Monday, November 30, 2015

I Feel... Love

I just have to say this.  I don't understand always what is happening to me.  I know I am not "normal" because I LOVE like a hundred times stronger than most people around me.  I love everyone.  Even those people who annoy me- I love them.  And every day it becomes easier for me to just love people.  Let it go.  Whatever.  And just love.

That said, I am about ready to explode from the level, depth, giganticness, of this love I feel for James.  I mean I do love other people, a lot.  I do not have the ability to hold resentment against people.  I don't even have the capacity to "forgive" because I do not ever have to forgive since I never hold anything against people in the first place.  But with James, OMG.  What is this?  How can I feel this way about another person?  My chest actually hurts sometimes, aches.  It feels like my heart is growing ever-bigger constantly.  It has to in order to hold the amount of heavenly love I feel for this man.  I will love him forever.  I love him no matter what.  Just love.  I adore him from his head to his toes.  It's a sensation I can't really explain, to love someone who I have not seen in over two years, who I rarely communicate with "in real life" and who has to show me things about myself that have not always been easy to see or take.  Yet I fucking love him, like OMG love.  Like... all I want to do is wrap my arms around him and hug him forever.  And pat his cute head and kiss his sweet lips and stroke his beautifil face and smile into his wonderful blue eyes.

WTF, right?  And I was one who always scoffed at romance novels and called those love films "cheesy."  But here I am melting daily over this one person.  The one I only ever want to hold on to.  The only man I want to be close and intimate with ever again.  I cannot explain this level of love I have for him.  And admiration.  He's a humanitarian, an environmentalist and a strong loving caring soul of the Light.  He is like me, really.  We are cut from the same cloth because I have that same strong empathetic heart like he does.  He CARES.  He is gentle and tender and loving.  He's so affectionate and sweet, and yes like I've always said, he was so damn good to me and my kid.  The most perfect love.

I feel SO much deep emotion for him.  So much love.  I care about him.  I want him safe, happy, well, content.  My heart is ready to burst.  I do feel he absolutely loves me now, loved me then and has always loved me.  I feel he will forever love me.  He's like my cute closest BFF in Spirit who would do anything for me, even leave me and mirror me in order to propel me through my Awakening.  Oddly enough I feel like I am always only his, and that he is my lover and my buddy, even now.  He is the only man I ever even think about, like part of him is here with me.  I can just feel his love and how much he cares for me.  That he is helping me, and that he really would much rather be here with me in a conventional relationship, loving up on each other every day yet he has to stay away in order to get me to focus and all the rest.  Yet we've walked this path together and he's been there for me, and he's always come through when I've needed to see something important about myself.    Good and not so good.  He's told me time and again how beautiful and genuine I am inside and out.  He's also had to show me my fears, and I know it's when he'd rather just show me his strong love.  Once his perfectly planned communication brought me back from the very close brink of suicide.  How can I feel anything but love him for that?  HUGE huge love?  Adoration?  There is a reason why I fucking love this adorable little human being as much as I do.  Because he has helped save my life.  I can only be thankful to him, and I will love him forever for helping to save me.  And I can only love him so much that... this huge beautiful shining bright sweet perfect divine heavenly love has forever transformed me.  I am still the same woman as before but better, more healed, more healthy, fearless, knowing and AWARE.

Hopefully soon I will be that butterfly my Love told me about.  He's always known, always been here to love me, help me and guide me.  I can see that clearly.  I do believe he was meant to start this journey with me 42 years ago when we were born together, to pick it up at age 40 when we "reunited" and I feel he's been with me since and will be the one I am with in the end.  That is what I want, what I pray for, what I dream about.  It is my strongest heart's desire.  He is everything I've ever wanted, my bliss, my one true love who I asked for, prayed for, for so long.  He is my heaven on earth, and he's went to the moon and back for me.  He has not once let me go.  He always comes through when he needs to, and it pushes me further and further towards truth.  And I love him for that.

I love him.  So much.  I love him so much that it is no sacrifice for me to be "by myself."  Because I want only him.  He means the world to me, and it is my choice to just sit in this love, brewing in it and allowing it to heal my heart.  My sweet dear friend and love.  He means the world to me- but shouldn't he?  He's helped me change my life, my outlook.  He's helped me save my own life.  Of course he deserves my love, my trust, my adoration.  YES I put him up there on a pedestal, and he pulls me up there with him and smiles and hugs me because he reminds me that we are both beautiful souls.  That we are ALL beautiful souls, every single one of us!  He is a beautiful soul.  I love him.

I do miss my love.  I dream of the day when I can hold him in my arms again.  I pray that moment is soon.  I have nothing but love for him.  It's a wonderful feeling, this huge love.  He is precious to me, my gift and treasure and I hold him close to my heart.  I believe he is my destiny and one day we will be together again.  I am gunning for being married to him, us being home to each other.  Home is not a place- it is people.  Love.  He is my home and I am his.  I just feel this, and I can.  I know he is meant to share life with me and my son, and I do dream of him being the wonderful, loving dear father of my next child, a sibling for my son, just like he said.  I dream of the moment when I can wrap my arms around him and let him know with my heart and soul and how tightly I hug him and probably the tears I might cry that he's helped save my life, and I love him like I love God or my son.  Unconditionally and fully.  Always, and it's okay.  I desire that moment more than I can express- there are no words.  I. Can't. Even.

He is my angel.  This is why I love James.  He has helped me find my real true self, thank God.  I was so blinded by fears and I see so much more clearly now.  I will always be thankful for meeting him, knowing him and being strongly loved by him.

No matter what.

And he's really really cute naked.


"Cut Six Common Pitfalls from Your Twin Flame Journey" Reblog

Let It Go!

This is a re-blog of my favorite twin soul guide, Cassady.  Total truth, through and through.  Here she explains some things we do that keep up stuck in the ups and downs for a long time, and how to stop doing that!
Why online group “venting” could be a major cause of your Twin Flame troubles, and how to solve it, plus the damaging effects of analysis addiction and martyrdom syndrome on your journey.
As you know, I get emails from Twin Flames all over the world on a daily basis – hundreds each week – so I’m fortunate to be able to see common themes among different situations. It often shocks me how Twin pairs on completely opposite sides of the planet are dealing with the exact same lessons and extremely similar situations. And they have no idea about each other.
After encountering thousands of Twins, coaching them and learning about their journeys and issues, I can now see from a higher perspective that there are some common pitfalls on the Twin Flame journey – things that trip up a lot of Twins.
You can deal with these things right now in order to move on and avoid being stuck in separation or running for years the way some Twins are.

