Wednesday, June 13, 2018


I remember when my guidance told me that my life was like that of a butterfly and at that moment, about six years ago, I was crawling low to the ground like a caterpillar but one day I would go through a metamorphosis and transform into a butterfly so I would have wings and could fly.

Then I met James and he told me he had a dream that I was really a butterfly and not a homo sapien, and I almost shit myself!  Oh, how magical life has been for me.  But oh... how I had utterly no idea what was to come!

For anyone who might read this I want to make a few comments on energy and manifestation, and this is all from experience, things that are happening to me.  Take what you will (if anything!) and leave the rest behind.

  1. Focus: Anything you focus on, the energy associated with that thing, can and will come back to you somehow.  Over the last year I've sliced a bunch of stuff out of my life.  I pay no attention to politics.  I give no energy to Donald Trump.  I learned that when I read things about him, stuff that upsets me or angers me, things that make me dislike him, it "brews" a very negative energy for me and this attracts chaotic shit in my life.  An example- if I read an article and get pissed off, maybe comment on the article and really feel a negative emotion about it then later that day or maybe the next day I might have a negative interaction with someone.  Like someone in my life might argue with me or be shitty to me.  But that only happens when I've (prior) allowed myself to focus on shit energy.  So now I pay it no attention at all.  I can't change the world.  I'm no social justice warrior.  I try not to have a negative judgment on anything.  I strive to be kind/loving and if I cannot achieve that then neutrality is better than shifting over into negativity/bitterness/hatred/resentment/anger. This means I've unfollowed or unfriended lots of people on social media because I do not want to see or read most of the shit that is shared on there.  It is all re-posting the bad stuff happening in the world and I don't need that.  It is not good for my energy.  I am mindful of all things I give my focus to because I know that I could dream about it later or some example of that thing will show up in my life.  So why not ensure I am ONLY focused on goodness, peace, love, abundance, etc.?  No, I am not sticking my head in the sand.  I am not "avoiding" reality.  I am no Pollyanna.  If something is affecting my REAL LIFE, my own personal life or my son's life or someone close to me then of course I will address it.  I will try to be as neutral inside as I can be as I address it.  But overall I do avoid reading about or listening to stories about or watching on TV anything negative happening in the world.  Instead I put my energy into my own life, into my child, into focusing on "creating" happiness and joy and prosperity in my life.  And to do this I must embrace the moment, be grateful for all the blessings I have right now, focus on what I want to see more of come into my life: peace, beauty, creativity, friendship, love, abundance, etc. On FB I only share funny stuff, positive things, photos of my child, some of my art, etc. 
  2. Affirmations: I try to daily do my affirmations.  I do it to create goodness in my life, to be thankful, to keep in mind my blessings, to override any shit energy that could be lurking, and to attract to me more goodness- I do it as a protective measure because I know it works.  I know if I tell the universe "My life is awesome and every day just gets better and better" and if I don't do anything during the day to negate that affirmation then yes my life will get better and better.
  3. Mindfulness: I have to be mindful to not speak shit about anyone or anything.  I seriously must live from a place of kindness.  Now this does not mean I must take shit from someone.  If a person was to be treating me badly or draining me of energy then I could, and have, cut contact with that person but with neutrality.  I don't have to hate on someone if I just can't handle having that person in my life.  I've had to do this recently with someone I know.  Her life is always full of chaos.  And she reaches out to me for help, for emotional support, and I don't have it to give her anymore.  I've backed off her and told her I can't continue to keep up communication with her because she drains me, she's always hurting or in need and I can't help her- she needs to help herself.  I wish the best for her though.  But I must be mindful not to feel resentful or shitty towards anyone, no gossip, etc.  None of that is good energy.  It is not fair, not nice and it does not bring goodness to anyone let alone me.
  4. Protecting Your Energy- all of the above are examples of this.  I say no when I don't want to do something.  I make time for self-care.  Me and my son come first.  I love myself and have no problems not going somewhere or doing something that I know I don't want to do, I avoid what I know will frustrate me, I don't agree to visit with people or kids who will annoy the piss out of me.  I am protective of ME.  And that is OKAY.  It goes back to not wanting to watch gross stuff on TV or read bad stuff.  I want to be surrounded with peace, light and goodness.  I have the right to make that choice and I do.  And if it means stepping back from someone not good for my energy or backing off from chaos or... checking out from most of society then I am okay with that.
  5. Nurture What You Love: Instead make sure to focus on what you enjoy and love in life.  Surround yourself with colors you like, music that sounds lovely to you, little trinkets and things that bring you joy and add beauty to your life.  Do those things you like to do even if it means going out for a cupcake and coffee or having a martini.  Getting a pedicure.  Going out for a round of golf.  Yoga (ha ha ha.)  Riding a bike.  Taking a walk.  Going fishing.  Laying in bed lounging around on a lazy morning.  Taking a nap.  Doing some art, sketching, painting.  Writing, researching your favorite places, daydreaming about where you want to travel to- anything that brings you joy and feels GOOD to you are the things you should have in your life.  This is the stuff you should make a priority in life.  Be with the people who feel good to you, who raise you up, who treat you with genuine respect and love.  Get a puppy.  Buy some cute earrings.  Ride a Tilt-A-Whirl.  Swing on the swings.  Laugh with a child.  Make fart jokes... And also affirm your love and gratitude for those things, events, pets and people that are blessings in life that bring you joy.  
  6. Love Yourself: This is not a cliche' saying.  Let me explain why loving yourself and thinking good things and affirming good things about yourself is so important.  Due to "Law of Attraction" whatever you say about yourself, or think strongly about yourself, will be "proven" to you through some person in your life or an experience- and how do experiences typically happen in life?  Through intereactions with other people.  Other people in your life will be "used" to show you how you feel about yourself.  So if you think to yourself (and I've had this happen to me!) "Wow I am starting to look old" then what will happen is you will bump into someone who might say something to you like, "Wow!  Are you feeling okay?  You're looking a little tired today, older than usual."  With me what happened is I started worrying that I am looking older and when I went to pick up my son from daycare someone asked me if I am his GRANDMOTHER.  This happened twice in a row!  And honestly I look younger than my age. 
    So again, it is more than just trying to force you to love yourself because "it's the right thing to do."  No, it's way more powerful than that.  If you hate on yourself, think badly of yourself, do hurtful things to yourself, then you will only attract people into your life who will treat you the way you treat yourself.  Imagine the magic that is possible when you start shifting that around to the positive!  Try telling yourself that you are beautiful inside and out.  That you are a good kind loving person.  You are amazing and everyone who meets you realized you are a beautiful shining ball of endearing joy and grace.  You are endearing and highly loveable.  You love yourself and in turn all people love you.  Even if it hurts at first.  Even if it makes you cry.  Even if it is scary and uncomfortable to say these good things about yourself- DO IT.  The universe is just begging you to, waiting for you to do so that way it can serve all of those things right up to you!  The universe cannot give you anything you do not ask for first and we ask through prayers, wishes, affirmations, declarations, etc.   Whether or not it is the universe doing it for us, or if there is no "middle man" and we are doing it ourselves through what we attract to us through our energy- you will only get in return what you send out.  People in your life will only be able to treat you how you treat yourself.  Whatever you believe, or worry about, or dwell on, or focus on or read about or talk about- only THOSE THINGS can manifest further into your lives.  Keep that in mind.  Be MINDFUL.
  7. Go All Out: Make some really over the top affirmations.  Manifest the best for yourself.  Every day life gets better and better.  Everything I touch turns to wonderfulness.  I am successful in every single thing I do.  Life always turns out in my favor.  God protects me every step of my life.  I am surrounded by peace joy and love.  My life overflows with an abundance of love, peace, joy, prosperity.  Money flows freely into my life from all different angles and manners.  I always have more than I need, enough to even share.  Etc. Etc.  Focus on what you dream of.  Banish any other "lesser" thoughts and don't let your focus go to bad scary dark shit, ever.
  8. Be Gentle On Yourself: We are all souls walking around in a human shape, our packaging.  Love your packaging.  Be gentle to yourself.

