Friday, October 9, 2015


This is just a little hello since I know some people out there are still checking the blog.  I hate going totally quiet.  I really only have one small update, and it's personal.  Mainly about me and my progress.

There is a song playing right now.  "Nothing's Real But Love."  So true.  Anyone who has paid attention to my blog should know that I am not meant to believe my twin soul when he's not showing me love and compassion.  My twin soul is a very loving and compassionate person; that is his truth.  I am also a loving and compassionate person.  That is MY truth but on the inside when my fear kicks up I become, in my energy and thoughts, a very mean person.  And it is not the "real" me.  It is only fear.  I might not actually send it out in 3D but the energy is there, and my twin soul is my energetic mirror.  He feels me, knows my thoughts and feelings, and he shows them to me so I can see what I need to shift and clear.  I know that I can never fully believe as truth what he sends me if he does not do so with love, understanding and compassion.  But I have to clearly see what he shows me, accept it and work to cleanse it from myself.  It is a process.  I could not see it so clearly if he did not show it to me.

A few weekends ago I had the best most blessed day ever.  My son and I did some errands.  We went second-hand shopping and I found him some great clothes at a ridiculously low price.  And he got a huge train set and was so excited.  We visited my parents for a while.  We had a nice meal together.  And on the way home I decided to stop at a park we never go to.  It is a great park, and it was an absolutely beautiful day.  I figured laundry can wait!  On such a perfect day it would be a shame to sit inside.  It was a day made for playing outside.  We walked hand in hand through the park and then he played for a while until he saw a school mate, and he was so happy to play with a new friend.  I met his friend's mother and made a new friend myself.  We talked and made plans to get the kids together, so it was a great day.

And then I saw her.  My long-time best friend, my "sister," from my youth who I have not seen in far far too long.  We keep meaning to meet up when she is in town and it never comes together and often we go years without keeping in touch yet we love each other dearly. She's had some health issues and has been coming back here to the Midwest to see her doctors, and she was recently tested for Leukemia but, praise God, it's not Leukemia.  She's starting to feel a little better but we keep missing each other and there she was, walking towards me.  I swear we ran into each others arms like two long lost lovers, crying and saying, "Oh my God I can't believe it's really you!"  I just love my Kimmy.  We agreed it was divine intervention that we saw each other because she almost didn't stop at the park with her son, and I never go to that park.  We were driving past on our way home from our errands and decided to stop because it's a great park.  I talked with my good friend for a few hours, and it was so amazing to see her and hug her!  She said she feels so good after seeing me, and it makes her love me even more, and the feeling is mutual.

So my point?  I had a blessed day all around.  My son played with his school friend all afternoon.  It was a gorgeous day.  I got his winter clothes all bought, economically.  I made a new contact with my son's friend's mom.  And I saw my old friend and was able to catch up with her.  I should have been thankful.  I should have told God "Thank you for my blessed day.  I appreciate it."  But I did not.  I went home and felt... mean inside.  I just had bad energy later about my union.  About being separated.  About the unknown, feeling like I am in limbo.

Answering an email to my friend who is a twin soul I had really crappy energy.  I basically said I don't need God.  I was pissed at God.  And before bed I did some journal writing and it was just all ego and being defensive, and I was not at all loving concerning my twin soul.  I was not kind.  I had victim-energy and I wrote something like, "And I know I am not bad enough for him to act like a beast."

Well never refer to your twin soul as a beast.  It's not fair, and it might come back at you to show you that it's not nice energy.  And it might come back at you to remind you that you are creating with your words and what do you want to create?  A beast or a prince?  Love or fear?

I woke with a word in my head, very clear.  "Hubris."  I did not know that word so I had to look up the definition.  Well, let's hope you don't wake with that word in your head, ever.  It means "arrogance, full of ego, chip on the shoulder, non-humble."  That was the definition of how I felt before I went to sleep, and I am not proud of myself or anything.  I am just sharing for those who need to see what happens when we twin souls who have strong energy use that energy towards fear and spite instead of love.  Later in the morning I found that my twin soul contacted me in the middle of the night after I'd felt all of that "hubris," shot it out to the universe and fell asleep.  And yes he acted as my mirror AGAIN.  And yes it sucked and was scary AGAIN.  I did not contact him in 3D first this time but he reached out to me in response to my energy.  I won't disrespect him by sharing what was said.  I can tell you that this time I had a different response than all the other times.  This time I was not hurt because I knew he was just being my mirror.  Yes it is frightening when it happens but I am scared of Halloween haunted houses too and I know they are not real. 

