Friday, October 22, 2021
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
"Moving On" and "Letting Go"
I get signs, still. It is mainly the songs. I stumbled across this one today, forgot which song it was but it reminds me so much of James. I sound like a broken record but I miss my sweetest friend. I really really miss my friend. It's not the romance (although I do still remember his sweet kisses) but the love. And him as a person. I miss my friend.
Sometimes I have dreams too.
Let me tell you something, come closer so I can whisper it. It's pretty important, and it's something most people don't understand but now I do. Here it is: just because you "move on" doesn't mean you "let go." Spiritual people, those who throw the jargon around, they like to use those two terms, "let go" and "move on." But letting go and moving on are two very different things. I had to move on with my life or else I think I would have died. It would have killed me, staying where I was- staying alone, trying and trying and trying. I was lonely although I was getting happier and healthier. So I ended up moving on, even if it was not my plan. But at the same time I have not, and I will not ever, "let go." The beauty of it is I do not have to let go.
I never ever ever have to let go of my love for James, and that brings me a strong sense of peace. I can love him. I can hope to see him again. I can wish to hear his voice or get a text from him or sit down and talk to him or wrap my arms around him in the hugest warmest most loving hug ever. And it's okay. I am very very very blessed because the man I have in my life who loves me, and I love him, has told me it is okay. I am free to love James. He realizes that I can't change my heart and he loves me anyway, and I found that I am able to love two people at the same time. One who resides in my heart and one who is part of my life.
My fiance' and I talked about this again not long ago. We are getting married soon, and marriage is, of course, a huge step. But I love him and he loves me and while I would be happy to live together and love together he really wants to be married. He adores me, and I am so lucky to be loved by such a dear good sweet man. But we talked and I told him I still feel the same exact way I did the day we met almost four years ago- I still love James, and I still hope to one day know him again. Dave says he understands and if that day were to come we'd deal with it. He says he'd want me to follow my heart and be happy, and he'd love me no matter what. How blessed am I? It frees my heart knowing that I don't have to lock away my heart, or lie; I can be true to myself and my heart and it's okay. I am so thankful for that, and for this dear man.
I do get signs though, and dreams, and the songs. And I ask for my Higher Self to please guide me. I feel like I get nudges to continue to think of James and his goodness, and to love him dearly, no matter what my real life is like. To just be love, to all. To love my fiance' and to also love James. Like I am not supposed to forget him or push his memory to the side.
It is wonderful but... bittersweet at the same time because I do miss him. I wish I could hug him.
Please know that if you have a special soul connection with someone like I do James, even if it's been a while, and even if you feel this person is your twin flame or twin soul- it really is okay to love someone else if you are lead there. Have clear intentions. Don't do it to "run" from the connection, or as a distraction. Be honest in your intentions and if it happens then it's okay. For me I am definitely blessed because I can be honest with David, and that's a huge gift that I am thankful for. My fiance' is an angel. Guilt is a really yucky feeling and I am blessed that I don't have to feel guilty because I still love James. I guess love, real sweet good love, is positive no matter what.
I hope James is happy. I hope he is well-loved. I hope his life is joyful and fulfilling. I do miss my friend though and hope for the day when I can hear his sweet voice again and see his shining smile, and beautiful blue eyes.
Monday, April 26, 2021
If I Could Go Back In Time
There is one thought I have over and over. If I could go back to some years ago, those four years after all of this started happening, there is one important thing I would change, and I think it is a very important point to make to people who are in a twin flame separation right now.
I wish I would have let myself miss him, entirely. Just miss him. I wish I would have let myself cry whenever I wanted to, missing the shit out of him, crying from love and sadness over being away from him. There is a HUGE different between being sad because you miss the shit out of someone you love and being sad because you fear that someone doesn't love you, sad because someone left you and doesn't care any longer.
People told me I wasn't supposed to miss him, that being sad is a bad energy. But being sad over missing someone you love, wishing you could be together, is okay. It really is.