to end separation, struggle and suffering

# 1) Dwelling In Limiting Beliefs and Negativity
You only need 5 seconds on Google search or Facebook to find dozens of Twin Flame groups where you can read about others’ gruelling experiences in detail – often the comment sections go for pages and pages, and there are strong emotions involved, mostly on the lower end of the energy spectrum. Anger, resentment, blame, hopelessness and helplessness abound.
Keep in mind that when we accept negativity as truth, we embed this in our energy fields as a pattern that we then create reality from by default. This means that every time you read about Twin Flame Running and accept it as an inevitable part of the Twin journey, you are accepting this as truth also for you and your Twin.
Many discussion forums are full of “venting”, and this means the energy field in the forum is literally full of toxic energies that people have expelled. If you keep engaging in negative discussions about the Twin Flame journey, you keep aligning with negativity. Unfortunately, you can’t expect a happy journey if you spend most of your time talking about how awful the Twin Flame connection has been for you.
The reason you feel better after talking to a friend about a problem, is that you’ve unhanded some of the negative energy – unloaded it from yourself… Do you want to be the person taking on some of others’ sadness and pain? If you do, remember to clear your energy regularly, and proceed at your own risk.
Keep an eye on how you communicate with yourself and others on your journey. How you speak, is a strong indicator of what you’re manifesting with your energy. We live in an ever-expanding universe. You can create a happy journey – shift your energy, and you’ll gradually shift your experience.
#2) Getting Tangled Up in Others’ Energy
Spirit reminds me often that the internet can be toxic, energetically and emotionally. So be careful with how you interact energetically with others – we might look separate in our human bodies, but our energy fields are free flowing and overlap when we engage with others. Even if they’re on the other side of the planet.
When you spend time on discussion forums sympathizing with other Twins’ plight or discussing with other Twins how awful this journey can be, you are matching your energy to theirs and taking on some of their energy.
When you are getting mentally and emotionally involved with another Twin’s situation and how terrible their experience has been, you are matching your energy to that person, bringing yourself into alignment with that situation and energy and taking on their emotions and lessons.
In Twin Flame Ascension, your soul’s goal is to purify and uplift your energy to be in alignment with Unconditional Love and a soul reunion between you and your Twin. If you keep engaging with other Twins’ energy and taking on their emotions and lessons, you are slowing down your journey enormously – you’re congesting your system with more energy you’ll have to release before you can be ready for Union.
I had to learn the hard way that it really is possible to end up in a funk from having taken on someone else’s energy. When taking clients in the beginning, I often had a meltdown for days afterwards without knowing why – spirit spent a long time working to show me that it was because of others’ energy sticking to my aura and others cording emotionally to me. This is especially the case if someone is “desperate for help”.
#3) Looking to Others For all the Answers
This is another extremely common cause of issues for Twins, and not to be sexist but for females this is often a pattern that is embedded in us from birth. We’re encouraged to rely on others, to look outside of ourselves for help and acceptance, and to constantly seek reassurance for whatever we’re experiencing.
On the Twin Flame Path this can become a big hurdle, because one of the lessons we set for ourselves as souls in life (this is pretty much universal) is to step into our true power. To understand how powerful we really are in terms of creating our reality and manifesting our desires.
As I’ve mentioned before, energy is infinitely malleable – it’s our patterns that keep us locked into moulding it into lack or unhappiness. We could mould it into happiness if that was our dominant pattern.
When we constantly seek information and insight and advice from others on our journey, we are denying our own power and this means our soul will keep presenting us with hardship until we learn the lesson: that we are our own solution.
We can’t fully progress on our journey unless we look within and start to seek our own guidance. Sometimes our souls will even force us away from others as a last attempt to get us to quiet our minds, go within and learn to listen to our intuition.
Looking within means you can get in touch with guidance and intuitive insights that can speed up and harmonise your journey to union. If you keep looking to others for answers, are missing out on a lot. You are the captain of your own ship, ultimately, and no one knows you better than you. This means you hold your own expert answers, once you learn to listen.
Listening to your intuition is simple when you apply the two steps of meditation or quiet time with clearing out congested energy and others’ attachments.
#4) Martyrdom Syndrome
We human beings have an extremely complicated consciousness, where our conscious awake minds only make up few per cent of the total activity going on in our minds. The subconscious mind is responsible for over 96% of our thought processes. This means we are never aware of those thoughts. They’re like the underground river we might never notice unless we tune in specifically.
Down there in the undertow there are some pretty strange beliefs and fears, weird connections we have made at some point of life and that we never notice again because they are running on autopilot under the surface. These can become huge blocks on the Twin Flame path.
One example is – a child feels unloved by their parents and doesn’t get enough attention. Except when they get sick. When they’re sick, the parents dote on them and make them feel taken care of and loved. This means the child learns to connect sickness with love. As twisted as it seems from the outside, this is a very common pattern. Women often joke about how men are “extra sick” compared to women – often it’s related to this pattern.
On the Twin Flame path this manifests as an extremely common issue – the Martyrdom Syndrome, the subconscious enjoyment of the attention we get when we experience suffering. This becomes a pattern of wallowing in pain because we enjoy others’ sympathy and we enjoy feeling taken care of and understood. You’ll notice this often comes up in discussion forums if you read between the lines.
The big problem here is that it keeps these Twin Flame “Martyrs” stuck in negativity. If you desire to reunite with your Twin in happiness, yet have a subconscious counter-intention where you enjoy others’ sympathy, you have an issue on your hands. It means you are sabotaging yourself behind the scenes.
Be mindful of this. Again, it will only keep you stuck in more of that same negativity. Evaluate your long-term aims – if you truly desire to reach harmony and happiness with your Twin, you need to eradicate subconscious self sabotage like this. Happily, it can be done with energy clearing tools. Once you clear the energy that this pattern is stuck in, it will be released.
#5) Talking to Everyone Apart From Your Twin
Often when Twins are in separation, they don’t communicate. This seems logical from an outside perspective. However, Twin Flames are always connected as souls. We’re not just
“people” – we’re inextricably connected on the energy planes.
This means that you can always communicate with your Twin’s Soul or Higher Self, no matter what your Twin’s “real life” ego self is up to.
The temptation for Twins in separation is often to discuss and debate our journey with other Twins (such as in debate forums), and attempt to figure out how to solve problems that way. However, you can never truly resolve any issues without dealing with the person you have the issue with. Other people can never fix your relationship for you.
This is one of the reasons my work focuses on empowering Twins, and showing how to get in touch with your own guidance and intuition to figure out your issues and clear your blocks. It can be a lot “easier” to do than you might think.
No matter what your outside situation, you can communicate with your Twin Flame on the soul planes. You can get advice and guidance from their Higher Self on what their issues are and how to solve them. You can even have fun with your Twin’s soul from thousands of miles away.
The more you do this through meditation and deliberate soul journeying, the better you’ll get at it. With the new 5D grid being anchored in more and more strongly over coming years, this will become easier for Twins to do.
Meditate and talk to your Twin, send them love – you can even try astral journeying to spend time with the deeper parts of your Twin and strengthening the bond between you that way and improving the dynamic between you. No matter what’s going on on the outside. In fact, strengthening your positive connection this way will help you boost your “real world” situation too.
#6) Talking and Thinking but not Taking Action
A very common pattern that gets Twins into trouble and slows down their journey, is getting addicted to the analysis of it. Discussing and thinking about the endless potential explanations why things are the way they are and what others’ experiences are, and what the themes of the journey are – what stage you’re in, whether your Twin is a “genuine” runner, what “ray” the two of you are or whether you really are Twins. Not to mention what everyone else and their Twin are up to and experiencing.
Beware – this can become a big trap. You’re trying to figure your journey out with your mind. The mind can only explain things based in what it already knows, what it’s already experienced. Your mind can never figure out the Twin Flame connection because your connection is one of heart and soul and energy.
Another thing is, while you’re so busy trying to figure it out and analyze what’s going on, your journey is passing you by. Meaning, you’re not there in the present moment to experience it. An example could be a female Twin in bed with her male Twin, trying to figure out during sex whether their chakras are really lit up and whether they’re really connecting to source – instead of experiencing the moment and feeling the connection.
Really, analysis, thinking and talking can’t change anything on your journey. In order for something to change, you have to do something. Without action, you’ll keep getting the same results as before. This is why some Twins are stuck in separation for 20 years or more. It’s because their energies are in alignment with separation, and no matter how much they deliberate or discuss it with anyone, it can’t change unless their energy changes.
Everything is energy – physics has concluded with this for decades. We are all energetic beings and the truth is that the energy you hold determines the reality you experience. So if you take action to change your energy – this will get you tangible results. Your journey changes when your energy changes – blocks are removed, karmic patterns eradicated.
This is the reason I’m running this whole website, because I know it works and I want to share this actionable solution to Twin Flame struggles. There are enough venting forums and articles on the terrors of Twin Flames out there. You don’t need more of that. You need solutions, a system that actually works.
On this journey, you get what you’re in alignment with – it’s like tuning into a radio to listen to music. If you’re by default tuned into the frequency of separation, you will find it nigh impossible to experience harmony and union. It’s like being tuned into Death Metal FM and expecting to hear classical concertos.
You can find my system, my solution, here – it shifted my energy dramatically and got me to Union with my Twin within 18 months of us meeting.
I’m currently reevaluating the guidelines for the discussions on this blog for these very reasons. Spirit alerted me to have a review to make sure Twins visiting the site weren’t inadvertently slowing down their journeys. To make sure Twin Flames 11:11 serves Twin Flames in a positive, empowering way, we are therefore devising some guidelines for everyone’s highest good. Should be ready very soon.
I take my responsibility very seriously, so I work closely with spirit to make sure my articles and services are to everyone’s highest good – I’m not sure I’ve ever mentioned this but I was actually “interviewed” in detail by spirit before starting this site and creating the Vibrational Alignment Program, to determine whether I was a suitable candidate to translate guidance from the higher realms to other Twins. Each week, they suggest subjects and topics to cover based on scanning the collective Twin Flame energy fields and knowing what is happening around the world with Twins’ journeys.
Most recently we created a complete intuitive energy forecast for 2016 of over 70 pages together, with a lot of hands on advice for Twins on how to proceed to Union, how to deal with the coming year’s challenges, lessons and transits (there is set to be a complete purge and upgrade of the Masculine in 2016), and how to get the most out of the high vibration gateways and 5D anchoring processes. If you’re interested, you can find the complete forecast book here.
As always, I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x

