Let It Go!
This is a re-blog of my favorite twin soul guide, Cassady. Total truth, through and through. Here she explains some things we do that keep up stuck in the ups and downs for a long time, and how to stop doing that!
Why online
group “venting” could be a major cause of your Twin Flame troubles, and
how to solve it, plus the damaging effects of analysis addiction and
martyrdom syndrome on your journey.
As you know, I get emails from Twin Flames all over the world on a
daily basis – hundreds each week – so I’m fortunate to be able to see
common themes among different situations. It often shocks me how Twin
pairs on completely opposite sides of the planet are dealing with the
exact same lessons and extremely similar situations. And they have no
idea about each other.
After encountering thousands of Twins, coaching them and learning
about their journeys and issues, I can now see from a higher perspective
that there are some common pitfalls on the Twin Flame journey – things
that trip up a lot of Twins.
You can deal with these things right now in order to move on and
avoid being stuck in separation or running for years the way some Twins
to end separation, struggle and suffering
# 1) Dwelling In Limiting Beliefs and Negativity
You only need 5 seconds on Google search or Facebook to find dozens
of Twin Flame groups where you can read about others’ gruelling
experiences in detail – often the comment sections go for pages and
pages, and there are strong emotions involved, mostly on the lower end
of the energy spectrum. Anger, resentment, blame, hopelessness and
helplessness abound.
Keep in mind that when we accept negativity as truth, we
embed this in our energy fields as a pattern that we then create reality
from by default. This means that every time you read
about Twin Flame Running and accept it as an inevitable part of the Twin
journey, you are accepting this as truth also for you and your Twin.
Many discussion forums are full of “venting”, and this
means the energy field in the forum is literally full of toxic energies
that people have expelled. If you keep engaging in
negative discussions about the Twin Flame journey, you keep aligning
with negativity. Unfortunately, you can’t expect a happy journey if you
spend most of your time talking about how awful the Twin Flame
connection has been for you.
The reason you feel better after talking to a friend
about a problem, is that you’ve unhanded some of the negative energy –
unloaded it from yourself… Do you want to be the person
taking on some of others’ sadness and pain? If you do, remember to clear
your energy regularly, and proceed at your own risk.
Keep an eye on how you communicate with yourself and others on your
journey. How you speak, is a strong indicator of what you’re manifesting
with your energy. We live in an ever-expanding universe. You can create
a happy journey – shift your energy, and you’ll gradually shift your
#2) Getting Tangled Up in Others’ Energy
Spirit reminds me often that the internet can be toxic, energetically
and emotionally. So be careful with how you interact energetically with
others – we might look separate in our human bodies, but our energy
fields are free flowing and overlap when we engage with others. Even if
they’re on the other side of the planet.
When you spend time on discussion forums sympathizing
with other Twins’ plight or discussing with other Twins how awful this
journey can be, you are matching your energy to theirs and taking on
some of their energy.
When you are getting mentally and emotionally involved with another
Twin’s situation and how terrible their experience has been, you are
matching your energy to that person, bringing yourself into alignment
with that situation and energy and taking on their emotions and lessons.
In Twin Flame Ascension, your soul’s goal is to purify
and uplift your energy to be in alignment with Unconditional Love and a
soul reunion between you and your Twin. If you keep
engaging with other Twins’ energy and taking on their emotions and
lessons, you are slowing down your journey enormously –
you’re congesting your system with more energy you’ll have to release before you can be ready for Union.
I had to learn the hard way that it really is possible to end up in a funk from having taken on someone else’s energy.
When taking clients in the beginning, I often had a meltdown for days afterwards without knowing why
– spirit spent a long time working to show me that it was because of
others’ energy sticking to my aura and others cording emotionally to me.
This is especially the case if someone is “desperate for help”.
#3) Looking to Others For all the Answers
This is another extremely common cause of issues for Twins, and not
to be sexist but for females this is often a pattern that is embedded in
us from birth. We’re encouraged to rely on others, to look outside of
ourselves for help and acceptance, and to constantly seek reassurance
for whatever we’re experiencing.