This time I saw myself very clearly. I put my head in my hands and cried because I knew that *I* did this.  Me.  I saw myself SO clearly that I immediately, out loud, apologized and begged not to see any more of myself, not then.  It was too horrible.  I was actually somewhat embarrassed to see how hard I crash into fear and ego.  And I vowed to MYSELF, and God, and Higher Self and to my poor sweet twin soul that it would be the last time.  I DO have enough strength and awareness now to choose not to fall into ego again.

So that is my goal right now.  To steer clear of allowing ego to take over my thinking, and to stay in love.  I CAN do this.  Two years ago, nope.  I had to get here to this place where I can see myself so clearly that I no longer want to see it anymore.  And I do not want to make this man have to be my fear mirror again.  It's not fair to him, at all.  I do love him, and I love him enough, honest to God, that I don't want to make him slap the shit out of me again with my own energy.

Hopefully I have been humbled a bit.  I needed it.  To be reminded that God is love, nothing less.  I am NOT doing this alone.  My energy is strong and is to be used for love, not fear.  Also I don't need to feel such fear or anger over my separation.  I can't.  I know I am loved no matter how things may appear right now.  I know this is for a purpose, and I have to accept that no matter if I don't love it right now.

I did write back, carefully.  Careful with my words and energy.  I was not really scared of him.  I was just sad that I made this happen again.  Only those who can understand where I am coming from will be able to accept this but I felt I owed him and God and Higher Self an apology, so I apologized to him.  I told him I know why he did it, and as strange as it may seem I thanked him for showing me, again, what I need to see and CLEAR once and for all.  It is all borne of fear.  My anger and spite and defensiveness comes from fear.  I am not normally an angry person but I get so afraid and so full of disbelief that I throw up my defense mechanisms, my walls of spite and anger, and that's not a good thing at all.  It's all fearful lies inside brewing, churning, and I feel so full of stubborn doubt and resentment.  And it has to stop; this is what I am being shown.  I won't ever create anything good concerning love if I continue to create this doubt-fueled energy so I have to change it, and he shows me this clearly.

I hit "send" and asked God vehemently to NOT give me a response back.  I did not want to see myself anymore at that moment.  Lord, no.  No no no.  It was not pretty, and I did not need to see anymore.  It came through loud and clear: be love, not fear.  Luckily for me God and my twin listened and there was no "back and forth."  I got what I needed already.

It is time for me to walk my talk.  Always.  So I am really working hard to be aware, loving and kind as much as humanly possible, it all ways.  In all my thoughts and intentions.  It seems to be the safest route to travel!!!  And I am cherishing my twin soul as much as I possibly can.  I am trying not to let any fearful thoughts roll in my mind.  No victim-thinking.  No concentrating on "Why me?" but instead the reasons why I love him so much, and I cherish him, and I adore him, and I hold his loving memory tight and close inside of me.  One day this way of thinking will become a habit and override ego.  That's my plan.

I pray to God to be humbled every day.  To be ONLY love.  I have asked God to go ahead and show me, hard, when there is something I need to see so I can see it fast and hard so it can be cleared.  This is what's been happening for the last two years anyway but I PRAY with all my might that this was the last time.  I do not wish for that fear-mirroring to happen again, and I don't want my twin soul to be put in that shitty position again.  I wish for him to be able to show me only love one day, but that is on me.  I know this.  I know it as strongly as I know the sweet little kisses from my own child.

After a couple of weeks of praying and writing and surrendering my defensive walls to God I had something kind of strange happen, and I am not going to explain it here.  My apologies but it's too... it does not need to be explained.  All I can say is part of me thinks I may have received the dash of hope I'd been praying {begging} for.  I've been praying for hope, for a miracle, something because yes, I am hurting.  I miss this man so much that I ache through and through.  I love him from the very bottom of my soul, and I miss his smiling face.  I miss his joyful nature, his kind sweet personality.  I miss my love and FRIEND a lot.  I may have received that dose of hope I asked for.  I'm still unsure- it was an odd experience but I really feel I received some messages from my twin soul, messages that told me to hold on.  I was totally reminded of the sweet loving goofball of a man I knew, and I'm choosing to take it as a blessing, something to show me to stay strong.  So I am being as strong as I can.

I hope you are all well and blessed.

With much love,



  1. Believe that everything you long for is going to happen, sooner rather than later. You are both very lucky to be free of any legal entanglements. I feel a huge energy shift happening especially for us older twin flames.

