Thursday, January 28, 2016


Recently someone posted on my blog and made the comment that, and I am summarizing, I don't need James' affection or attention in my life.

He calls me beautiful still, and I loved it when he called me "honey."  "Honey" coming from his sweet sexy adorably loving voice makes me melt.  Oh how I miss hearing my love call me honey.  I'd super duper love to hear my sweetheart call me honey again!!!

Well first of all let me make a very important correction- it's not his attentions that I primarily want even though I must admit his complimentary nature was so refreshing and wonderful!!!  I desire to have HIM and his loving self back in my life.  HIM.  Not his telling me how awesome I am although I appreciated it when he did it.  He is so sweet.  But I don't need to have someone in my life simply because I need to be told I am beautiful constantly.  Not at all.

I am assuming she meant this as I should love myself enough to not need or want that affirmation from another person, telling me I am beautiful.  Because I need to know I am beautiful on my own, without someone telling me.  And I do understand that, totally.  I may have my issues but YES I do know I am a beautiful person despite not having a man in my life to tell me so.  Well I lie.  I DO have a man who constantly tells me he loves me and how beautiful I am.

He's six. And about 47" tall.  And he eats his boogers and runs up to me, turns around, farts on me and runs off giggling.  And I love it.

But James DID treat me like an absolute princess, and he's the best love I've ever known besides the love of my son. And I love him and I miss him. 

I don't think we need to feel guilty or weak or dependent because we appreciate when someone is loving to us and goes out of his way to pay us sweet gentle affectionate attention or makes us a priority or wants to make us happy or desires to make us feel good and does.  Why is it wrong to want that wonderfulness or totally appreciate it?  Love it?

Miss it?

I totally miss him and the sweet way he loved me when he was in my life, and I refuse to feel like I shouldn't "want" him and his love, attention and affections back in my life.

It's been on my mind and I needed to get it out here.  YES I know I am love, loving, loveable.  But it DOES feel good to be loved and appreciated by another human being, and yes I DO want him and his sweet love and affection back in my life.  And I want to give him myself and my sweet love and affection in return.

That's called being human and being love.


  1. Yeah, that whole "You don't need your twins love you are whole and complete without them" mentality is a bitch. The other 'triggering' mentality I see constantly throughout twin flame articles and comments is the "if you don't reunite with your twin in this lifetime, it's no big deal because you'll meet them in the next!" I read a comment earlier this evening that said almost exactly that and it reminded me why I had to stop reading articles about twin flames. I mean don't get me wrong, it's a lovely thought but THIS is the lifetime I'm currently in, and the only one I currently care about.

    1. Me too, exactly. I live now. I am human now. I love NOW. I want to have his love in my life like I had him before, sweet and warm and complete. I care about right now, and I really wish he was here now.