If I could go back then I would have allowed myself to realize we were separated for a reason, for a twin soul connection, not entirely real life, and that he loved me and I obviously wasn't "ready" energetically-wise to allow our reconnection so we were still apart and it hurt SO FUCKING BAD being apart from the person I loved with all of my heart and soul.
I did love him, tremendously. I should have just felt the love, let myself ache for him and cry for him and feel that deep longing, the longing to be with him. I wanted so badly to put my arms around him, to kiss him and laugh with him. I absolutely ached to communicate with him. Oh MY GOD being separated with no communication was so god damned hard. I missed talking with him, emailing and exchanging funny messages and loving words, and the hours-long phone calls, the soft gently words, his humor. His sweet voice. I missed that so much, and it made me treacherously sad.
I wish I had fell into that sadness, let the missing him envelope me and soothe me, in a way. Instead I would try to harden myself and it ALWAYS spiraled me into anger. Anger at God for putting me in a twin soul union. Anger at my soul. Rage, dark dark rage. Anger and rage is a dark sharp gnarly ugly energy. Sadness over missing someone you love, simply missing that person and aching for them, is a soft buttery, even healing energy. I always felt better, like another wave of cleansing would pass, when I would just cry and cry out of love for him. Crying helped me purge. But when I would get rageful inside it only brought me more pain and more separation from James. I should have just let myself be sad, heartache over loving him yet being apart.
Let yourself cry. Miss that person if you are in separation. Know he/she is only doing their "job" but love them, don't be angry. Don't feel guilty for being sad, but only miss them and love them. Don't feel rejected, don't feel forgotten. They have not forgotten you. Love them, even if it means hurting and aching over being apart. Cry if you have to, cry over the missing them.
Being separated from the person you love is painful. Heartache is real. That's why they call it the blues. Because when you love someone dearly it hurts being away from them. That's called being human, having a heart, and it's okay. So don't let anyone tell you that you should be stronger, forcing a happiness you don't feel. Go on and be grateful for whatever good you have in your life but also allow yourself to miss the one you love. That's what happens when you love someone wonderful and they are not with you- you miss them.
I speak from years of experience, almost eight years to be exact.
Keeping The Blog Active
I read an article recently that said we never really get over a past love. We just learn how to live with the memory of the person we had close to us, in love. I guess that's where I am with James. It's been a while. I still think of him often though. I see people who remind me of him and sometimes it feels like I can't breathe. I still imagine how wonderful it would be to sit and talk with him, freely talk, like we did when we first met. When it was normal and amazing and beautiful and the most precious love affair I've ever experienced in my life. I'll never ever "get over" James. I still love him and miss him.
But life goes on. It has to.
I don't write much but I choose to keep the blog up and active because I KNOW what I have experienced is truth, and I still get messages from people telling me my blog has helped them. I always wished I would be together with James again, and as of right now that hasn't happened. But I know I went through something extraordinary with him and it was real, and I know many other people out there are going through something similar and maybe they will find this and maybe it will help them. The entire situation was real. Call it "twin flame" or "twin soul" or whatever but it was real, and it means a lot to me. He means a lot to me and he always will. Getting older, time passing, life moving on, new loves entering the picture- none of those things negate or wipe away or lessen the love or the memories or the desire to know this person again. I'll always want to know James again.
Sometimes I daydream about meeting him. I wish I would hear from him, like he would reach out to me, and let me know he's around, has been thinking about me, and wants to meet and catch up. It would be... strangely normal. There is something I want probably more than I've ever wanted anything in my life. I want to be able to sit down with him and talk honestly, discuss the strange shit that happened. I wish I could tell him, "I'm honestly a fairly normal human being but this has been the strangest experience I could ever imagine, like stranger than fiction." I wish I could thank him for being part of it, THE ONE who finally showed me myself. I want to thank him because it put my poor dear friend through a Hell than I can't imagine, coming from his side of this connection.