    1. Nuri- I believe it. I know it could happen in the blink of an eye because all of these twin soul unions are miracles in some way or fashion, and miracles happen in them. I've already experienced that with him and I know he could be back in a moment once the energy shifts. So I am believing! I just miss him very much but I suppose that is to be expected.

  2. Hey Jen,

    Recently I got a feeling I should come and check your blog. I don't really read or research anything on twins anymore but for some reason I empathise with you a lot, and the similiarities you have to my own self and my path just kinda drive me to check up on you. I don't know what it is, sounds crazy but I do want to share some ideas that have helped me, hoping they can help you too

    Lately I was feeling very low. From about May-July this year I reached a place of total divinity, peace, calmness and joy. And around August time, I began another ''dark night'', I started releasing and purging so much shit, it led me to hit rock bottom on a few occasions. But recently I begged my guardian angel to help me release it all, I was just so tired of the smog and the shit and the horrendeous lowness and anxiety I was going through. And it seems my prayers were answered because now I feel great again, healed and happy and okay

    I think one thing that really helps is to shift your focus off your ''twin'' (or whatever they are) and go onto self focus. In a situation like this, people ask themselves things like ''will I ever see them again? how? when? where? what if it doesn't happen? what if i meet someone else? what if i dont search for anyone else and i end up alone and unhappy...etc.. but these questions just get you in an obsessive loop of thinking, thinking, thinking. It does nothing but cause you suffering

    For me, I feel like the synchronicities in my life too have said the same message...hold on, don't run, be loyal, he will come back... but I think its important when we see these synchronicities to not overanalyse them or obsess over them. Just see it as hope, a message of hope. Don't give yourself the burden of feeling you need to devote your life to someone who has run from you. Instead, realise you have a destiny unfolding before your eyes, and that every move you make leads you along the pathway. As long as you enjoy your life, heal and have fun, you can't go wrong, you will achieve your highest good in life, whatever that may be. Don't search for love, don't worry about dating websites and all the ''what ifs''.

    Just be self-focused. At the end of the day, life is an adventure, and theres an opportunity to enjoy ourselves at any given moment. Just live your life, adventure and heal FOR YOURSELF. Instead of making your ambition to be with your twin, make it to enjoy yourself no matter what happens. That's exactly what I do now...if I spend my life alone, I will still be happy. If there was someone out there who could make me feel the same - then great, but I'm not gonna search for them. And I won't chase my ''twin'' either. I just live my life for myself, hoping and trusting that yes these synchronicities and all this guidance does point towards a bright future, towards my ''twin'' but I don't worry about it anymore. I just focus on enjoying mySELF in any way I can, living my own life for myself. If someone, twin or not really needs me then they'll find me when the time is right.

  3. If not, if the whole spiritual truth of reality was a facade and love was really just some chemicals in the brain for evolutionary purposes, it'd be an absolutely pointless phenomenon. Love stems from somewhere else, from a frequency so subtle it literally fills the spaces between the atoms of our physical body. Love and consciousness will lead us all to wherever we need to be, so let go of worrying about love, relationships, your twin...just chill. Relax. Be strong when you get low or fearful, and remember the thing you want most - even moreso than your reunion - is to be happy and live a fulfilling life. Let go of anything that gets in the way of that.

    ''Hold On'' yes, I was advised to do the same, in the most bizarre way possible. It was my birthday, I felt sad, I got reccomended a video on YouTube, at random, posted 2 years prior ... on my birthday. Where the spirit of a lover follows his feminine and begs her to hold on. A song by twin sisters, under a label called ''Astralwerkz''. Peculiar, couldn't have been a coincidence. However, regardless of that, I hold on only to hope and love. Not expectation, overanalysis or closing myself down to the idea that destiny MAY bring another my way. I guess I just trust my pathway will ensure that wouldn't happen, that opportunity wouldn't come, if I'm really meant to have my ''twin'' in my life.

    Literally, just, enjoy yourself. Live life, heal all for yourself. Have adventures, go places, don't worry. Worry does nothing but delay your destiny and perpetuate your own suffering <3

    1. Dark Angel, big huge hugs to you my friend for checking in on me. I am glad you are through this last "dark night" time you recently experienced! I love how you got that video telling you to hold on. We are spoken to is some mysteriously divine ways, are we not? And often through music! I am too.

