :)

  6. i've met my twin flame a few months ago.Our meeting was foretold by a clairvoyant lady when i was 17 yrs old(i'm 30yrs old now),she was even called by the correct name.
    I went over to see her for a weekend and i felt so at ease with her.We didn't engage in any "sexual romantic activities" but i felt this very strong bond and this insane magnetism towards her.
    She had been in an abusive relationship 2 yrs prior to that,a relationship on which she struggled to break out of.
    When i opened up towards her she came across like the woman that prefers to be alone for the rest of her life.
    She has been severely damaged.
    After i went home,i noticed our communication started to fade.
    I felt her running away from me,so i tried to keep the contact alive.Untill at some point i tried to persuade her to start her own healing process.My words might've come across as agressive,although i tried to do so in the most tactful way.
    I miss our connection so damn much.All there is left of it right now is silence.

    1. I'm sorry. I know silence does not feel good because we long to be in contact with those we care for and love. I hope you hear from her soon. Take care.

  7. First time i met my (now I believe) twin soul was 28 years ago and after 1/2 a year of dating he left me. I was deverstated and it felt like my heart was torn into a million pieces, it took months before I got out of the fog and in those months we kept occasional meeting up for booty-calls.
    Finallly I choose to cut this attachment and moved on to another relationship which lasted 3 years, he was my friend and helped (I guess) me out of the standstill I was in. My twinsoul was never far of my mind and I couldn't forget what we had once. I felt him in me as a physical thing, a feeling now and again in my gut if you will. That still excise to this day. When I left my boyfriend at the time I had decided it was time for me to move on with my life, I wanted a family and a safe place for my heart. It took me 10 months to find a man that I felt safe with, one that couldn't hurt my heart, it sounds hard to see this in writing but so it is. I had a few encounters with my twin over the next couple of years but only as a friend talking to a friend.
    Years went by and I raised a family with my safe husband and grew more and more unhappy- not realizing it before I landed a depression in a body I no longer knew as my own, I had for years been eating the pain without adressing it.
    It took a depression, the death of my mum and a alienation of an sister to open my eyes and begin my journey. It's hard when you feel alone and don't know from where the pain and desperation origins.
    Now 4 years have passed, I have done a lot of soul searching, lost my 30 kg by changing my way of thinking and diet and feel better with myself, so I treated myself with a trip to a friend without the family it was in the same place I first encountered my twin so many years ago. However I had no intensions of looking him up - just there for my friend and having a vacation.
    However I did make contact to him - reason; curiosity, he had through his sister send me a few pictures the previous year.
    He was also married and in a dead-end relationship.
    We met and flames and fire was once more ignited between us - it was impossible to withstand. We both where in ave that the passion we felt once was still as strong.
    For the record, I have never before even looked at another man in my 23 year long relationship with my husband.
    We met twice on that vacation and everything changed, we texted, called and dreamt up scenarios for the next 4 month. I returned since I couldn't stay away
    This time I stayed for 3 weeks- but it was different this time. After only 6 days and one date he called and told me he loved me, he was confused and scared and couldn't fit it into his life. He started to run, little by little I felt his fear coming closer. When together all was good and the ease we felt with each other soothed our minds and souls. But when apart he panicked and started avoiding me, he told me about his need to change his life and included me in his dreams and hopes.
    When I left I had no doubt in my mind that we would find our way through this.
    He has become a runner once again, I still feel him as a physical gut-thing but I also feel his pain.
    I'm on the other hand, is sad but convinced that we will be together, I feel it at the core of my being. There is no other truth - I saw it in his eyes when together and felt it resonate in my body.
    However the wait is feeling long and I've started talking with him through the connection I feel we have. Sending him my love, kisses and what not.
    Hoping and praying for a revelation ....

    1. Oh thank you for sharing your story. It has been a long journey for you. I wish you all the happiness in the world. The only "advice" I can offer is to do exactly what you are doing. Send him love and kisses. And if you don't mind me saying, they are our mirrors so remember if you feel any anxiety or fears like "What if he runs again?" then he will have to show you that he is anxious too, and he will "run" again. So instead just tell him in your heart that you know he loves you and is ready to be with you. Know he is a good man and the one for you! *hugs*

  8. Question for you: what if you know someone without a doubt is your twin flame or soulmate, but they keep saying they don't feel the same way and now have a girlfriend? The universe sends you signs that are hard to just be a coincidence, and that firey connection is there but they feel nothing at all except for a little attraction. My soulmate broke my heart into two and it is so hard to live everyday with that empty, hollow feeling in your heart.