Creation Energy

Some people say that we are each a slice of the Divine and "God" or the universe gave us each the power and responsibility to create.  Like some of us, our souls, actually create worlds.  Yeah I used to scoff at the idea that I have the power to create even just my own existence.  I used to read the "New Age" free magazines and think they all sounded so foreign and looney, like WTF are they smoking and did they ALL drink the kool-aid?  I always assumed "God" took care of my life based on how I behaved and what I earned and what I "deserved" or if I was "bad" or "good."  I felt it was based on reward or punishment I guess.  Or what HE, God, had chosen for me.  Ha... those days seem so so long ago.  That old thinking is SO dis-empowering and opposite from the truth.

Now I am being shown that I AM creating my own existence with every single thought I have.  My thoughts totally and completely affect my reality, and my twin soul, somehow and don't ask me to explain the hows or the whys, is inexplicably linked to me in a way where he is the one who shows me much of what I think about myself and love.  He's like... in that role for me.  Now do not think I believe I create this man's life.  No.  He's got some life that I know very little about, and I hope that my dear is doing well.  But when it comes to how he reacts to ME he somehow, I'm thinking soul contract or "soul twin" connection or some kind of a "Soul Love Quantum Entanglement" has to show me my thoughts.  He's kind of forcing me to finally, once and for all, realize I AM a creator being and I AM creating things in my life whether I like it or not and whether I like what I've created.

Something happened, lol.  I've thought about it for the last few days, why this thing happened.  And last night I think I had an epiphany.  It's because I was worrying about something, and then suddenly what I was worried about was spoken to me to the 10th degree.  As always, totally exaggerated and ridiculous but it has to be that way in order for me to clearly SEE it, and I understand.  I can appreciate that "in my face" aspect of being mirrored and triggered by my own worries and doubts because this way it's inescapable for me.  I can't ignore it or look away.  I always know I am being shown something that I need to pay attention to and figure out, and change.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result, right???

Well I realized something last night.  The Law of Attraction is real.  What's written in the book, "The Power" is very very true: focus on what you LOVE.  Talk about what you LOVE.  Ignore anything you don't like.  Seriously.  Ignore it.  Do not give any energy to anything you do not like.  Do not empower worries.  Don't complain about what you deem to be wrong in your life or the world because ANY single thing in your life, and little thing, you focus on will come to you.  The universe will dish out to you whatever you are focused on.  So if you are focused on, "I do not want to get into an accident in this bad weather" then you are just screaming out to the universe to bring you an accident!!!  And that is because your energy is focused on the main idea of "accident."  And the universe MUST give us what we "ask" for.  It can't discriminate.  It can't choose for us because we have "free will" to choose where we place our focus and energy.  Also do not focus on the terror and badness in the world!  Don't commiserate and talk about it and hate it.  Instead send love to these people, these areas, these incidents but don't focus on the badness because when we do that we just empower chaos and terror and FEAR.  Why, oh why, do you think the media keeps us baited and mired in total badness?  Because then we continue to create fear, and we stay held down and powerless.  Then we never know our own power to create freedom and goodness.  We energetically generate more shit, more darkness.  Don't get me started.  That's for another blog post at another time!

I've know this for years and years, ever since that day when I said, "We will never be in a tornado" and then 24 hours later I was in a ditch on the side of the road with a tornado going over my head.  In the blackness and yes it did sound like a freight train.  I really loud freight train, but the eye of the tornado is {a great title of a book} amazing and how many people can say, "Hey I've experienced being in the eye of a tornado?"  But I have.  Total vacuum of anything.  It was so cool- yellowish glow, otherworldly, and this peaceful sucking feeling but gentle.  It's a moment I won't ever forget, and really ever since that day I've wondered... "Did I make that happen?"  I wish I'd paid more ATTENTION to my strong ability to create all the way back then but oh well.  I guess we all live and learn.

This is why we are not meant to call psychics asking for reassurance.  Because we always want reassurance about our worries and doubts.  It is why we are SOOOOO not meant to be commiserating on public forums, talking shit about our twin souls and our "hard challenging" experiences.  Because EVERY SINGLE THOUGHT YOU PUT OUT THERE you are energizing and asking the universe to send you more of it.  Every worry and fear you have can and will come to you in your reality because you are literally asking for it even when you don't mean to.  Even when it is the very last thing you want!  None of us want more debt or sickness or heartache but when we allow ourselves to focus on those things and fret and worry we are then only asking for more of it to come to us.  Ugh, right?  Let's stop doing that!!!

When you focus ONLY on what you love... then you are asking for more of that LOVE!  When you are grateful and have appreciation for something then you are asking for more stuff to come to you that you can be thankful for.  Honest to God I'd go to my death for this truth.  I have lived this for two years and I am now ready to create what I want.  I am ready to allow my destiny to come to me.  I know what I love.  I know what I am thankful for and I know what I dream about so I will focus on my good dreams and I will energize what I love.