I'll always know that our twin souls, the ones who go quiet, those typically called "the runner," are the catalyst in all of this. I'll always believe James was my mirror that showed me my "shadows" that needed to be... evicted. I can't say my "demons" were "healed." I had to evict them. James helped. But I know he didn't want to. It's a supernatural connection. It isn't normal by any means. We really must learn to forgive our twin souls. I remember my guidance telling me that he was here to heal me, and I was supposed to love him through it, and to always remember who he really was. I was told that over and over and over. "Above" (higher self I think) told me that James was bound to me in such a way that he would stop at absolutely nothing in order to "heal me." Even if it hurt. And it did, oh my God, and I know it hurt him too. I just know it.
So even today I get this twisted knotted feeling in my stomach because I can look back now, with a clearer mind and fears evicted, my thought process not colored with terror, fear and despair, and recall the times he would reach out to me sounding so sad, missing me terribly, but still "bound" to being my mirror, and if I wasn't 100% clear inside (and I was far from it) then he still had to hold back, remain somewhat aloof, yet now I can clearly see how much it hurt him to do so. That he actually wanted to be with me. That he missed me and hated being apart. And oh how that still aches. It does. I can't help it.
I wish I could hug him. I didn't get a chance to show him how much I love him and to thank him.
I do believe that twin flames can come together again. I know the energy/manifestation is VERY REAL. I know that there were times when I would think of him, very deep loving thoughts, putting tons of love energy into a moment and he'd reach out to me, out of nowhere, even after months of no contact- and I know my energy "allowed" it to happen. It was a reflection of that good strong energy; he was showing it back to me in return. I will admit the quiet (hence the name of this blog) is what was the hardest thing for me. It made me insane. Literally the quiet drove me batty and it brought out the worst in me. And when that brought up fear and anger in me (even privately, not showing it to anyone but just feeling it or writing it in my journal) then I would get mirrored- and finally I clearly saw the "shit" I needed to get rid of.
It got to a point with me where I was trying so very hard to change things for myself. I was actively working to BANISH the anger thoughts, the fear, the blackness. I refused to let myself focus on fear-based emotions/thought and instead I spent every free moment I had "protecting myself" with positive affirmations. And life started to change, like a miracle. My work changed for the better overnight. I got a large increase in my salary and a promotion. People who were not of my higher good moved out of my life and good loving kind people moved closer. I learned that positivity actually does work, that manifestation is real. And my biggest hurdle was not allowing myself to get "sucked down" into anger because I wasn't hearing from James. I had to just kind of battle through it, realizing it wasn't his intention.
But I also got tired of affirming about him. I did for almost 4 years, writing and writing. Clearing, focusing on love, on belief, and it got tiring for me. Sometimes I do wonder had I continued would eventually I have heard from him. The last thing he said to me was a strange phone call where he told me that yes, I was right, he'd always loved me. Like... strange right?
One day I was listening to Louise Hays and she said to always say how thankful we are for all the love in our lives. So I tried it. I wrote that and wrote it, and suddenly I met my now fiance' David, without even trying. He literally just kinda fell into my life. We've been the best of friends and lovers and confidants and partners ever since. And he is the epitome of love. He's one of the kindest, most caring, sensitive and loving man I've ever met. And I suppose we both needed each other. I had been through a spiritual war unlike anything most people could ever understand. I was battle weary and worn and I think maybe I just needed a gentle touch, after four years of being in a twin soul connection maybe David was to help heal me from the challenges of being mirrored so hard. It wasn't easy, and at times it was so terrifying I thought I might die. I had a ton, an absolute ton, of RAGE inside of me, and James had to mirror that back to me... it was a highly challenging experience for both of us. I think I needed a dose of "real life," like normal life for a while so I could be de-conditioned from all of it. I hate to say this but because of James having to act as my mirror there were times showing me all of that anger didn't feel too good. I loved him but I was terrified of my mirror at the same time. It was all very difficult to process inside of me. And because I stayed militantly alone... besides being with my son I was often alone, for a while like a hermit, and after four years I was starting to "see" what I needed to change, and I did. And I started feeling lighter and better, life was getting better, but I was still alone, militantly trying to work on my energy so I could get James back in my life.