    1. Yes that can happen. If you have doubts about the person and if he loves you, or if you doubt that he is a good person, or if you have any thoughts that he might have bad or mean traits then he will shown you all that you think of him. Almost like you are writing a script and he has to play it out for you. Basically he is imprisoned to your thoughts and energy. The more you do not trust him or his feelings for you the more he will also deny how he feels for you. And he will not admit to the connection. He can also get a girlfriend but that is not unchangeable. Think only good thoughts of him. Know his love for you. Believe in him and if he is your twin soul then he will eventually begin to "thaw" and mirror that love you are knowing about him back to you. If you have the strong signs and you really feel he is your twin soul then believe me he feels way more for you than a little attraction. Know he loves you so he can show you that he does. These connections are not like other relationships but it is strong love. Best wishes.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. I hope it gets better too. Remember one thing about the telepathy. I have NO clue if I feel my twin soul's thoughts, etc. He somehow knows mine though. I will think something about him or us and he will email what I was thinking to me. That is how the telepathy works in my union. This is exactly why we have to clean up our thoughts- our twins know our thoughts and reflect them back to us. Silence is typical. Non-response is typical. You can try and try and try to write to him and you will only get a response when your inner energy, beliefs, intentions, etc. are aligned with what you are writing to him. Dear right now you are in so much pain and fear and feeling rejected that you need to settle back and take a deep breath. What I have experienced and learned about TS is much different than the majority of what is taught. My TS mirrors me. I know he does. But he truly loves me too. It would benefit you to read Cassady Cayne's blog. Google her. Just remember- it is not so much HIS own fear that is the problem. It is your fear that he is mirroring back to you. If he is quiet, and if he is truly a TS or very strong soul mate, then it is to show you that you must shift your inner thoughts and beliefs, and you must quiet your fears. God the feeling of rejection does hurt but how would you feel if you found out this man is actually out there DYING to be with you but stuck being your mirror? Hard to imagine I know but try not to be so scared of him. Know your own worth. Know you are unforgettable and it would be impossible to just up and let you go. But really try to understand if this man is a strong soul connection then he could very well be showing you something that feels like "rejection" when he is only a mirror of your own beliefs, thoughts, energy, etc. I pray this gets better for you too!

  10. Thank you so much Rose! That's what I'm going to try to do - shift my beliefs. I am so used to everything going wrong in my life that I become immune to it. I need to break free from that and I need to stay positive to attract positive energy. I will always hold a special place in my heart for him and he knows that. I'm going to continue to pray and hang in there. Thank you so much for your advice! This made me feel better x10 and I hope that whatever you're going through (Idk if you have reunited with your TS yet or not), but I pray for you as well and may this coming year bring you nothing but happiness! Xo

    1. You are welcome. I am glad you are feeling better! Thank you for your well wishes. I hope to be with my Love soon too.

  11. I am almost crying. I have been with my twin for two years - spent almost every day with them and yet we haven't been romantic. We work together - doing work in service to the planet and humanity. We also do deep healing work together in our spiritual journey. But I have come to a point where I can't take it anymore. Neither of us date any other people. All I want is her. And here I am thinking that I have to walk away , because I am in torture and that perhaps we aren't meant to be together despite all this magnificent work we do in service to the planet. I read this and I don't want to give up the dream. Thank you so so so much. Big blessings.

    1. She knows how you feel? I wish you the best!!! I hope she knows your heart but you can tell her through your energy and thoughts too. Big hugs to you!

  12. Hey Rose. How are you? It's been a little over 2 years since you have posted this. I was wondering where you are on your journey, in hopes that it may give anyone reading this blog further perspective. Are you with your Twin? Do you still believe that man to be your Twin Soul or "Twin Flame?" I feel like it could be interesting to see where you are after growing and learning more. Thanks for sharing :0)

  13. Hello! I am doing good, thank you. I may feel a little sad but I am okay. No, at this time James is not here with me. I do believe he is my twin soul/twin flame. I believe we have this connection, and I believe we do love each other. I am pretty firm in my belief that I know why we are not together, and it is due to where I have placed my focus in the past. I feel like he really does love me, and God knows I love him. For this reason I am "holding on" and continuing to have hope for us that I will hear from him and see him again. I can't not be honest- he really is the man I want; he is who I asked for, and I really want to be with the man I truly love. We had a wonderful time together, and nothing really changed. I try to stay "positive" even though I feel some sadness because I'd love for him to be with me. I miss James a lot, and I am still very much in love with him. He told me last year that he does love me, always has, and he wants me in his life. He said, "Accept that." So for now I feel all I can really do is know he loves me, think good thoughts, tell him in my heart and other ways how much I love him and know he is a good man who cares for me, and hold on. So that is where I am. Due to the experiences I've had with him I do believe we have this connection, whatever it is. "Soul twin." The one I asked for. Really I just love him and wish I had my sweet boyfriend back in my life again; I want to know the man I dated and fell in love with. I want to be shown truth and love again. I have never been happier than when I knew him and had him with me and in my life. Take care. I hope that answers your question.

  14. I saw 12 12 when i read this article . Thank you so much . Great article and i have faith now to wait my Twin soul .❤