It is best for us to totally and complete IGNORE what we do not like or what we are afraid of or worry about.  Now listen I do not mean don't pay the IRS or don't fix the leaky faucet or go on and let someone abuse you or stay in a bad situation.  Of course not.  Use some common sense too.  But here is how it works:  "I am thankful to fix this leaky faucet because it means I have a home that I appreciate."  "I am thankful to pay the IRS because it means I have a good-paying job."  "I am ready to leave this situation because I love myself and I will think about what I want in my future relationship, good things, instead of bitching about or focusing on what has went wrong in this relationship."  It's good to learn from our mistakes but it is not good to dwell on what went wrong.  You will seriously only create more of what you do not want, of what went wrong.  It is why we go through the same experiences over and over again until we shift out of believing the wrong things or creating the same lessons repeatedly.

I literally have lived this so clearly that I can see it all, plain as day.  I know what I have created, and no I don't like it all.  I LOVE James.  OMG I love him with all my heart and soul.  I love every hair on his cute little body!  I am thankful for his presence in my life back when he was with me and he was able to show me his huge huge affectionate love for me, and I am appreciative of all the things I have learned through him since then.  And I DO want him back, greatly.  I love our love.  I believe in our sweet genuine love.  But I have created "other" stuff that maybe I don't love so much... and well, I have the power to let those things go now so I will.  But this is why I have tried so hard in my journey to NOT focus on "what's wrong with him" or "what his lessons are" or "why does he want to hurt me?" or "why is he ignoring me?" or anything that points to his actions as being intentional or assuming any of this is how he actually feels about me- because if I concentrate on any of that as truth instead of just being my mirror then I am going to empower it to become more real and everything I created that I do not like will get stronger and strong until I want to throw myself off a fucking bridge, all of my own doing too.  I know what happened.  I feared that he would leave me and that he did not feel for me as I did him even though all he showed me was HUGE love, even though he told me he wanted to marry me and be my child's step father and create a BABY with me, all of my most special precious dreams were being manifested through my twin soul.  But I was scared and doubted and fretted and worried inside.  And then he left and my thoughts, frets and worries were shown to me through him as if they were real, like as if he really felt the way I worried he might or could, like I was not that important to him.  And then I got scared of what I created and what he showed to me and feared it and it got stronger.  And the cycle continued on and on.

It's time for me to break my cycle of insanity.   

Ignore what you do not like or want or what you might even fear.  Do not give those things ANY power or energy.  Recently my parents flew to London, right after the Paris ordeal.  Someone sarcastically said to me, "Oh this is a really great time for them to be traveling" but I absolutely banished any thoughts from my mind concerning them staying anything other than happy and safe.  I am far too aware of how powerful my thoughts are and I just won't go there.  I believe too much now to not at least be careful.  It's all thoughts, honestly.  I pray still because it is energy too, intention.  Praying comes naturally to me so I prayed, "Dear God please keep my parents safe and happy and let them enjoy their trip."  Turns out they had an amazing time in London and they are back home safe and sound.

This means don't think, "I don't want any other man besides my twin soul" because you are just asking for a man to come up and ask for a date.  I did that.  It happened.  Only concentrate on what you DO want, what you love.  Ignore the rest because if you tell yourself, "I don't want meatloaf for dinner" then you are going to end up with meatloaf solely on the menu soon.  And if you think, "I don't want my twin soul to move away from me," then get ready for some physical distance to come between you because the universe WILL give you whatever you THINK ABOUT.  It has to.  We co-create with our souls, and I think they sadly dish out to us the things they try so very hard to help us avoid creating.  I think our souls must be sad when we create our very own monsters and then we hurt and suffer.

No- I don't think we solely create every "bad" thing that happens to us.  So don't go there with me because I won't fight that fight.  I think maybe we choose things before we come here and then we have to learn the right way to deal with the outcomes.  And sometimes I think the free will of others affects us, like a school shooter.  If someone else chooses to open fire in a school and there are casualties then it's an unfortunate outcome of the world we live in.  But we ARE creators.  And we are meant to ALL create through love, only love.

If we did all create only through love then there would be no school shooters.  If we all created with love then 9-11 would not have happened and the elite would not own all the fucking money while other people starve.  There would be balance and peace in our world.  But we don't all create with love.  We use our free will to choose otherwise, and that is sad.  It creates a huge mis-balance of energy in the world, the results of which we see in the news day in and day out.  Yet we each still have the power and responsibility to at least TRY to control what we are creating for ourselves and the world.

I am serious about this.  I am going to post an article that was recently sent to me, another "duh" moment for me because I am guided SO strongly but sometimes it passed me by until that "a-ha" moment happens, and it did for me this weekend.  The article speaks to why we should not vent on forums and why we should not seek reassurance from friends and why we should not go on and on about the horrors of the twin soul union because it will keep a person stuck in "separation" for years and years until that energy shifts to positivity and love.  True story.  This concept can and should be applied in all areas of life.  Instead of me telling me boisterous child before he leaves for school, "Don't be loud, don't disrupt, don't say bad things to people," I will only now say, "Hey have a great day.  Make loving choices.  Pay attention to your teacher.  Be respectful to yourself and others because you are a sweet friendly boy and I adore you."  Because when I load him up with everything he should not do- I am just asking the universe to ensure he does ALL of those things I am warning him against.  It's energy.  "Where focus goes energy flows."  No two ways around it.

Focus on good, on love, and what you love, on what you want more of, on all of the lovely things you dream about.  Focus on the goodness you've experienced in the past.  I don't like that saying of "only live in the now" because it really is okay to enjoy old wonderful memories and to derive good e-motions {energy in motion} from those memories.  E-motions create so we want good emotions and feeling a good loving memory generates good emotion.  Don't get stuck there, and do pay attention to the now, live in the now, but it's okay to look back with fondness and love, and it's okay to daydream about the future.  It is how we manifest and create what we want in life!!!  Focused thought-energy and strong emotion put together equals manifestation.  But doubt and worry kills the manifestation of our dreams because it's contradictory.  Doubt and worry immediately begins to create what we do not want and then that battles with our dreams.  Honest, it does.  So IGNORE the doubts and worries.  Do not feed them at all.  Ignore and let them just fade away, non-existent.  Only feed goodness and dreams and what you love.

Focus on what you love and more of it will come to you.  This is positive co-creation.  This is creating with your soul in a way that will make your soul dance in celebration instead of crying for you because you again created that which you do not want, that which hurts you, scares you and makes you suffer.  It hurts your soul to have to give you the sad things you focus on and ask for.  So don't do it!  Ask only for love and goodness by focusing solely on those things you love and desire and are thankful for. 

Yes- it takes strong will-power and a diligent "observer" in your head to do this.  You must gain control over your thinking.  This is why writing is a good form of meditation.  It is focused, and write only goodness!  Calm your mind.  Control your brain, don't let it control you!  And love love love.  Love yourself.  Love others, and for God's sake, your twin soul's sake and your own- love your twin soul who is showing you your creations, especially about relationships and love. 

We can do this!

Happy creating :)  I pray and hope and wish that we all create our very own "Magic."  This song is totally about co-creating with soul.  Enjoy.  And I love her outfit ;)

Oh and for the record...