It was exhausting. Then Dave showed up, and he was grieving and in need of a tender gentle touch as well. I wasn't asking for it; entering into a relationship with someone besides James wasn't what I wanted. But then it happened, and I remember being so scared that I was doing "the wrong thing." And I had to constantly remind myself that it was all love, all of it. I still loved James. I told Dave ALL about James, lol, and the man still fell in love with me. He's a dear heart, and even now he realizes I still love James and I want to see him again. I am very blessed to be with Dave and to know him. I am grateful for him. I've learned that we can love two different people at one time. Lucky for me I am not made to feel guilty for it, and for that I am super grateful.
I sometimes wonder if I did start focusing on James again, would I eventually open that door? Would the energies match up and one day he see something that reminds him of me and think to contact me? Sometimes I do write about him still. I remind myself, and I remind the universe of how much he did for me, how much I adore him still. And then I'll hear all the songs and I'll see his name everywhere. The last time I wrote about him was at a coffee shop. I stepped into the store next door and the song "Sweet Baby James" was playing and I had to smile. It brings me a source of comfort I suppose.
Rambling as always. This blog lets me get my heart out when I need to. I miss James dearly. But most days life is so full, busy and good, and he's on the back burner of my heart. Then, once in a while, he moves up to the power burner and I feel like everything just happened yesterday and I can remember his bright blue eyes and those amazing kisses. I've never shared kisses with anyone like we used to kiss, content to sit, embraced, kissing and kissing and smiling at each other and KISSING. Ugh- I'm human and I love him... I still miss his sweet kisses.
Later skaters.
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Moving Forward, But Never Letting Go
Waiting For A Girl Like You
I'm sorry it's been so long since I've written on my blog. Sometimes I feel like a twin soul fraud. I am going to be getting married soon. In June. My boyfriend loves me so much, and he wants to get married, and I do love him, and it is the right thing to do. It is the "normal" step to take. I have such a happy life with Dave and my son. I've been in a happy relationship with Dave for almost four years now. Four years is a long time. I've been... "separated" from James for almost eight years. In eight years I have seen James once, and I have not been in contact with him for maybe... at least four and a half or five years now. I cannot put my life on hold forever. I have to "move on."
*sigh* To most people how I feel inside would seem really fucking crazy. I still miss James, and I still think about him. Not as much as I used to, thank God. I don't feel the same ache or pain and I'm glad. That was rough. Dave realizes that I still miss James and I wish I could sit down and talk with him again. He knows that even though we are getting married I still wish I could talk with James again. Sadly he parallels it to him wishing he could talk with his late wife again, although for me it is different.
I had no closure. No resolution. I was in love with James, in a relationship with him, his girlfriend, and he disappeared. I've never "gotten over it." I KNOW he's my twin soul. He is the only person on this earth who mirrored me so strongly. Many of the teachings say that twin flames are here to "teach" us, to show us all the things we need to heal- our "shadows." But for fuck's sake I did not want that! I fell so hard in love with James. Oh my gosh did I. And I need to state on this blog that even while I am planning to get married- I STILL LOVE MY TWIN FLAME. I am not ashamed of that fact. I can't put my life on hold forever. I have a child. I have a man in my life who I do love, and who loves me. Dave is an amazing person. He has a heart of gold, and he adore me. Like... he cherishes me. He's love incarnate. I really can't put off getting married forever. I am happy to get married to Dave but it is bittersweet because I wanted to marry James. But when you don't have contact with a person for five years you kinda have to "move on." Moving on and "letting go" are two different things though. I don't think I'll ever let go. I am glad to know that I don't have to.
