Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Writing Love: Pirates, Parallel Dimensions, Vampires and Twin Flames

 I fucking love pirates.

Warning: another personal-type posting, not so much to "teach" but to share my thoughts.  I broke down the other night and wrote my twin soul a "novel."  I used to write him beautiful messages when we were dating, and he loved them.   I SO miss our communication!!  Unfortunately I was going to be taught a really hard lesson on what happens when a should-be author doesn't attempt to write and get published; I had my "gift" and pleasure of writing romance to my love taken away from me. But the other night I was overwhelmed with a desire to pour my heart out to him so I took the chance.  It's been months since I've shared like I did the other night.  Here is just the beginning:

"There are key moments in my life I wish I could go back and do again, and most of them I wish I could change something.  One I wish I could do again but I'd change nothing is our first date.  Honest I wish I could go back and repeat our first date over and over because it was the best first date ever.  Best birthday ever.  You were the best fortieth birthday present ever.  I remember seeing you walk towards me and I thought you were just adorable.  And you hugged me and you felt so good, familiar even though I didn't know you.  LOL- who knows, maybe we did see each other through our bassinets forty years earlier... I think those little bins babies lay in are transparent, aren't they?  And you had the sweetest smile when you told me I was as beautiful as you knew I'd be.  You made me blush and gave me butterflies immediately.  And when we got inside the bar to sit down as we were sliding onto our seats you made a comment about songs and their lyrics.  You said you liked music and some lyrics hold a lot of meaning, and you said, "Like this song" that was playing right then in the bar.  LOL.  It was NIN "Closer."  The I want to fuck you like an animal song.  I thought that was funny but it also showed me that you had a naughty side yet you didn't scare me at all.  Some guys can be scary when it comes to being sexy because it's obvious all they want is to get laid.  You obviously didn't come across like that but your comment about the song made me laugh.  And it made me want you bad.  It made me wonder what kind of lover you would be.  I assumed both warm, loving and kissy as well as a good hard..."

Okay you get it.  No need to go on. 

He's my love and I felt he could handle it even if I didn't get a response.  His response was... calm.  I knew better than to write it with any expectation {and it got progressively naughtier from here} but I had to get it out.  It's been ages since I've written about "love."  Or written with love.  I've felt forced to write about twin souls, and I am so tired of writing about "The Process" or my experience.  I last wrote about love in a blog post about Joron, the one where I reminisced about the man I knew when he was here with me.  I literally felt that creative love energy brewing inside of me; when I let loose with my words all that electricity, longing, lust, desire, love, passion... it churns and swirls inside of me and become a huge creative force.  And BAM minutes later Joron asked to speak to me after a six week silence.  Obviously there is some correlation there.

Spirit has always told me that my creativity, that energy I create, is my "magic and manifestation" but I didn't really believe it.  Now I do.

Jenna Forrest is a woman who speaks of and writes about Twin Souls.  Her website can be found here:   http://profoundhealingforsensitives.com/  Jenna's recordings about twin souls totally helped me a few months ago when I was struggling to believe; her soft gentle demeanor as she explains the process, the mission, the union and the need for utter and complete unconditional love echoed what my own guidance was telling me, just in a different way, and it helped me hold on when I almost gave in to doubt and disbelief- and I would have seriously wounded my twin soul union had I lashed out at my vulnerable, loving, confused and emotional twin.  My guidance had been pushing me to write write write and to draw and be creative but I had refused.  Then I heard Jenna talk about creativity as a step in twin soul healing.  She said at one of the later stages {and I know I've already hit surrender} it would do us well to turn to a creative endeavor and *channel* the love we have for our twin into that work, to use them as our "muses."  This really struck me since my own guidance had told me from the start to get fucking creative again, already!!!  I am an artist who creates no art... a dreamer who resists dreaming.  A creator who does not create- and it's killing me because in not being creative I am not generating that "twin soul energy" that has probably been brewing inside me since I was a child.  Personally I think Joron's essence has been guiding me my whole life and I just didn't realize it.  So my long-winded point is I feel confident that doing something really creative that builds, grows, strengthens, generates, "brews" that love energy inside of you is MUCH needed when it comes to twin soul reunion.  It redirects your focus back to you and your output yet you don't necessarily have to "run" away or escape or let go.  Instead you concentrate on something good and healthy instead of obsessing about your twin. 