On the Twin Flame Path this can become a big hurdle, because one of
the lessons we set for ourselves as souls in life (this is pretty much
universal) is to step into our true power. To understand how powerful we
really are in terms of creating our reality and manifesting our
As I’ve mentioned before, energy is infinitely malleable – it’s our
patterns that keep us locked into moulding it into lack or unhappiness.
We could mould it into happiness if that was our dominant pattern.
When we constantly seek information and insight and
advice from others on our journey, we are denying our own power and this
means our soul will keep presenting us with hardship until we learn the
lesson: that we are our own solution.
We can’t fully progress on our journey unless we look within and
start to seek our own guidance. Sometimes our souls will even force us
away from others as a last attempt to get us to quiet our minds, go
within and learn to listen to our intuition.
Looking within means you can get in touch with guidance
and intuitive insights that can speed up and harmonise your journey to
union. If you keep looking to others for answers, are
missing out on a lot. You are the captain of your own ship, ultimately,
and no one knows you better than you. This means you hold your own
expert answers, once you learn to listen.
Listening to your intuition is simple when you apply the two steps of
meditation or quiet time with clearing out congested energy and others’
#4) Martyrdom Syndrome
We human beings have an extremely complicated consciousness, where
our conscious awake minds only make up few per cent of the total
activity going on in our minds.
The subconscious mind is
responsible for over 96% of our thought processes. This means we are
never aware of those thoughts. They’re like the underground river we
might never notice unless we tune in specifically.
Down there in the undertow there are some pretty strange beliefs and
fears, weird connections we have made at some point of life and that we
never notice again because they are running on autopilot under the
surface. These can become huge blocks on the Twin Flame path.
One example is – a child feels unloved by their parents and doesn’t
get enough attention. Except when they get sick. When they’re sick, the
parents dote on them and make them feel taken care of and loved. This
means the child learns to connect sickness with love. As twisted as it
seems from the outside, this is a very common pattern. Women often joke
about how men are “extra sick” compared to women – often it’s related to
this pattern.
On the Twin Flame path this manifests as an extremely common issue –
the Martyrdom Syndrome, the subconscious enjoyment of the attention we get when we experience suffering. This
becomes a pattern of wallowing in pain because we enjoy others’
sympathy and we enjoy feeling taken care of and understood. You’ll
notice this often comes up in discussion forums if you read between the
The big problem here is that it keeps these Twin Flame “Martyrs” stuck in negativity.
If you desire to reunite with your Twin in happiness, yet have a
subconscious counter-intention where you enjoy others’ sympathy, you
have an issue on your hands. It means you are sabotaging yourself behind the scenes.
Be mindful of this. Again, it will only keep you stuck in more of
that same negativity. Evaluate your long-term aims – if you truly desire
to reach harmony and happiness with your Twin, you need to eradicate
subconscious self sabotage like this. Happily, it can be done with
energy clearing tools. Once you clear the energy that this pattern is
stuck in, it will be released.
#5) Talking to Everyone Apart From Your Twin
Often when Twins are in separation, they don’t communicate. This
seems logical from an outside perspective. However, Twin Flames are
always connected as souls. We’re not just
“people” – we’re inextricably connected on the energy planes.
This means that you can always communicate with your
Twin’s Soul or Higher Self, no matter what your Twin’s “real life” ego
self is up to.
The temptation for Twins in separation is often to discuss and debate
our journey with other Twins (such as in debate forums), and attempt to
figure out how to solve problems that way. However, you can never truly
resolve any issues without dealing with the person you have the issue
with. Other people can never fix your relationship for you.
This is one of the reasons my work focuses on empowering Twins, and showing how to get in touch with your own guidance and intuition to figure out your issues and clear your blocks. It can be a lot “easier” to do than you might think.
No matter what your outside situation, you can communicate with your
Twin Flame on the soul planes. You can get advice and guidance from
their Higher Self on what their issues are and how to solve them. You
can even have fun with your Twin’s soul from thousands of miles away.