I pray for peace and harmony for the world.  I really do.  I dream of a day where everyone lives together, happily, safe, healthy, protected and loving each other.  I dream of a day where we ONLY love one another and are caring nurturing stewards of this entire earth and all its inhabitants.  Heaven on earth, "Thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."  "God" gave us the power to make that nirvana happen if only we'd all, every one of us, use it.  It is overwhelming, isn't it, to think of the beautiful world we could all live in if we'd only live from our heart and souls?  I wish everyone on earth would love like I do!  *sniff*

I love Disney World and I want to be a Disney Princess, preferably where I can sing some princess songs because I love them and have a sweet voice and I am still look young enough that if dolled up appropriately I could totally still pull off being a princess.  I've put some thought into this one already ;)

I love having enough money to do what I want when I want to, things that are fun and happy.

I'd love to do something in life that offers me everything I need to pay my bills, have insurance, have a home and money and take care "life" and security but it be something I LOVE too.  Like caring for people or being a mom and wife or a job with heart where I help others.  That is where my heart is.

I love my sweet, caring, humanitarian, empathetic, kind, affectionate loving James with all of my heart and I desire to have him, my Love, back in my life as part of my "home," like ASAP.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

To Miss Someone

My friend and I were discussing these two men we love, both named James, both our strong soul connections and mirrors.  Something strangely divine happened to her that proved to her even more that they hear our every single thought.  Every single thought!  So she said to me, "Only think to him, or about him, or speak about him, or write about him what you would say to his face if he was standing right in front of you."  And I cringed when I thought of allllll the crazy shit I've thought about him, and the mean-spirited one-sided conversaions I've had with him in my mind.  The ones where my ego convinces me of a bunch of shitty stuff and it all boils down to feeling rejected and abandoned.  And I forget just how beautifully he treated me when we were together.  I forget to stay appreciative of his love when I allow ego fear-brain to take over. The nonsense begins to override the TRUTH and I shoot him meanness, not love.  I've done that a lot.

A psychic once told me I "assault" him with my thoughts.  She told me to be careful, loving and gentle.  James is sensitive.  He is affectionate and has a sensitive kind heart.  It saddens me to think of some of the thoughts I've sent his way, things he knows 100% since he knows my every thought.  

But now as fear and all fear's sidekicks are packing up and moving out... it's leaving more space for truth and love to reside inside of me.  I remember him more clearly and feeling his goodness makes me miss him dearly.

People have told me I need to "let him go now" because if I miss him then the energy of "missing" him will keep him away from me.  That he will feel me missing him and it will repel him.  I do not believe this at all.  It is not a spiritual teaching that resonates with me whatsoever.  I do not believe that when we "miss" someone we then create more "missing."  Not when it is so strongly combined with dreaming of him one day being my future.  From now on the way I will gauge if what I feel is good energy is if I translated whatever I am feeling into words would I be willing to say those words to his face?  His sweet, adorable, gentle kind face?  The face I love so much?

I love him and I miss him.  I was thinking all of this on my way to work, about the missing energy and whether it blocks or not, and this song began playing.  And it made me smile because yes, it's exactly how I feel and just what I would say to him.  I've missed you like crazy, and there is just no getting over you.  Every hour of every day- it never goes away, this love I have for you, and longing to have your sweet dear presence in my life again.

Telling him telepathically that I miss him because he's an angel who I love with all my heart is SO much better than assaulting him with anger and frustration or resentment and other shit that's not even founded or based in truth or reality.  It's better to keep it REAL and honest and say, "I appreciate you for all the love you showed me and my son but I also miss you because you are not here with us.  I wish you were here with us.  I'd love to share life with you again."

This is only my experience and my opinion but I think it's better for us to be HONEST about our feelings, even just to ourselves, instead of trying to push push push it all away.  God would not expect us to push away "missing" another person.  To know someone's goodness and miss that person,  and to pray for his return... that feels more genuine to me than stifling it all and denying the feelings.

Yes.  "I miss you like crazy."

Thursday, November 19, 2015


GOD I love this photo!!!  Don't judge, lol.  Last night my son fell asleep wrapped in my arms, by candlelight.  As I sang him lullabies.  I totally soak up every moment of his childhood so when he's 18 years-old I don't look back and wish I'd done more, paused that extra moment, paid more attention or wish I hadn't let his childhood slip away.  The thought makes me weep, to let his childhood slip by.  So I make sure I do not do this.  I relish in all moments I can get with him.

Heartache is draining, and I've dealt with heartache in some way or form since my little man has been alive but so have many others in many different ways.  I manage.  I manage and having my son in my life has helped me so very much.  Somehow through all of this, or because of all of this and my heightened awareness, I am an attentive mother.  Part of it comes from the fact that I don't date.  I did somewhat before I met James and it is daunting.  I am glad I don't date.  Of course I want him back; he was great as a boyfriend. It wasn't some big song and dance like it can be with many men.  He was easy and pleasant, not energy-draining.  Once he left and I felt I needed to be alone and didn't want anyone else I haven't had to deal with all that.  So I am not doing the on-line dating thing, fractured attention coming from texting men and talking and getting sitters and going out.  I am not saying those are bad things for others to do but my attention has not been there.  I literally have barely anyone who calls me or texts me!  Isn't that crazy in this day and age?  Same with email.  I have only one email friend who I keep in contact with regularly, my dear friend Lou who is also a twin soul and we understand each other.  I text so little that it's almost embarrassing, and man I'd love to be back to when I looked forward to getting those love bomb messages from my twin!  I am barely on the phone either.  I have FB and share updates of me and my child there, and I visit, in person, my friends and family.  I lead a very "unplugged" life and I think this has helped me avoid distractions that would keep me from giving my child the attention he deserves at this tender young age.  And I am really thankful for that.  It's just another benefit that has come from this union.  I suppose it's helped me focus on important things in life.

But this picture... how she gazes at the sleeping child's face really hits my heart.  My heart is breaking over the photos I've seen of the child refugees, and I can't really write about it because I feel the only thing I can do is love my child, and love and help the two who live with me, and be as good of a person as I can because I can't save the world myself... and I wish I could.  The photos I've seen make me weep.  Those kids, and I can only imagine their poor parents who want to keep them safe!!!  Oh it's so sad.  Last night I listened to my son's quieted breathing as he fell asleep in my arms.  I'm lucky enough to have him so I do let him snuggle up with me.  He sleepily told me what songs he wanted me to sing to him.  "Working on the railroad," he requested so I sang, and he softly sang too in his rough, raspy little-boy voice, "I've Been Working on The Railroad," one of his faves because he LOVES trains!  After that he wanted, "The hush little PJ song," which is our own private special mommy-created version of "Hush Little Baby" but I use his name and added a bunch more verses using his favorite things and we've been singing that since he was a baby.  And then he whispered, "Elmo" when I was done with that one.  I created an Elmo lullabye for him when he was an infant, sung to the tune of "Memories" from the musical "Cats," lol.  By the time I was done singing him that song he was fast asleep, in my arms.  It's so sweet to feel him relax and hear his breathing slow, a half-snore to where I know he is sleeping.  And his sleeping body twitches as he drifts off farther to sleep.  He looks so peaceful sleeping, my angel.  I laid there for a while with him in my arms but eventually I had to get up because I was falling asleep and I had candles lit and I needed to blow them out, and I really wanted to do a small bit of writing to my twin soul before sleep.  But I love knowing that my son feels so safe and secure with me.  With everything crazy going on in the world I am so thankful to climb into a warm bed at night knowing that my child is safe with me, warm and comfy and secure.  So many others are not; I feel blessed for us and sad for them.  I'd just put the other two who live with me to bed too.  Hugged them, tucked them in and told them I love them, put on a movie for them to fall asleep to which is their routine.  It seems loving is my job and I am good at it.  They are sweet children.  All children are sweet.  They are with me tonight too since there mom works so we are going to look at Christmas trees but I'm not sure one will fit in my trunk so we shall see whether we end up taking one home tonight or not.  If not we will find someone to help us go back and get one.

