Monday, June 2, 2014

A Reminder about Psychics While in A Twin Soul Experience!

Being unable to share my thoughts on "the forum" is killing me but it's probably also a sign that I'm supposed to be writing a book of my thoughts instead of sharing them in a limited setting only.  That said... I keep reading about people taking advice from psychics about their twin soul union as the ultimate be-all end-all truth... and you really can't do that because not everything you hear is truth.  We are all psychic so try and trust your judgement over the advice of a psychic.  It is my firm belief that when one is just beginning this journey then the advice from a psychic will be more true {if it's an honest and forthright psychic you are visiting and not some charlatan} because the guidance is necessary.  But once you are on your path and you feel truth in your heart then you are not supposed to keep seeing external guidance.

I've read posts where people attest that "A psychic told me my twin chose not to fulfill his role in this lifetime and we will never be together."  Then that person does her damndest to cut her soul connection out of her life- and what if she was being tested?  It happens to me all the time.

I went and got my Akashic Records read right after Joron ran.  The reader is a wonderful woman who knew a ton about me and my situation... she obviously has a great strong connection with the divine- but all she did was channel what my guidance wanted me to hear, and some of it was to push the shit out of me.  Spirit loves to fuck with me because I am rock-solid stubborn as a brick wall.  Not all of it was truth- I had planned on flying to see my twin after he ran.  The idea was planted into my head by a coworker who has a soul connection with me; she is often used by Spirit to give me messages and she doesn't realize it.  She told me "If I were you I'd get on a plane and go see him."  Well... long story short I needed to experience the initial insanity of a twin soul separation in order for me to get here, where I can look back and say "Holy shit how did we make it this far after that cluster fuck from eight months ago?"  To inspire said insanity Spirit had to help make me look psycho because I refused to do it myself.  I am not a "chaser" by nature- I have more pride, self-respect and self-esteem than to chase in that crazy-lady stalker manner.  But anyway, when she mentioned flying to see him my guidance told me "Oh yes he really needs you.  He's hurting.  He has issues, etc. etc. etc."  Instead of concentrating on what might be wrong with ME I allowed myself to only believe that he was wounded, broken, hurting, etc.  WRONG WRONG WRONG.   So I got a flight and made myself look totally loco. 

It wasn't until later that I saw things more clearly, saw what I needed to work through.  At that time, though, I actually did book a flight to see my twin.  I look back now and realize how insane that seemed- and he was freaked out by it, poor man.  I didn't actually go see him.  My guidance is soooo slick.  I was told to let him know I would be coming so he'd make sure to be in town- my guidance at least didn't allow me to take the ill-fated trip.  I contacted him and he told me he thought I was crazy.  I scared him.  I look back at it all and cringe because he wrote, "I hate to say this but leave me alone," and those were probably the hardest words he ever wrote to me.  I think he was totally heartbroken to contemplate that this woman he'd fallen in love with was coming apart on him, and he wondered if he ever really knew the real me.  I scared the shit out of him, compliments of my guidance because it seems I needed to be shocked into learning my lessons and healing.  We needed to be separated, and I had to help it along.  I put a large chasm between us, and still I attest that much of my seemingly temporary insanity was Spirit-inspired because had me and my twin not endured those terrible crazy moments... I don't think we would have stayed as separated as we've been.  As it was when he wrote to me he said, "I was just thinking I would come back at Thanksgiving and see you but now I am not because you turned out to be crazy."  UGH!  Fuck me, lol.  FEAR had to be injected in our connection in order to keep us apart for this separation and learning time.  I was pushed to seem crazy to him.  I look back now and wonder how the HELL we made it through all that.  Some of us learn the hard way I suppose.

Anywho, when I went to see the Akashic Records reader she totally told me that I needed to fly out and see him; she reaffirmed my crazy, lol.  She fed me every single thing my guidance wanted me to hear.  She told me interesting things about our past lives together... and I could care less about any of it.  I have no idea if it is truth or if it was just Spirit screwing with me.  She told me things later that I know, totally know, were untruths in order for me to question my heart.  So when I read on the web people saying, "Go get your Akashic Records read," or "A psychic told me that there is a 23% chance that I will be with my twin soul and it will take 17 1/2 years for us to reunite," inside myself I scream BULLSHIT!  That is SO Spirit playing on fear in order to get you to buck up and own your truth.

The most recent posting that is causing me to write this deals with twin souls and demonic relationships.  Someone was told her twin is involved in darkness... don't believe it if it does not seem real!!!  Spirit could very well be testing to see just how fast you are willing to give up on your soul mate and friend.  If you are told something flat out negative from a psychic that causes you fear, it could be to make you question yourself so you can find your OWN truth.  Psychics will also be used as a strong mirror for you to face fears.  They will feed your fears right to you if you are not careful.  I'm not saying write off everything a psychic tells you if it isn't what you want to hear- just be very careful in judging for yourself.  Don't bet your last dollar on the advice of a psychic because you might just learn that the lesson was Spirit doesn't want you to gamble.

If you are given a reading that seems good, solid, non-fear based, helpful, etc. then by all means take it to heart.  But if you are told something scary, fearful, and totally black and white with no grey area then I'd be super duper careful to take that "guidance" with a grain of salt.  Been there, done that and got the "I am fucking with your doubts using this psychic as a channel so aren't you happy you paid good hard money for this shit?" t-shirt from my guidance afterwards.

There is a very popular local psychic by me and a while back I tried her out.  She totally "cold-read" me meaning she scoped me out and made judgment calls on me based on my appearance, and she tried to use that shit against me as if she was getting "psychic" information.  I am SO low-maintenance!  I wear little makeup, carry the same purse for years, and wear sensible shoes.  I drive my cars for ten+ years.  I slap my hair up in a bun, brush my teeth, wash my face, apply moisturizer and then am out the door on the weekends with my son.  I love ME but I am not very interested in impressing others with my appearance on most occasions.  For work though, because I am an Assistant Director at a large university, I do have to pay more attention to my appearance.  The day I visited this psychic I'd had a business meeting so I was dressed in a skirt, heels, all black.  I actually for once, shocker, looked "put together."  I also make my own jewelry so at times I will have matching pieces, my own work.  I wore lipstick.  I guess I looked presentable for once, lol.

She totally judged me based on my appearance.  She told me, "You are materialistic and like to have nice things, expensive things.  Your appearance is very important to you."  Basically she was calling me petty and superficial which I am FAR from!!!  I own very little expensive stuff, maybe my Canon 7D DSLR which was a gift from my father.  To me money is not necessary to be happy.  I wear the same clothes over and over and I am into thrift shopping and sales.  I own nothing designer unless by accident, and even then I wouldn't even know it was designer.  I am clueless!  She was a cold witch to be honest with you, a charlatan through and through~ and it scared me to think how she probably sucks the cash from her "repeat customers" who hang on to her every word and base their decisions on her "guidance."  <---- Scary!!!

There are snakes out there in the Spiritual community so be very careful.  

Be wise.  Think for yourself.  Trust your judgment.  I fear some people out there get false information about their soul mates and is causes a lot of grief.  So be careful where you put your trust.  Spirit will snatch up a fear from inside of you and feed it right to you through a psychic if it is time for you to face that fear... Spirit will test you to see if you deserve a strong soul mate relationship- so please do not believe right away with 100% certainty those things you hear through a psychic.  I write this because I truly have been there.  I've been tested to own my truth and still can be on occasion!      

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