I stumbled across this blog and wanted to post it here. It is all about gratitude and affirmation. I hope it help you! Gratitude and affirmation are what I am concentrating on right now. Hugs to all!
Using Gratitude and Affirmations to Attract Your Twin Flame
Gratitude that you’re here, love! Here’s my blog about gratitude and using affirmations to attract your Twin Flame. But first, thanks for reading, and as your Twin Flame Matchmaker, I want to express how much I can’t wait to for your Twin Flame attraction!Are you a spiritual woman who really really really wants to attract her Beloved but who also suffers from the following?:
- You fear you’ll never have your dream life, dream love, and Twin Flame relationship
- You get super frustrated by dating the wrong people, so you sometimes don’t date at all
- You’ve been badly heartbroken and it’s been hard trying to get back on the ol’ dating horse
- Even though you’re super spiritually connected, you somehow forget that angels have your back in your dating life and relationships
- You keep freaking out because you feel like you’re getting too old have your own biological Starchildren, or like life will be over before you know it and you’ll have died without experiencing your Great Love
The vibration of fear slows down the Law of Attraction‘s ability to work for you; it tells the universe that you’re not ready yet. Fear blocks us from receiving the love that we deserve. And you deserve it. So it’s time to let it go, let the fear dissolve, and let God!
One of the biggest aids to overcome fear is working with Divine Love. While fear slows down manifestation, love speeds it up rapidly. With Divine Love, you can attract anything you want: your 6-figure BLI$$ness clients, money, a soulmate, and your Twin Flame. And the prescription for that today is through using gratitude and Twin Flame affirmations.
My dream of becoming a writer came true through gratitude of something small.
First, I’d like to share a story of how using gratitude allowed me to make my dreams of being a paid writer come true. I had always dreamt of becoming a freelance writer, and at age 24 I found myself in a relationship in China, I didn’t know how I could make my writing career happen, not to mention the language difference.I began writing small affirmations in my diary, saying that I saw myself writing wellness articles and nutrition recipes for various trendy magazines. Then, one day, I got the opportunity to write a very brief article about mini apartments for a well-known expat magazine in Shanghai. It was a totally random topic given to me by the editor 3 days before it was due. While what I really wanted to write on was wellness, nutrition, and fitness, I took the job and cranked my best work out, because it was at least something…I really wanted to start writing ASAP and had to get started somewhere!
Gratitude success steps:
From there, I took whatever came my way just to get out there. Little by little, things came, and I felt so blessed for each step. I took them with acceptance for what they were, and then with gratitude. I celebrated each win. The mini apartments article got published, and within a few months, I got paid monthly columns in 3 of Shanghai’s hottest expat magazines as a nutrition and fitness writer! This was pretty cool for a 24 year-old!Then, during my 2 years in Shanghai, I had many incredible opportunities that spread from my first writing gigs, including: speaking gigs, private clients, group fitness courses, teaching nutrition lessons, a yoga modeling job (and I didn’t even do yoga then), and a gig where I posed as a couple camping sleeping bag with a really hot model who didn’t speak any English! Each step of the way I was grateful to the Universe for brining me my dream from seemingly thin air. Where is your gratitude-attitude going to take you?
Somehow, when we stay in a space of gratitude, something always comes next.
The universe taught me a lesson: start somewhere, accept it, get grateful for it, and something really juicy will come along. It’s like a present, a surprise from the Universe. I always forget to be in a state of gratitude until I have to remind myself.Start a gratitude diary, or gratitude jar
You can create a sacred space to write down all the things you’re grateful for. This includes things from your past, like “I’m grateful I graduated with honors,” things from your present, like “I am grateful that I have a lovely group of friends,” and things from the future, such as “I am grateful for my Twin Flame relationship that’s coming in.” Put future manifestations and affirmations in present tense to tell your subconscious that they are happening now, as future tense “I am grateful for my future relationship” perpetually keeps it in the future, which is no good if you actually want that Twin Flame relationship or X thing!Gratitude opens you up to a vibration of receiving.
To be in a vibration of gratitude, all you have to do is get into the feeling. Like opening your arms to the Universe and saying “I am open to receiving!” (one of my favorite affirmations!).You can simply focus on things you’re grateful for, the blessings in your life. Even the imperfect blessings, like your home that is too small, your body that has asymmetry, your children that cause you strife, or your singledom that causes you loneliness at times. You can also be grateful for things you’re manifesting in the future and get excited about them. The subconscious knows no difference between past/present/future. Be grateful for them all.
To get to the Twin Flame vibration, you gotta be grateful for the love that you already have.
You are great. Get grateful for that! You my single sista’ are worth a million bucks…more, infinite bucks. You are a priceless gift from God/Goddess and it’s not even funny. Can’t you tickle yourself pink for being you!? You are a rockstar, a rainbow of love, a lifetime of experience reflecting your own curiosity. There is so much you offer the world, so much you care about, so much compassion underneath that judgmental edge that can come up at times! All along, you have been perfect, loved, and deeply spiritual. To work on your own self-love, I recommend this self-love meditation talk:[fvplayer src=’http://youtu.be/peMBEGiFHi0′]
Mainly, it starts with accepting yourself and loving yourself at every step. Even if you’re single, you’re in a relationship with your body. Get grateful for your body! And you will attract another body–your soulmate’s body! Your soul has incarnated into your body, but your soul has also incarnated into a body of another–your Twin Flame. Your other half. Getting grateful for your own body, acting loving towards it is a powerful way to attract your Twin Flame. In my third video How to Become a Soulmate Magnet, I give you some powerful self-care tools and inspiration so you can get in your body.
Twin Flame affirmations are powerful.
When it comes to attracting your Twin Flame, affirmations are a very
powerful tool. Self-love affirmations clear out family and childhood
blueprints and low self-esteem blocks that can be stuck in your
subconscious, in your aura, even in your cells, water and DNA. In order
to vibrate at Twin Flame Love, you have to heal and clear out these old toxins. Affirmations are a power tool to do so.I like being creative with my affirmations and writing my own, but here are some that you can start off with or borrow for a bit!
Twin Flame gratitude affirmation:
“I am my love and my love is me. I
am grateful for my own love and for the love surrounding me. I am
grateful for all the love in my life, down to every last human, every
last animal, vegetable, and spinning molecule. I affirm my love and
gratitude for God/Goddess, for myself, for all beings, and of my Twin
Flame relationship.”
I AM my Twin Flame
My Twin Flame Reunion happens now
I allow my Twin Flame Reunion to happen naturally
I unblock all old Twin Flame karmas
I clear all karma with my Twin Flame Counterfeit now
I allow my Matchmaking Angel to align me with my Twin Flame
Self-love affirmations
I AM the belovedI AM loved
I love myself
I AM Divinely lovable
I AM the Shakina, the Divine Feminine
I AM Divinely perfect
My body is my temple, and she’s Divine
God/dess loves me
I AM a child of God/dess
I AM a child of the Divine Mother
I AM a child of the Shakina
I am a Little Shakina
Repeat your affirmations daily, as much as possible! I am not about following formulas, but to practicing affirmations when you feel like it, to your heart’s content. Morning and night are great times to journal in bed, affirmations to paper. Daytime I like to do affirmations while I run, dance, and move my body.
To your high-self esteem, high-end, high-income, High-Healed Priestess happiness! In joy, love, and gratitude.
Dr. Amanda Noelle, The Twin Flame Matchmaker, helps High-Healed Priestesses turn their BLI$$ into 6 & 7-figure BLI$$nesses and swiftly attract their Twin Flames.
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