Amazing to think I thought I'd never be a mother because I was afraid I'd be a "bad mom."  I laugh to think back to the days when I told people I'd never be a mother.  How funny.  Yet my soul knew, always.

I love James like I love my child.  I honestly do.  You may chuckle and say, "Yeah right," but if you only knew exactly what I've had to face down through our union yet my adoration of him has only increased you'd understand.  Through him I've had to face some of my worst fears yet still I love him no matter what he's had to say to me.  No matter that he's had to stay away or show me my fears, no matter that I dream of hearing his voice again since it's been so long, no matter that I know little of him, no matter ANYTHING- I love him.  Like I want to take his face in my hands and just gaze at his sweet face like this woman gazing at this child.  I miss those glowing blue eyes.  I want to gently caress his face and smile at him, or kiss his his soft lips.  No questions asked.  No apologies necessary.  I need nothing from him to love him.  Not even his presence in my life.  Not even his sweet words or affectionate gestures.  I only love him.  I'd LOVE to see him again. I'd love to kiss his lips or touch his sweet face or feel him above me again, moving inside of me looking into my eyes and telling me, "I love you" while making love.  I'd love to be his blissfully lucky adoring wife, him as our family would be heaven on earth for me but without all of that I love him, and I will forever love him because that is what unconditional love is, or at least I think it might be what unconditional love is.  A love so pure that all I want to do is look at him while he is sleeping and touch his face and know he is happy.  That I can love him through anything, just like I would my son.  It is the same love just with different facets, a few different feelings involved.  If I could just sit and hold his hand and talk to him and have him as my own for eternity I would be the happiest woman on the planet.  The happiest woman in the universe... and even without him here with me I'll always love him... yet I miss him since he is not with me now here on earth.  And that is okay.  I sure do love him though.  I hope he is well.



Wednesday, November 18, 2015


This is such a beautiful song.

With all the talk about division and refugees separation I thought this would be a good song to share.  I heard it this morning on the radio.  And it's very true.

These are the things I notice on FB.  Much of the stuff on there is such crap but I have some good peeps as friends and they post interesting stuff.

The Methodist Minister says he'd make the world a more compassionate place.  Me too.  If I could change the world I'd ask that it be more loving, more compassionate, more kind and peaceful.  I wasn't raised to judge other people.  So I don't.  I mean I'm not perfect but overall, especially as I wake up more and more, I work to stay as non-judgmental as possible.  I've got enough in my own life to focus on! I wish other people were more loving and accepting too.

These "social experiment" videos make me cry.  Everything seems to make me cry!  I truly am a cry-baby, lol. 

One last song.  

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Love, Mission & "Imagine"

I've never been to Paris.  I'd love to visit some day, and I will.  I dream of taking my son to many different places so he can see the world and get to know new people and have exciting experiences.  I am also raising my child to be loving, kind, accepting, just, merciful and tolerant.  If there is one thing I press on my child it is to make LOVING choices.  Not right or wrong choices- we all fuck up and I don't like "right or wrong."  Instead I teach him to make loving choices.  I am far from perfect and every day I have opportunities myself to make my own loving choices, to overcome ego, to smile and say "I love you" in my head instead of flipping someone off who won't let me merge into traffic.

Love- love love love.  If we ALL held only love in our hearts wouldn't this world be a wonderful place to live?  There would be no war.  No hatred or intolerance.

The attack in Paris last night really break my heart.  And it makes me think.  A twin soul friend and I have been texting this morning.  Her guidance tells her a lot of "worldly" messages about universal energy and the battle going on right not between the darkness and the Light.  And how we are "The Light."  And I want to discuss that for a moment.  For a few years before I met James my guidance told me that all I am is a HUGE walking ball of Love and Light energy.  It was constantly told to me, all the time.  I did not understand why and I did not believe it at all.  Back then it was easy for me to love other people but I could not love myself.  I look back and can see how far I've come since then.  It's amazing really.  Since that day I've had lessons in learning to let things go with others, and I am always working to love others more unconditionally, and it does not always come easily as we all know.  But I do know one thing: I AM that walking ball of Love and Light that my guidance told me I am.  I LOVE differently than most people, and only recently can I see the difference.  I love beyond borders.  I love beyond... well, most anything.  So going back to this concept of us being "The Light." I feel that those of us who genuinely are "twin soul energy" we are created to be ONLY love.  Only love, and God is making us shed and release pretty much any fear-based energies inside of us, and this is done through our twin soul as our mirror to show us what needs to be released.

Please understand I am only sharing what *I* believe, and please don't debate me.  My feelings are not up for debate.  I am not pushing this on you as YOUR truth but it is what I've been shown, and it is why I am SO loyal to James.  If in the end it is shown to me that what I believe is not really truth then I will have to deal with that accordingly.  But for now this is my TRUTH and I do believe in it.

We as twin souls are told that we love differently.  Or at least we are made to love differently.  We are like Love Machines.  So we are just people walking around on earth but we are here, we chose to be here, to be LOVE so inside of us is supposed to ONLY BE LOVE.  We are meant to generate love, send it out to the world, and there are a lot of us.  Look how many twin soul experiences are happening out there right now.  It's happening more and more as the energies speed up and change.  I don't understand it all.  My brain is too simple to comprehend most of it.  All I know is SHIT IS HAPPENING.  We are changing.  An energetic shift is occurring and we are being asked to PLEASE let go of old programming, old beliefs, fear-based energy and just be love.

Before I met James I was given that analogy of the butterfly where I was told I am being asked to be more soul than human, which is Awakening.  And then when I met him he told me he dreamed that I told him I am not truly human but a butterfly which was symbolic of me being more soul {butterfly/Psyche} than human.  I was being told back then, even directly through my twin soul, that I am Awakening, and he was there to help me.

Speaking of my own situation only I can see where James has been used as my mirror to help me do this.  Be less fear and more love, more soul than human.  It's so obvious to me that he immediately reflects my fear, anger and resentment right back at me so I can see it.  Until I so badly no longer want to see it or feel it and I finally stop GENERATING it from within me.  Then once it is all gone I can be that "Walking ball of love and light" that I chose to be before I came to earth. To be as much of a pure soul walking around in a human vessel as possible.  And I truly do believe that somehow, on some level, the soul that is inside of me DOES generate love for the earth, a love that is so desperately needed right now.