I wonder how James is doing. What is his life like right now. I wish... I wish I could have him in my life, know him. It is so tough to know someone, love that person, make such a strong connection, and then the person is GONE. It felt like death, and it pretty much still does. I know I will love James forever. I will always think of him as "the special one." Unresolved. UNRESOLVED. I've said this before on my blog, and I am not bragging. But I am a strong smart woman. I'm educated, Master's Degree. I have an excellent career, and I am the director of my area in a big ten university. I've been a single mother for a while, own my home, have nice things... I'm of sound mind and soul yet I know with all of my heart, I know my truth and I will know it until I die- that man loved me. He loved me hard. He fell hard in love me, like giddy in love. Texts and calls and emails and kissing and hugging and laughing and SHARING and "pillow talk." Making love, sweet kind special love. The epitome of what making love is supposed to me. I know James loved me. So I cannot 100% ever accept what happened. Being my mirror, showing me my fears. I understand he showed me what I was fearing but that does not WIPE OUT the actual love he felt for me, and to this day that haunts me. I know he loved me. I remember the cuddles, the embracing, the sitting and talking and hugging and kissing... hours of kissing and talking. No TV, nothing but us sitting and kissing and giggling and talking, mostly kissing. His bright blue eyes and gorgeous cheekbones and the kisses. I've neve experienced kissing like that. The best kisses ever; James told me I was the best kisser ever, and I've never experienced kisses like those I shared with him. It was perfection. Irreplaceable.
Dave misses his late wife and for that reason I don't feel bad or guilty for how I feel. I am totally understanding of his grief; how could I not be? I still grieve too. It might seem weird or silly to most because I didn't know James for very long but my God I fell so hard in love with him. He was everything I ever asked for. I miss him so much.
*sigh* I'm getting married in California. For anyone who has been with me from the beginning you'll know the impact of that. I have to laugh, California. I guess it shows that I've grown. I can plan to get married in California and it doesn't sting. Newport Beach, and I am so very blessed, and grateful. It looks amazingly beautiful.
I wanted to marry James. My guidance used to tell me "Don't kill your dreams." And while I am thankful and happy, and I do love my boyfriend, I still feel like I killed my strongest dreams with my fear. I wanted to marry James and maybe have another child. I so much wanted to be James' wife. I loved him so much. I can't really put how I feel into words. Bittersweet.
My guidance told me something while I was in the middle of all of this. They used to tell me that his job was to HEAL me, to show me the things I needed to change and heal. They told me James would do ANYTHING he needed to in order to heal me, anything, and it might hurt or be scary. And they told me it was my job to love him, always, through it, and to always know who he really was. And to love him no matter what.
Now it has been over seven years. And I do love James. So hopefully I did what I was supposed to *weeping.* Because I DO love him. I remember him as this sweet kind adorable man who was so very kind to me and my son. Thoughtful, kind, sweet. Patient and respectful. I don't let myself "go there" very often because honestly it only hurts. I miss James. I wish I could talk to my friend again. I am not strong enough to say I'm thankful for what he showed me and I can let the rest go. NOPE. I loved him too much. I want it all. I miss him. I never stopped loving him. I've always wished to have him back in my life, and I still do. But life goes on.
Don't think I'm not conflicted. I am. But I cannot put my life on hold forever.
My God I do love hard though. Eight years almost and I still love this man. It took four years before I could even be interested in another man. My love for James was and is so very strong, and that does warm my heart. It shows me that I have a strong pure heart and I love hard. I'm thankful for how strong and pure my love is.
I know what James did for me. He might not realize it, and I totally understand that. Even now it seems supernatural. I look back and am flabbergasted at how weird it was, even now. It was so fucking weird, not of this world, supernatural. He mirrored me, strongly. It showed me what energies I absolutely must rid myself of. Yes I'm thankful but man at the same time... no matter what I miss him so very much. I am also sorry for what I put him through. I did not understand it at the time.
I miss you James. I tell myself that maybe you might see this one day and realize that no matter what, no matter how much time has passed, no matter what happened, I still love you and think you are wonderful and I remember how sweet and kind you were to me. A wonderful person, and very special to me because even if you don't realize it you have such strong energy that you were used to show me myself. The good parts and the dark fearful doubting parts. You helped me heal myself. You helped me show me how to love myself.