The more you do this through meditation and deliberate soul
journeying, the better you’ll get at it. With the new 5D grid being
anchored in more and more strongly over coming years, this will become
easier for Twins to do.
Meditate and talk to your Twin, send them love – you can even try
astral journeying to spend time with the deeper parts of your Twin and
strengthening the bond between you that way and improving the dynamic
between you. No matter what’s going on on the outside. In fact,
strengthening your positive connection this way will help you boost your
“real world” situation too.
#6) Talking and Thinking but not Taking Action
A very common pattern that gets Twins into trouble and slows down their journey, is getting addicted to the analysis of it. Discussing
and thinking about the endless potential explanations why things are
the way they are and what others’ experiences are, and what the themes
of the journey are – what stage you’re in, whether your Twin is a
“genuine” runner, what “ray” the two of you are or whether you really
are Twins. Not to mention what everyone else and their Twin are up to
and experiencing.
Beware – this can become a big trap. You’re trying to
figure your journey out with your mind. The mind can only explain things
based in what it already knows, what it’s already experienced. Your
mind can never figure out the Twin Flame connection because your
connection is one of heart and soul and energy.
Another thing is, while you’re so busy trying to figure it out and
analyze what’s going on, your journey is passing you by. Meaning, you’re
not there in the present moment to
experience it. An example
could be a female Twin in bed with her male Twin, trying to figure out
during sex whether their chakras are really lit up and whether they’re
really connecting to source – instead of
experiencing the moment and
feeling the connection.
Really, analysis, thinking and talking can’t change anything on your journey. In order for something to
change, you have to
do something. Without
you’ll keep getting the same results as before. This is why some Twins
are stuck in separation for 20 years or more. It’s because their
energies are in alignment with separation, and no matter how much they
deliberate or discuss it with anyone, it can’t change unless their
energy changes.
Everything is energy – physics has concluded with this for decades.
We are all energetic beings and the truth is that the energy you hold
determines the reality you experience. So if you take action to change
your energy – this will get you tangible results. Your journey changes
when your energy changes – blocks are removed, karmic patterns
This is the reason I’m running this whole website, because I know it works and I want to share this
actionable solution
to Twin Flame struggles. There are enough venting forums and articles
on the terrors of Twin Flames out there. You don’t need more of
that. You need solutions, a system that actually works.
On this journey, you get what you’re in alignment with – it’s like
tuning into a radio to listen to music. If you’re by default tuned into
the frequency of separation, you will find it nigh impossible to
experience harmony and union. It’s like being tuned into Death Metal FM
and expecting to hear classical concertos.
You can find my system, my solution, here – it shifted my energy dramatically and got me to Union with my Twin within 18 months of us meeting.
I’m currently reevaluating the guidelines for the discussions on this
blog for these very reasons. Spirit alerted me to have a review to make
sure Twins visiting the site weren’t inadvertently slowing down their
journeys. To make sure Twin Flames 11:11 serves Twin Flames in a
positive, empowering way, we are therefore devising some guidelines for
everyone’s highest good. Should be ready very soon.
I take my responsibility very seriously, so I work closely with
spirit to make sure my articles and services are to everyone’s highest
good – I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned this but I was actually
“interviewed” in detail by spirit before starting this site and creating
Vibrational Alignment Program,
to determine whether I was a suitable candidate to translate guidance
from the higher realms to other Twins. Each week, they suggest subjects
and topics to cover based on scanning the collective Twin Flame energy
fields and knowing what is happening around the world with Twins’
Most recently we created a complete intuitive energy forecast for
2016 of over 70 pages together, with a lot of hands on advice for Twins
on how to proceed to Union, how to deal with the coming year’s
challenges, lessons and transits (there is set to be a complete purge
and upgrade of the Masculine in 2016), and how to get the most out of
the high vibration gateways and 5D anchoring processes. If you’re
interested, you can find the
complete forecast book here.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x