I know James is helping me do this.  It's what I was told.  I was told he was helping me heal so I rid myself of fear-based energy and become pretty much only Love.  And I do believe with everything inside of me that he is meant for me, a gift from God.  So I cherish him as a human and as a soul.  Twin soul or soul mate or soul friend or my soul BFF- whatever it is.  Maybe he truly is me, like one soul.  Just the same soul energy divided into two different people.  He once told me that when we die he wants us to go to heaven and kiss there for eternity.  Back then I had no idea what he was to me but now I look back and think, yeah-- he's mine.  He's my eternal sweetheart. And I do love him dearly.  He's done a JOB for me that he was meant to.  God GIFTED him to me. He's been here to be almost like my mentor, or my spiritual personal trainer, and I am the "student" in a way.  This entire time  he's shown me the things inside of myself that I need to either honor or let go of.  He's helped show me that I am love and to be adored, and he's shown the the things that would do me well to release now.  I have to release those things or else they will continue to bring me pain.  I will be forced to experience my fearful creations until I stop putting out the energy that is creating them.

And to do that I must consciously shift my thoughts and energy around.  That is why I "work" on this. Why I write happiness and love,  It is how I meditate.  It is is how I avoid the crappy thoughts and energy.  It is how I shift my focus.  For me just sitting back and asking God to take it from me will not work.  I have to shift it by working at it, so I do.

And in the end it all comes back to the fact that we do have a "mission" here on earth as twin souls. It is a mission to be love and light, only.  And I think that for some of us we don't have to to much more than clear ourselves so we can be just love and light.  For some of us once that is achieved we can spread that love and light in certain ways like opening soup kitchens, or even just working in soup kitchens, or tutoring kids while showing them love, or even just raising our own families with love and light.  But the mission still goes back to being love and light, and our twins are helping us do this.

And what are we doing for them?  I only know that I am meant to love him and trust in him and his wonderfully sweet love.  I've been told from above time and again that anything beyond that concerning him and his life is none of my business.  I am not meant to fret and wonder what he is going through or try and figure out what his lessons are.  Not my business.  And I was shown that he is amazingly perfect and whole and healed and awesome so that is what I believe.  Once I shift things more to love then my hope is that door will be opened for me and I can begin to share life with him again.  I look forward to knowing about my Love and his life and sharing with him mine.

I do believe fully that God is asking me to hold my twin soul, my divine helper, my gift from God, very close to my heart.  I believe he is meant to be my one and only, and I believe we are meant to be together in the end.  Twin souls, IMO, are special to one another.  So I do cherish him and I will not be with anyone else because I feel the Lord above is asking that of me.  And I am listening.  I also believe that when we do reunite, together we will create HUGE huge love, even bigger than we each do separately as twin souls.  James... he is so loving.  When he was in my life I can say he was a HUGE walking ball of love energy; he felt like me.  I remember walking next to him hand in hand and him turning to smile at me and I thought, "How is it that being with this man feels like being with myself?  He's exactly like me.  He FEELS like me."

This is SO far beyond what my ego may demand.  I am working to use my free will to choose what I believe my soul wants from me, not what my ego wants.  That is the gift of free will- choosing between human desires and soul desires.  I do feel like I am being asked to be more than a simple ego-based human.  I am to be patience and kindness and to hold on... even if there are times where I feel like I want a boyfriend NOW.  Or I want to be cuddled right this very moment.  Of course I have those moments and desires, and sometimes I do get frustrated and want to run off.  Believe me.  But I am working to look past that and continue forward with my twin soul.

What I am trying to express to you is there is a bigger picture to all of this.  It is not just about a "relationship" or getting married or being fulfilled with what we want right this very moment.  It is about ascending past some of that to believe in what is being asked of us.  To be more soul than human.  I TRULY believe this and it is my goal.  I am striving with every fiber of my being to just sit tight, believe, meditate/manifest and hold on.  It is way more than my simple little mind can comprehend BUT I do honor and cherish this person who is my divine other half, who has had to show me myself, and no it has not always been pretty.  I am certain he'd much rather wrap me in a warm embrace and kiss my sweet lips, the lips he loves, instead of all the rest that has had to happen. And that is why I hold him so closely to my heart, and why I won't let go.  This is why I think he is precious and there is no moving on for me.  Because it is a love so strong and so divine that there is no way for me to let him go.  I don't want to.  I am in this and it is where I will stay.  I feel it is what GOD is asking of me.  And I love James so I honor my heart.

I pray for our strength and our belief.  For us to always be more love every day.  I pray for your aches and pains to be relieved, and I do pray that we all one day have these people we love in our lives and in our arms.  I pray for peace and love!  My heart is breaking over all the pain and fear in the world, especially right now in Paris.  All we can do is be love and pray and keep goodness in our twin soul hearts.  I know God is guiding us all, and I know our twin souls love us very much, just like we are meant to love ourselves and others.  It truly is God's love.

I really wish to hold my Love close to me, safely in my arms.  

Take care and "Imagine,"  Imagine, pray for, intent, manifest... a loving world.


Thursday, November 12, 2015

"The Five Most Damaging Myths About Twin Flames" Reblog

I had this article sent to my email and I really like Cassady Cayne.  She is the only twin soul guide who resonates with me.  I love the info she shares here.  It is all what I've already learned and believe from my own journey and want to share it here for those who might gain clarity from it.  When I am having a hard time it's info like this that help pull me back into place.

Remember these are all statements that she says are incorrect and really not things we should focus on.

With love, as always...

I was quite shocked when I encountered this statement the other week in a YouTube video watched by hundreds of thousands of people. Every fibre of my being knew it was wrong. Every experience I’ve had on this journey told me it was incorrect.
Most Twin Flames encounter some issues on their journey. This is a part of the Ascension process and the journey back to Unconditional Love and Twin Flame Union.
If you have heard or read statements that indicate Twin Flames never have problems and if you do it means there’s something wrong, please don’t feel hurt or doubt the realness of your Twin Flame connection. 
The real truth on this journey is that yes, there is always a bond of unconditional love between Twin Flames. No matter what is happening on the surface ego level, the Twin Flames share a soul bond based in unconditional love and acceptance. There is literally a cord between you and your Twin’s energetic heart centers, connecting you in love. 
Twin Flames share an identical core frequency as souls, and one thing that always happens when Twins connect is that their energies are triggered to purge any karma and negativity that’s been layered on top of or polluting that core frequency. This process is called Twin Flame Ascension and is something that happens to all Twins in order to get back to Union, which is what your souls are both pushing for and it’s a big part of why you came to earth.
While some Twins have less of this negativity and baggage than others, all Twin Flames go through this Ascension process. If you and your Twin are always happy together, then enjoy this and know you are among a lucky few, because it means you have had very little karmic and energetic baggage to clear. Most Twins have quite a bit of negativity to release and clear before they get back to that core harmony in their relationship.
If you’re having problems with your Twin – and this is very common – you can address and resolve these things by clearing the negative energy and speeding up the release process your soul has already triggered.
This is why I made the Vibrational Alignment Program, a “roadmap to Union” which shows you simple and easy ways to clear negative energy and speed up this Ascension and release process so you can get to harmony and Union without so much struggle.

