Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Oh The Irony: I Called A Psychic!

Today I called Lady Sarah of:  http://soulmatereading.com/ to ask her about the ignoring.  This is a hard topic for me because Joron is silent again.  He came through with a big dose of love and then is gone again.  It is difficult.  Holding on to belief is a challenge... especially when I am constantly tested by those around me.

My family thinks I am crazy.  My younger sister lives with me and it's a struggle because she sees my battle for balance and feels I am pathetically, desperately, pathologically in love with Joron.  They all think I am wasting my life, trying too hard, not living.  She and I had a huge HUGE fight this morning.  She told me some very mean things including the fact that since my twin is an Atheist and I am a full-blown "channeling" believer that he will not and could not ever love me.  She said I am the reason why no one stays in love with me, why my husbands stopped loving me.  She said I am the reason why Joron pulled away, because I chased him away with my weirdness.  I just love how spirit uses her as a vessel to test me and my fortitude!  She said Joron can't love me.

But he just told me he loves me.  I heard him.  This was... oh, nine days ago.  Then last week we emailed about coming back.  He said while he's not expecting anything from me he thinks about being intimate with me, and he called me "honey" and wrote "I love you."  But everyone around me tells me I am living with my head in the clouds.  They think I am sick.  They don't understand me and never truly have.  I scare them a bit.  I once mentioned that I am being put through healing due to my childhood and I think that hit my mom super hard but I didn't mean it to upset her.

It's truth.  I uncontrollably urinated in my pants from fear-reaction until I was in my twenties... and it was because of my mother's violence towards me.  I can't fake that.  It happened.  I don't hold it against her but the abuse didn't just fucking disappear; I'm going through an entirely difficult spiritual healing process so I can be whole, and Joron is helping me but of course all they see is he hasn't come back for me.

So anywho- bad bad morning.  I was feeling entirely down so I called Lady Sarah, prompted by this article: http://soulmatereading.com/tag/soulmate-limbo/     and I asked her to please PLEASE tell me the "ignoring" is really through soul and not ego-based choice.  That what I am experiencing is real- that his soul is working to help heal me and this makes him he go quiet.  I told her I really need to know.  She said YES it is fully true and she gets calls like mine a few times a week.  She said I am in a perfectly typical soul mate or twin soul union {and I could care less what he is as long as he loves me} and it is to heal.  The struggle is the healing and the reward is the end relationship {just like The Goddess Psyche as she goes through her hero's journey.}

She said he thinks about me every day, and he told me this before, that not a day goes by that he doesn't think of me.  She said he talks to me in his head.  He feels we will be together in the future although he's confused right now because he's being worked so strongly by soul and trying to figure it all out himself.  She reaffirmed to me that "manifestation" is simply SOUL.  So when I did my manifestation ritual that asked for my "one and only soul mate" my soul said to Joron's soul... okay get ready.  Come this one's fortieth birthday she's going to get the gift of a lifetime!!!  And BAM I met my twin soul, my Beloved.  My helpmate.  My *friend.*  My dear dear friend.  Oh how I love my friend.  Soul is in charge of it all.  We ask in faith and soul grants it to us.  When we believe and listen then soul shows us the way.  This video right here, "Magic," is totally a message from soul!!  Listen to the words... "You have to believe we are magic."  WE- like "we", the 3D physical us and soul, are a team.  Exactly. 

She also told me the testing gets stronger.  Yippee.  I'm going to have to be strong.  I'm sure my sister is a challenge for me, to test me.  I am not going to cave to thinking he's using me or manipulating me though.  I'm just not.  Maybe I am beyond where I need to call a psychic but Hell- I'm not perfect!!!  It was fifteen minutes, she confirmed my beliefs, and I feel calm and ready to plug along. 



  1. So happy for you Rose (that you got confirmation of your insight). Your previous post seemed so sad and angry I felt really sorry for you, I hope you are better now. Remember one thing though: he, like everybody, also has his own soul to heal, his own dark side, his own fears and doubts. Sometimes it seems you beat yourself up too much and always gives the “spirit wants him to act that way” kind of “excuse” to Joron (not that I want to criticize him or belittle him, it’s not the purpose). So think about it and maybe instead of you waiting to be “healed enough” - I honestly think you are already- , maybe, just maybe, you two should have a long and deep (yet respectful) discussion about his own issues, forget yourself for a while because you are also supposed to heal him, it’s not a one-way street. And you should probably initiate it, when calm. I was like you until 2 weeks ago…. until I exploded and lashed on my “whatever” for her cold and running behavior …and it worked, but maybe that was just pure luck (or her pure love being much stronger than what I accused her), in any case I regretted my words. Better not to go to that “risk all, tell all and hell with it” approach in your case I suppose, and from that viewpoint too talking to the psychic was the right thing to do. I hug you and wish you strength and luck and all the love you deserve (and tell your sis to calm down a bit if she wants to stay in your home, lol!).
    As usual just my 2cts and not sure they are even worth that much ( ;

    1. After my call with the psychic, talking about how soul uses him as a "vessel" and channel, I heard this song. It is so from Joron to me. Andy Gibb's "I Just Want to Be Your Everything." Look at those words there, "Not a puppet on a string." Yeah, a puppet. That's what it feels like- like he can't be what he wants to be with me right now because soul won't let him. This song is perfect... "If I stay here without you I will die." I know what I feel inside is right. I just do.

      Darling, mine
      I would wait forever for those lips of wine
      Build my world around you, darling
      This love will shine, girl
      Watch it and see
      If you give a little more than you're asking for
      Your love will turn the key

      I, I just want to be your everything
      Open up the Heaven in your heart and let me be
      The things you are to me
      And not some puppet on a string

      Oh, if I, if I stay here without you, darling, I will die
      I want you laying in the love I have to bring
      I'd do anything
      To be your everything

      Darling, for so long
      You and me been finding each other for so long
      And the feeling that I feel for you is more then strong, girl
      Take it from me
      If you give a little more than you're asking for
      Your love will turn the key

  2. "so I know I am on the right track"... well, so do I, and we exchanged lots of emails, calls, and texts with my "whatever" today... so maybe my lowly, inferior 3D approach was not that bad after all. Cheers, hugs and good luck.

  3. I had to delete my original comment because I used "Joron's" real name and I didn't mean to! And then I meant to copy paste it and I lost it :( Damn. I didn't mean to make it disappear.

    But I am happy for you that you are in contact with your soul mate, Lady and Love! I wish I was with my guy. One day.

    Also FF- I in no way meant to insinuate that your communication with her is lowly or insignificant or inferior or that your approach is wrong! Not at all- but your approach with her won't work in my situation because mine is not the same as yours. Your contact with her, your argument then reconnection, obviously had to happen. Your experience is beautiful and wonderful, and I wish I had the chat and exchange back with my love. I miss communicating with Joron more than I miss making love with him to be honest with you. It kills me to feel this separation yet I know it's for a reason so I'm trying to learn from it. I'm being forced to believe in more than 3D, and it's not easy my friend. I want to react in a very "real" manner and pound out a message to him but I know it will do no good.

    I am happy for you that you are happy. I hope it all works out for the two of you, and soon.
