Monday, May 19, 2014

Contacting Psychics While in a Twin Soul Union: Your Soul May Test You!

I've met and talked to many amazing psychics and tarot card readers in my day.  As a matter of fact my first psychic reading transformed my belief because I'd battled "rage" in my early twenties and had managed to get it under control by my later twenties through therapy and working on me.  One thing the psychic, a friend of mine Kristy Robinett of "Tangled Wishes," {yes a plug because she is reputable, amazingly gifted, and a lovely loving woman who can be trusted,} told me was my guides showed that I had an issue with "rage" but I was dealing with it well, healing and one day it would no longer be an issue for me.  Welllll let me tell you!  For a total Doubting Thomas like me {I'd been talked into getting the reading} I was FLOORED.  Literally floored.  There was no way it was an accident she nailed that bit about me.  No one knew that secret little tid bit- I kept it very hidden.  The rest of her reading was spot on too.  She's SO awesome, and her reading was the first step in Spirit essentially saving my life.  It opened a door to me that lead me right here, writing about my twin soul healing experience.

Now though- I have progressed to a point where I hear my own soul clearly.  Some of you do not "hear" like I do {it took me ten years to get here so don't feel bad!  It has nothing to do with my "ability" just that Spirit is persistent with me!}  This is when psychics and other spiritualists, reputable safe and trustworthy ones, can be a good resource for you.  They can tell you the things your soul, your guidance, wants you to know.  BUT- I have found that once you are told a few times, once you have an idea of what it is you should be doing or the path you are to take- the more you question then the more you could get tested to own your truth.  Especially if, like me, you can hear your guidance.  I learned that I can no longer turn to outside sources for spiritual guidance.  My soul kicks my ass with doubt every single time now when I question.

My example is this: here my soul had told me all these things that were essentially coming true.  Yet I doubted and stayed battling fear.  Joron had an old long-term ex-love he'd left in CA, and he was going to be going back to the same area where they'd loved together.  I was freaked out but I tried not to let it get to me because I trusted him.  When he separated from me though of course I wondered- What if they got back together?  What if he bumped into her and they rekindled?  It didn't help that people around me kept saying, "Maybe he got back together with an old girlfriend.  It happens."  But their end had been traumatic and less-than-lovely to say the least.  He'd confided it to me and it was a train wreck.  It would have been impossible for them to reconnect.  But one day I got weak and called a twin soul psychic, Scottish Carol.  She answered the phone, told me she only needed our names, and immediately she began FEEDING ME MY FEARS.

Very quickly she began telling me after he'd moved away from me {which she gleaned on her own} he reunited with an old lover and they were dating again.  She said it was karmic and while he was my twin and did love me he had to work out old karma with this woman first.  But she said he'd be back soon, and it would not take us long to reconnect.  As I listened to her I kept thinking... I knew not to call!  Am I being tested?  I was oddly not upset.  I knew it was not true; I knew Scottish Carol was being an amazingly clear psychic because she was telling me exactly what my soul wanted me to hear.  I was being tested with my fears.

LOL- I called back to ask if they were actually engaged in an intimate relationship and she said yes but they did not have relations often... and I laughed.  Joron... has a healthy appetite so if he'd dating someone and intimacy is involved then it's a daily occurrence- I knew it wasn't truth and I felt pretty silly.  She told me, "You will not need to call me back dear."  And no, I never did.  My soul said, "You'd better not even believe that your twin is dating his ex.  Defend his love and have faith."

Then not long afterwards I got an email from him where he told me, and he'd already told me, "I wish I could kiss you every night."  He's very monogamous.  He would not flirt with me while dating another, that's just so not Joron.  And our next conversation he actually mentioned her and said something that showed me he was again reading my mind.  He let me know he hadn't seen her at all let alone dated her or wanted to.

I'd been tested hard and immediately when I called that psychic.  So be aware when you talk to psychics on this journey, if you are far along on your path to where you should already be owning your truth then Spirit can and will test you if you doubt too much or seek reassurance too much.  This is why when it comes to twin souls I don't always believe what I hear other people say they've received from psychics.  Just be discerning and trust your heart above all else.  Not your ego but your heart.  If you are told something you just do not believe then really reflect on it- you may be being forced to become more spiritually mature and to stand up for what you believe in your heart and what your intuition or soul is telling you.

PS: Kristy's website can be found at:  If you want a good solid psychic reading then she is the one for you!  I don't make plugs lightly because I feel they are a reflection on my own reputation and sincerity; Kristy is the real deal for sure. 

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