So my e-mail.  He told me he liked my words, that I am too much.  He said I am such a good writer, and I should write romance or "some type of naughty novel."  SO so so SO true, and I am sure that was from Spirit through him.  He ended his message with, "You are like the perfect girlfriend."  UGH- do you see?  I'm so being shown... he wants to be with me.  But while I am not truly living, not being myself or exploring my gifts, my energy won't connect with his because he's out there doing what he loves- and I am stifling myself.  I write romance like a champ.  That shit flows out of me because I am hot-blooded through and through, and I have one Hell of an imagination.  There ain't no Shade of Gray I can't top once I let my words mix with my emotions to create a combination of... totally passionate intense lusty love.  And not some shitty dime-store novel romance either; I don't like cookie cutter romance {although they are published I am not so...} but my work is emotional and deep while being exciting, funny and quirky.  I am quirky and it comes across in my writing.  So does my sassy side.  All the bits about me that most people don't know about, my inner world.  The REAL me.  Not this "me" people assume I am.  I am so much more than what people assume I am. 

I've written about pirates.  Vampires.  Parallel dimensions.  Cellular memory.  USOs {Unidentified Sea Objects, lights in the water.} Mediumship {talking to the dead.}  Artificial trees being sold, financed like cars, in a world where humans ruined earth to the point where no real trees grew any longer.  My newest idea is a story about me and my two girl friends opening a Cajun restaurant in Indiana called "Three Crackers And Some Gumbo."  Yes we are all three whiter than white and I think it's funny.  Maybe not PC but funny.

All of my books circle around love, solid strong passionate love.  I wrote about soul mates before I knew what they were, lol.  I channeled so much and didn't realize it.  Writing keeps me healthy and strong... but it's the love writing that really does it for me.  Getting lost in a story.  Growing so passionate about a topic that it is all I can sleep, eat, think or breathe for months.  My family says I get "obsessive" but I call it passionate- and I feel badly for them that the passion I experience never flows through their veins.

I quite literally must have come from the stars because I absolutely without a shadow of a doubt do not belong with or fit into my family, God bless 'em.

My ideas come from Spirit because they hit me with the force of an out of control freight train and gather speed while I write like a fiend, and often I know very little about what I'm writing.  I love research though- and the info seems to just come to me when I need it.

Lately my guidance keeps tells me, "Ignore your gift and be ignored."  When I see how every time I delve back into writing Joron comes through to me I assume this must mean when I create good strong energy he feels me and reaches out.  No I don't mean "If I write then I'll win him back" but I've been blocking out my gift of writing and it's killing me.  Really killing me, and I just can't write about this twin soul thing right now- not unless I find a way to fictionalize it and romanticize it {more than it already is because under a week ago my twin was moaning my name on the phone and it was pretty darn sexily romantic.}  I feel stifled and dead inside, like the walls are caving in around me- and I know it's because my passion died for a while.  For some reason Joron is being used to show me this, and it's time for me to pay attention because there is a writer inside of me, not just a blogger but an author who deserves to be published. 

I want my name in print, on the side of a book sitting on the shelf in the bookstore.  I've always wanted that.  Authors are my rock stars, and I write wonderful love because I am a giant ball of glowing unconditional love.

I'm exhausted with trying to know my "mission" and plodding along trying desperately to write a book about twin flames to help others when I'm in the midst of trying to KEEP IT ALL TOGETHER.  God can't possibly expect that much from me.  My love is still up in the air, and I need a shift in my focus is all.  I will always love.  I will not run from him, and I will not distract through the arms of another man or through booze or something equally self-destructive.

But I can write.  I can readdress my sexy Vampire Jeremiah and make love to him for a few hours through the key board and send all that Smexxor energy to my twin.  There will be no actual knicker-dropping or bodice-ripping happening around these parts until my twin soul is standing before me {then, oh then, watch the fuck out because it is ON!} but I definitely can write about it and it will make someone smile.