      I appreciate you reaching out to me. Thank you for your thoughtful words and helpful intention. I'd have to cut out my heart and remove it from my body in order to shift the focus off my twin, so that's not going to happen. But I do appreciate your thoughtfulness and concern for my happiness! I appreciate you :)


  4. Dark Angel, I'd appreciate it if you didn't share your advice with me any further. I don't agree with you AT ALL. I firmly believe you to be wrong in many regards. So please save your time and energy because your words fall on dead ears with me. Me and my twin soul are both gloriously perfect. He loves me with all his heart. Neither of us is a runner or chaser. We are friends. Mentor and student more than anything, if you continue to feel the way you do about twin souls then it's going to be ages before you reunite, if ever. With all due respect please keep your advice to yourself concerning my union because I will no longer even post it. I find it quite insulting to my dear twin.

  5. I'm sorry if I upset or offended you in any way, I was just sharing my views based on my own experience, not trying to insult anyone. But I don't appreciate ''..its going to be ages before you reunite, if ever'. That, actually struck a nerve and was hurtful to my feelings

    1. Dark Angel, first of all you did not "strike a nerve" with me. Instead I don't want to hear you continuously refuting me and telling me what I need to think about my Beloved or my journey. I will think what I want to, and I will believe what I want to. Beyond that let me say I am sorry I triggered you so badly. What I said to you was a "if-then" statement. I said IF you continue to feel the way you do about twin souls THEN reunion is going to allude you. And I meant that, and I won't take it back. It is truth. Go listen to Jenna Forrest or Patricia McNealy or Cassady Cayne. They are all reunited twin souls and they ALL say we need to love our twins, defend them as perfect and whole wonderful and NOT concern ourselves at all with what they are going through. All we are meant to do is send our love song for them out to the universe and let it bring them closer to us. This does NOT mean push the twin to the side and NOT focus on him. I WILL focus on my twin because I love him, and thankful for him, am guided to, and because I want to defend him in my heart. It is the only way for me to defend truth and not let my own fear-lies turn into reality. He deserves for me to defend him.

    2. Also, just FYI, I DO live my life VERY fully! I don't know why you keep telling me to focus on me and live my life? I do this, every day. I live a very happy fulfulling life. I am actually known for all the fun I have in my life. We do fun things and go fun places and I live happy. It is a goal of mine to live a life I WANT to live and not a life I feel I should live. I won't do that. I do what I want to when I want to. I go where I want to. I spend my money the way I want to. I am good to myself and do fun things for myself, all the things I love to do like going to the coffee shop or book store or for a walk in the park or doing all the fun, very fun, things with my child. I am taking him to Disney World in two weeks, and tonight I am going to Chicago to see Josh Groban in concert- because I live a fun, full life. So please stop assuming I don't live! Don't assume I concentrate only on my twin soul and not myself. I do concentrate on myself, often. Always. Loving myself is very important to me. I am the only one who can make me happy and I do this. At the same time I am very much in love with a wonderful man who is meant to be my husband and I want him, my Beloved and angel, back in my life. He is the best man I've ever met and I DESERVE him. So please don't ever tell me otherwise.

    3. Lastly, I know you mean well. So I appreciate that you think you are helping me. Your intentions are good. I really don't like debating on my blog. I avoid debating because I don't feel it necessary to defend my truth- it is what it is. But I am going to tough love you for a moment. Put your big boy britches on now. Lose some of that ego-sensitivity and buck up. Stop thinking that your twin soul is this scared "runner" and start focusing on the inner work you need to do to get to reunion. Do NOT listen to the jaded non-reunited twin separated twin souls out there. Just do not. Don't be a runner, and you ARE being a runner. You love your twin but you are being a runner in not wanting to focus on your twin, on thinking you are meant to focus only on you and "the universe" will bring him back to you. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN. It is up to you to help manifest this, and it means holding him dear to your heart and only thinking goodness about both of you. I did not say nor did I mean that you will never reunite, ever. I said it's going to be hard if you do not shift your thinking and attitude, and that my friend is the cold hard truth of the matter. You totally can reunite but it is up to you, and I seriously hope you can eventually find it inside of you to believe this because only trust, belief and love is going to get you there. I wish you the VERY best, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  6. I am feeling much better now, thank you. Spent the weekend with a close friend and he really cheered me up. I didn't mean to say either that you don't live a full life, I guess what I mean is, is that on here I see so much written about your twin, that it makes me wonder, what about blog posts about other topics you're passionate about? That was just the vibe I was getting but by no means do I wanna control your life or affect your beliefs.