Divine Time doesn’t mean what most people think it means – it doesn’t mean that someone else is out there deciding when you will get to come together. It’s a figure of speech that seems to imply that there’s a God or boss up there who has a plan for everyone and won’t let things happen before he agrees, but that’s not how things work. It’s actually a lot freer and simpler than that.
“Divine Time” is all about energy alignment. It means that you and your Twin coming together will only happen when you are energetically in alignment with it - and this depends on how quickly you can raise your energetic vibration to be in alignment with unconditional love and harmony.
In order to be able to manifest and experience lasting harmony with our Twin Flame, we have to be in the frequency range of harmony and love. Love is one of the highest vibrations on the scale of energy. Fear, shame and guilt are at the lowest end. If you’re habitually in the energies and emotions of resentment, blame or any other low vibration, you are out of reach to that harmony you desire.
The truth is that you have a lot more control over when you and your Twin will come together than what you might think. You can take action to lift your vibration more and more, starting right now.
A two-fold approach of both clearing out negativity and old karmic patterns and installing new positive blueprints and habits of feeling and thinking, will raise your vibration faster than anything else – because you’ll be approaching the issue from two angles for more potent results. This is how I myself reached Union and how I structured the course I created for other Twins to follow.

This is another dubious idea that’s quite common in the Twin Flame communities. Because it encourages you to not take action yourself. The energy of waiting is very disempowering, a low vibration that paradoxically keeps you out of alignment with the Union you desire. 
Although yes, the natural progression of the Ascension process will gradually clear you of negativity and allow your vibration to rise eventually and maybe even so high that you’re in alignment with unconditional love – this is a very slow path if you’re not deliberately speeding things up. There is no guarantee on this journey. No one can promise you that you will get to Twin Flame Union or to be together. But there are tools that can help you get there.
I know most Twin Flames would not want to spend decades painstakingly learning hard lessons to release karma around rejection, love, acceptance or abandonment the “old fashioned, manual way”. There are ways to make the journey much smoother and more pleasant – the most effective methods I’ve experienced are energy clearing and karma clearing tools.
Twin Flames are ultimately here in order to come together. The plan you and your Twin Flame had when deciding to be born on earth and to encounter each other, was that you would come together in unconditional love so that you could then live from that space, helping the earth in its Ascension by forming a gateway of high energies. 
You also wanted to share the joyous experience of living from a place of unconditional love and togetherness. It is what all Twin Flames set out to do, to enjoy togetherness while seemingly separate in human bodies – a rare experience of bliss.
This means that no Twin Flames planned to spend a whole lifetime on the struggle and back and forth of running and chasing and conflict and hurt. You planned to come together in joy and you knew you could do it, but ultimately when you’re here on earth it’s up to you.
Because we all have Free Will. Every moment, we make choices to think, feel and act certain ways. And these things all impact our energy, which impacts the events we align with.
The problem is that if you were going to figure out exactly which of your choices (and your Twin Flame’s choices) would lead to harmony and Union, you could drive yourself crazy. It’s too much for the mind to handle.
The amazing thing though, is that your soul has known all along how to do it, each and every step. It already has the “map”. So does your Twin’s soul. You were born with this blueprint. Every moment, your souls and your guides are working to show you through feelings, hunches, dreams and outside information, how to get to where you want to go.
This is how we end up mysteriously meeting our Twin even if we never planned or wanted it. This is why things happen with strange synchronicity, why you meet in dreams and why you seem to be in touch emotionally and maybe even telepathically, no matter how long you’re apart in the physical.
It’s because both Twins’ souls are always working to get together. You can follow this perfect “map” with ease through listening to your intuition, your feelings and your gut instinct – they will always give you messages as to what serves you.
Learn to listen to your energy. The clearer and less congested you get, the easier it becomes to “hear” your soul and your intuition. This inner compass will never lead you astray.

This is another theory which often causes trouble on the Twin Flame journey. Firstly, this belief distracts you from looking within and resolving your own issues, which means you’re less likely to get over the negatives you’re experiencing on your journey.
Know that any negativity between you and your Twin can be cleared, and any conflict can be resolved once you realize what’s truly been causing it. The most important thing to know is that you are in the driver’s seat at all times.
No outside forces (whether it’s other people or perceived negative spirits) can ever keep Twins apart because physical separation is an illusion in itself – Twin Souls are always together on the energetic planes, no matter how it seems in life. No one can ever keep you apart. 
However, it is possible for you to accept the story of you and your Twin being separate, and for you to give energy to this by believing it to be true – and once you do that it is possible for you to experience yourself as being separated from your Twin by others. This is the real damage that can arise from this “darkness” – you believing that the “dark” is more powerful than the love you and your Twin share.
The real truth is that even if others are attempting to get between you, you can bypass it by not paying attention to these outside influences. Go within to where you and your Twin are always connected, and that influence will be powerless. Eventually it will also fade away in your outer circumstances.
Be aware that in spiritual terms, darkness is just a lack of light. You are your own dark and your own light. Outside forces can never ever keep you apart from your Twin. The more you raise your vibration, the more you will be out of reach to anything “dark” and low vibrational too. In all areas of your life. It will literally stop registering with you.
The idea of “dark forces” working to sabotage Twin Flames and lightworkers, is a surprisingly common and damaging belief in the spiritual community. Note however, that “enlightened” souls in history – the Buddha and Zen teachers, to mention some – never mention this. Because it’s all in us – you are your own darkness and your own light – we are all complex beings.
We are the ones who choose what to align with: happiness or sadness, love or resentment. We are infinite. Any darkness we encounter is there to mirror back to us our own wounds so we can understand and heal them. If you fear something getting between you and your Twin, this is alerting you to deeper wounds around fear of separation. 
It is this fear of separation that needs to be cleared, because you and your Twin will never be separated. And once you’ve deliberately cleared this fear your soul will stop manifesting outer circumstances of seeming separation in an effort to help you release this very fear.

This another damaging myth that creates dissonance and feeds into the illusion of separation between Twins. For one thing, it is not helpful to you and your journey to look for sources of difference between yourself and your Twin.
This is an earth-typical hierarchy – the idea that there is always a power relation between two people. The truth is that the Twin Flames complete each other effortlessly. There is no one more powerful or more spiritual or more evolved than the other.
Spirit always seeks to unify and look past difference. Human ego looks differentiates and creates separation. This idea of Alpha and Omega Twins does not help you on your journey back to unity. If anything, it causes dissonance and distracts from the core truth that will lead you “home” to your other self – Love. You are united by Love and unconditional acceptance.
If you feel with your emotions and your energy you’ll realise that this is true: there is no superior or inferior twin. Just two aspects of the same consciousness. Two whole, pure aspects of the light of creation.
Another related concept is the myth that one of the Twins is more spiritual and enlightened than the other – again this sets up separation, forces difference and makes for opposition. If anything, these beliefs feed into conflict. Where there is opposition and polarity, there is ground for conflict. Where there is equality, there is no tension, no power struggle, no conflict. 
No matter how your earthly selves express themselves in this lifetime, there is no spiritually “inferior” or “superior” Twin. It’s just expressed differently. You are at your core source energy, pure light. There is nothing “unspiritual” about that.
What can make one Twin (the “unawakened Twin“) less open to the metaphysical, is the energy patterns they’ve taken on in life. Anyone can become spiritual and enlightened once they lift off the layers of unknowing that have settled on them like dust over the years on earth.
This is why Ascension brings up so much power struggle between Twins – it is part of releasing those ego illusions that keep us in a false sense of difference from our Twin Flame. 
You are never inferior or superior to your Twin. You are simply two parts of one whole, who may have had different experiences in life and thereby have taken on different traits and patterns of behaviour. Underneath this, you are the same in essence.
As always I’m sending you love and light for your continued journey! <3
Cassady x