Anyone who needs to know something specific that I've been taught about twin souls, who need to know my words, will be lead here to my blog.  Otherwise it's time to bust out the Big Guns and let my imagination live again.

I so miss being naughty! 


  1. Interesting... communication became similarly "intense" on our side recently, and similar type of contents in my book too. Distance can be a lust-aggravation factor of course, or maybe full moon soon? (I don't know about you guys but for us it has always played a major role in either our crazy fears or crazy desires, or both). By the way congrats for the quality of your written word, as usual you really know how to convey your feelings with a keyboard (aaaahhhh pens and paper were much more romantic and though, weren't they? we shouldn't say "writer" anymore but "typer", which is much less glamorous). OK quick question: (and this is not to be snarky as I know full well that logic has not much to do with any "whatever" story): if you were told and showed repeatedly that writing (in addition to conquering fears) is the key for Joron to come back to you (or at least communicate with you more) , if you know in your guts that it's so important and your true calling and want to make a career out of it... then why did it stop? Did you have the "white page" fear too? Or spending too much time on forum/blogging? (which is some form of writing too and you're good at it). Or no inspiration? (doesn’t seem to be the case). I am very procrastinating with my book too but it's a bit different: I don't feel it has anything to do with keeping a good relationship with my beloved and I don't even fancy having it published (at least for the time being). I do it… just for me, quite egoistically I admit. I send her some parts for which I like to get her feedback (it’s in French so lots of Google translating involved unfortunately) but that’s about it. She is my Muse though: I usually can’t write anything at all when we are at a low point in the roller-coaster. I think it’s a creativity outlet which is kind of natural when such soul connection happens… to be a bit crude it’s like I need to spill ink (virtual one, lol!) as much as I need to spill…(self-censored). OK I stop my idiotic rambling here but I would like to know your answer on that point cause it seems that of all persons who were on SF at least, you definitely are the one for which both the talent and desire and motivation (vs the Joron situation but not only) to give birth to a book is the strongest.
    FF (which for my sweet and pervy beloved is... “French Fucker”… ooops sorry! but we are not on SF so give me a pass, lol!)

    1. I'm sitting here drinking a cup of tea tea since I'm abstaining from the following right now: sex, drugs and rock and roll. Just kidding, lol. That would actually be whiskey {booze of all kinds to be honest} smoking and sex. This does not mean solo-sex but "real" sex since the one I desire is 2100 miles away and only dives in deep with me when Spirit allows it {or so it seems.} I have a four year-old sitting next to me inspecting his toe jams. Such is the life... LOL! To answer your question of why has it taken so long? Probably fear. I see that when I write from my heart that he always pops back to me with such feeling but those times have always been on accident. By chance I will whip something out and *poof* he comes back with tons of love and emotion. It's happened so many times that I can no longer ignore the correlation. I have fear... and I don't really even want to write the fear out and bring it into reality but it concerns my dreams not coming true. I've sat here plodding along for hours trying to write something, anything, about twin souls and I hit this point where I freeze up. It feels so forced and unemotional when I've tried to explain to others, like a story, of what has happened to me.

    2. Part "deux" {doesn't that mean "two" in French?} Also I've had this insanely detailed life so trying to fit everything in this one big vomited out book is overwhelming. Yet I know I really need to write about Joron? Why? To make it real. I slip into the false beliefs that Spirit is trying to heal me of in this separation far too often so I must bring home, make real to me in my heart, the truth of this situation. I keep arguing with him in my mind, asking him why he's hurt me, telling him I hope he's happy that I've come close to... well- it's not pretty the things I think, and Spirit has clearly shown me in a variety of ways that he feels what I think. Hence why he can stay so silent {like now.} Everyone in my real world says: he's busy and blocking you out, he's not into you, he must have a girlfriend he's fucking on the side so when he's not fucking her he's hot for you but when he is he's cold to you. It's torture. So I know that I must write out, detail by glorious detail, every bit of our love and magic from beginning to end and how I am going to do this is by writing it TO him. Like a Nicholas Sparks novel, romantic. Like an epistle, a literary work that is comprised of letters. I want to write to him and since he feels everything I think or write or say I may as well just give it a shot and see how it goes. I want to fictionalize it a bit and write it for publication. If I do it right it could be very romantic and magical... so we shall see. I must do something because I am literally CHOKING on all that is inside of me, and I can't pour it all out to him because I've already been shown my physical words to him in 3D won't work. So there you have it- I am going to overcome my fears and just write it all out and see what happens. I can't hold it in out of fear forever, and I have to do it MY way. I'm just so not up for writing some "twin soul" manual. I'll let those who are already reunited take care of that kind of stuff. For people like me- I'm just trying to hold my shit together.