    I guess in my case, it can be hard because I KNOW my twin feels turmoil at times. I pick it up through the connection, him lying down crying telling me how sorry he is for everything...sometimes I hear it in my mind clear as day, and I just KNOW its there. But I also do have faith in the destiny factor. Before I had any concept of twins or soul connections, a guy I knew made a prophecy about my union (as well as many other things that have come to pass) and he told me my union was pulling me in, ''like a magnet'' and that nothing could stop it. I do believe we manifest and we have our parts to play through healing and stuff but I also very strongly believe that every moment in this journey is pre-ordained, so even if I do experience difficult emotions, any running behaviour etc I still have faith that this is all part of the unfoldment of everything. Its always been a big part of my journey .. ''every road you take will lead you Home'' etc, and my guide always tells me 'As long as your thoughts about him are purely loving, the only other thing you need to worry about is yourself''. But I guess he is absent right now, and may be for who knows how long. Sometimes it can take years for twins to reunite so during the time he's not involved with my life, I guess what I try is to forget about him, forget about love and focus on whatever I can enjoy in the present moment. Like I said I've gone through so much rejection and failure with love in the past, so I want to go completely inward focused and make love a secondary topic in my life - I just hope that by living a true, authentic life and building my own happiness, I will manage to attract the union I'm destined for.

    I have gotten a few synchronicities about you before, and my guide always tells me that even though it may take some time, no matter what YOU do, you'll always end up back in the arms of your twin. My guide has told me a few times, in that gentle whisper they talk with, that nothing you do, or don't do can stop your union, ''negative'' actions will only delay it. My guide promises a wonderful union for you one day. Thank you for being understanding and sorry if I overreacted, my emotions have just been up-and-down lately but I'm feeling very bright and happy this morning^^ I wish you all the best too

    1. Awww I'm so happy you feel better!! That relieves me because I was worried. I know that despair feeling and it's yucky. Yes I believe we can delay reunion and I don't want to delay with negativity so I try to be as bright as possible. If you really only knew how much my fear-based internal fits have blocked this then you'd understand why I want to move forward now, and that's my goal. FYI the only reason why I don't talk about other aspects of my life is because this blog is about twin souls so I try to keep my focus there. I don't want to bore people who read my blog for a purpose. But I honestly do have a very VERY busy life outside of what I write here. LOL with two six year-olds and one nine year-old and two moms and three cats in one house... oh believe me!

    2. Also thank you for the message from your guidance. It's additional hope which I appreciate. Your guidance is right- just love him but don't think of him as some runner. He's probably in turmoil because he hates doing any of this to you!! And that's not his fault. It's his role in your journey so love him for his sacrifice. And of course love yourself too! Love both of you :) Get a special little teddy bear and name him your twin's name. Sleep with it, eat with it. Talk to it like you would your twin. Get that love out there!! Take care and God bless!!

  7. Not gonna lie - have you heard of a woman called Elise Perez? I read her blog at one point and stuff about non-attachment, other soul mates etc and it kind of fucked with my head. I even emailed her myself telling her about the ''Hold On'' synchronicit(ies) i got and she completely refuted all my guidance and told me I should go out selfishly and search for another partner... really messed with my head that one

    1. Sweetheart email me so I can contact you privately. I don't want to talk about others on my blog but YES I know her pretty well actually and no, I do not agree with her. Yet I don't want to discuss that here.

  8. In all honesty, I don't ever want to find someone else. Elise told me that going out and selfishly seeking love with other soul mates was the pathway to Union...but I seriously don't think it can be.

    The reason I'm saying this is because I've seen on here, you speaking about how spirit guides you to avoid dating others. The same happens to me - like, I'll go on a site and on a match game and he'll be the first name to pop up or message me, sometimes even his surname too, or I'll get that alongside my spirit guide's name, references to twins, spirit, the ''Light'', heck at one point I even got called a ''Cheater'' pretty much, for going on an app. Every time I went on any apps or anything I'd get bizarre synchronicities manifested telling me to, basically, GTFO.

    And to be honest, its true. I've never met anyone as amazing as him before, and sure, originally I did meet him on an app too but at this point, I'm done fishing through the sea looking for someone who on an offchance is right for me or won't hurt me. My eyes have been opened up that yes, maybe there is a grander purpose to love, maybe you don't need to try so hard. I live every day focusing on enjoying myself unconditionally, as my highest priority, and I just hope all my guidance and synchronicities doesn't let me down. That my guardian angel will keep her promise. Deep down, regardless of what's happened, I hope that someday I can have that beautiful love back. I see visions of it sometimes, me and him in our a beautiful lighthouse near the sea, walking down the beach hand-in-hand, viewing the sunset over the bridge, and I see his beautiful sapphire eyes looking into mine and glistening mystically at me. The way I see it, if I can't have that, then there is no point to love. And if I can have that like everything seems to say I will, then there is every point to love