I remember when James and I were dating he sent me an email. He told me how wonderful I was, how beautiful. He said, "Do you know how beautiful your smile is?" He told me he loved me so much and he said, "I hope you can accept my love." <---- THAT FUCKING HAUNTS ME. Now I can look back and see what he actually meant. He hoped I could accept the fact that he loved me because if I could not accept that he loved me... it would cause big issues, mirroring me. And it did. I was terrified. I thought he would leave me for something better, like I was not worth enough. How sad as I look back, to not realize my great worth, to doubt how special and "hold-on-able" I was. Now I realize that I am special and worthy. Thank you James for showing me my worth. I am so sorry we had to go through all of this for me to know that. I miss you and love you, dearly. I know you are a wonderful person and I adore you. I always will, until I die and after. I pray with all my might that when I die you will be waiting there for me, to hug me. I miss you SO MUCH. I pray that your soul and my soul may be reunite one day, even if it is after I die. I love you so much that I tell myself you will be there to welcome me, your soul and my son's soul. You mean so much to me.
I still wish I could go back, God help me. I wish I could go back and accept your love. I have never gotten over you. I don't think I ever will.
I miss him so much. And that's okay. I am grateful for all the love in my life. I am grateful for everything James showed me. And still I love, and miss, James my twin soul.
Saturday, January 2, 2021
Happy New Year
I hope anyone who might be reading this has a very happy, blessed, fulfilling and prosperous new year!
Wow what a year 2020 was, right? I know the last year has treated people in many different ways. My heart goes out to those who've lost a loved one or a friend due to covid. My life, my family, we've been well. We've been careful, as careful as we can be, and everyone is healthy. I'm working. My son is going to school. My parents are healthy, and I pray that the vaccine is available to everyone ASAP. Please keep thinking positive, and don't forget the power of manifestation.
January 20, 2021. I have it marked on my calendar with highlighter and hearts and exclamation points and balloons and smiley faces, and I am so happy! I can't wait for the new Biden administration to be in office.. It would take me days to explain how I feel about the last four years, and this is not the time nor the place for that type of pontification. Suffice to say that I hope the last four years brought to the surface and shined a spotlight to the shit that needs to change in our society, and I am confident that it can only get better from here.
That said, I hope anyone who might still be reading this, and everyone else too, is healthy and happy and doing well. No one could have imagined the happenings of 2020.
I miss seeing people smile. Seriously, I am a smiler. I like to SEE people. I like to say hi at the store. I like to make random conversation with someone I don't know. So these fucking masks suck although YES I wear them and YES I realize their importance. But I don't like them. I do look forward to when I can smile at someone and see them smile too without a mask. And lipstick, like what's even the point? Now it's all about mascara. Thrive Cosmetics, that is the best mascara EVER, just FYI. I literally have the smallest eyes and little to no eyelashes yet Thrive makes me look like Cher.
Last night I had a James Dream. OMG! It felt so real! I love these dreams because they make me remember. How do dreams work? Like seriously, it's all X-Files. It was like I saw him. I HEARD his soft kind voice. I saw his face. I felt him because we hugged, for a long time, and I could literally FEEL him. *deep sigh, like really deep sigh like you just dropped your favorite book in the tub, no worse but I can't think of worse.* So weird how these dreams feel so damn REAL. Like dudes I heard him. We were hugging, this huge hug. Just a hug but it was like the most beautiful hug ever, more perfect than baby flying unicorns. Or meltless ice cream. It was a huge warm melting beautiful smooshy lovely perfect long hug. And then I think I woke up.
Sadly I woke up. I wanted that fucking sweet hug to last forever. I could have kept sleeping for hours wrapped in the warmth of his inviting hug. In my dream I actually was going to end the hug (I was scared) and he emphatically said, "No" and kept hugging me.
And now I want to weep. And I probably will. Because to this day, over 7 years later, I still miss James. I love him, I think of him, and there is no other man in my life (and at 47 there's been a couple who have made an impact on my heart) who has meant the same to me as James. And my biggest wish is to be able to hold him in my arms. In my dream last night I remember thinking, "I'm going to start crying. I can't believe it's really him, finally. I have my arms wrapped around him and his arms around me and I get to finally hug my beloved friend again."
It was a really sweet dream. I so wish, with all of my heart, that I could hug him again. I'm thankful for that dream.
Happy New Year. Be happy, healthy and safe.