Right now, just as I am writing this, I received an email.  This message is letting me know that my town is going to reimburse me the 2500.00 I had to put out to remediate a flood in my basement.  I've been working months to get this done, and just now- as I wrote all of this out about money coming to me from all places and life working out to my benefit- the message telling me they will pay me came through.  Yippee!  And no coincidence.  I am positive of it.

So there are some of my life experiences in shifting my thinking around.  I pray for all of you, anyone who has read my blog or is going through this twin soul/ twin flame experience, please know ALL OF YOU are strong manifestors.  And you can manifest Heaven or Hell for yourselves.  Because for some reason we have crazy strong energy.  Please err on the side of love, kindness and gratitude.  Even if something entirely shitty is happening in your life right now!  You have to address that situation with neutrality.  Get it cleaned up.  But give it no emotion.  Don't bitch about it.  Don't dwell on it.  Instead while you are working on fixing it start affirming anything good you can about your life and this will "shift" happenings in your future.  Even if you are sad an missing your twin, be sad that is okay.  But don't dwell on shit.  Don't focus on badness.  Love your twin, hope to be with him but at the same time make sure to try so so hard to focus on goodness (not anger, not resentment, not complaining about him or some event that happened, etc.- do not affirm or focus on anything that does not feel good when it happens- learn from it, have no reaction, give it no energy and affirm something better to shift it around) even in the midst of your sadness.

Best to you,


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