Monday, May 18, 2015

Belief & Desire & Truth

How true is this!!!  And it clears up a lot of stuff for me.  LOVE IS THE TRUTH.  

I sent the following email to a friend today.  I wanted to share it here.

"I'm watching this great video on parenting from Teal Swan. I like her.  As I watch I am noticing that I am already doing a pretty decent job with a lot of this, and also she's helping me see where I can improve.  She says that we have to be careful with what beliefs we feed to our children, and this is why I stopped taking my son to a Christian church once he started growing very aware.  But she talks about manifestation and she makes a comment that really struck me.  She says for manifestation to work, desire and belief must match in order for what we want to manifest to actually come into our reality.

That's a huge clarification for me.  I can't just sit here and write out these stories about James over and over again while inside I've been terrified of him or unable to believe he'd actually choose me.  Nothing will happen if those two energies are conflicting.  Holy shit do you know what happens when I do that?  I will get from him some of the desire I want to manifest, and some of the fear-nonsense all wrapped into one message!

It will be interesting to see what happens once I write-manifest from a place of strong confidence and low doubt and fear.  From TRUTH.  I still have work to do but I've been only writing from a place of love and knowing he loves me.  I feel his love more now so it is easier, and I know one day it will shift.  I feel it because I can look back and just see how much he's loved me and desperately tried to get me to see his love and believe it as truth so I will believe in him.  It become more and more clear every day so I am definitely working on it.

I ask myself sometimes, "If James were to write to you RIGHT NOW- would you really want him to?  What would he say/show to you?  How have your thoughts and words been?  Would he show you more scary stuff or have you been in a place of only love and truth so he can show you love and truth?"

Sometimes these last weeks I want to thank him for NOT writing to me, sparing me the torture of seeing/experiencing my mirror-reflection.  I feel like I ONLY want to finally hear from him if 1) I REALLY have see something that needs to be cleared in me and only his words will do it for me or, 2) when I reach such a clear clean place of love and belief that he is able to contact me and mirror back ONLY truth which is that strong intense crazy-attracted magnetic loving caring yet a little bit naughty committed love we have for each other.  Those are the two instances where I would want to hear from him.  I honestly think since I understand what is happening right now I am content with the quiet while I am working towards clearing out fear and owning only truth.  I know if I hear from him when I have any doubt or fear then it's going to be shown to me through him, and it's kinda fine right now for me to skip over all that.  He told me he wants me cuddled in his arms to that's my truth, and it will tide me over until the time is right!

I am confident, well to about 80% now of trying to only trust in Higher Self and God, that this is a solid process that I can trust in: once I clear my shit then he can shine his love clearly to me.  No doubts about it, no two ways about it, no stopping the process- I KNOW I will reach that point where I am owning my truth so he can mirror back to me ONLY love, and then he will come back.  We will reunite at that point.

Here is the parenting video.  It is really good, and I am pleased that I already intuitively {through Higher Self's guidance} do many of these things in and effort to guide my child."

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