  2. sorry I wanted to write "...much more romantic and artistic...", I need a proofreader too!

  3. Hello FF... and the real meaning behind your words makes me chuckle, no reason to fucking censor your shit here!!! I have a major potty mouth which is why when my four year-old son dropped his water at preschool the other day he so eloquently said, "Oh fuck!"

    I will have to answer your question a bit later. I am off to train some peeps. It also gives me some time to think about your question which is a good one. Have a wonderful day my French friend!

  4. Merci Norligh! (sorry I have a problem with Rose, nothing against you it’s just that she also chose a very similar alias at the beginning and I called her My [her U.S state] Rose so it feels awkward, hope you will forgive me!)
    Yes it actually makes a lot of sense… I also believe in correlations too, that’s one characteristic of those “whatever” stories: the syncs are sometimes so obvious they just can’t be dismissed as mere coincidences. And funny enough I thought you would make such an answer (ie you may be afraid to write for fear that the correlation doesn’t work any longer, although you strongly believe in it and witnessed it… interesting dilemma isnt’it?)
    In any case you are right to muster your courage and just do it. For yourself, above all.

    OK it’s just my 2cts so usual caveats and disclaimers apply, but I see things this way: except in maths, correlations don’t work indefinitely anyway. So assuming you write and nothing changes in his silent attitude what could it mean? Not necessarily that he doesn’t love you anymore, just that this specific correlation is not valid anymore and that’s not the end of the world. It may be even good… after all no need to worry anymore about feeling “obliged” to do something to be loved. You would either give up the book or continue just for the fun of it and not care about whether Spirit finds you at last “worthy” or “healed” enough.

    And you probably need this second “passion” in your life. He is lucky: first because he has your love (even if the intensity probably scares the shit out of him, and we all have been through this) but also because he is passionate about his job. But you are not. And that is making a big difference IMHO. Always better to walk on two legs!

    Hugs and bon courage pour ton livre!


    1. Smart man! He is passionate about his career- and I am not. I dislike what I do for a living; it does not fit right with my soul. I am meant to be a writer but I want to be a writer who writes for a living. I always think back to when he said to me, "Be that butterfly and fly out to CA and live with me that way you won't have to work and you can be the writer you are meant to be." I then shit all over his comment, and I do have a hard time with that. What he said to me was a dream come true: to pack up my son and leave here {I'd never look back} to be with him in CA, married and writing and happy and so perfect together with no fucking stress. Being a single mom can be stressful and lonely. I wish so much to be living that comment he made to me. Yet here I am... so yeah I suppose the only thing I can do is dive in and see what happens.

      I wrote a vampire fiction tale that, upon revisiting it, is a twin flame story. It's all about my two main characters being "destined" to be together, and they have a separation. My story begins when they are reuniting yet when I wrote it I had NO idea the twin flame thing {and she's Pyrokinetic, a fire starter, so the twin "flame" aspect works well.} As I began to re-read it I was stunned to see how the story could totally be marketed as "twin flame vampire fiction" which is just uncanny. So I sat down one night with my manuscript and began highlighting, reworking. I wrote out a solid manifestation of how I would rework it and query it, get it published- I wrote that I would use my Joron as "inspiration" to get life in order, in full swing, and that I knew we'd end up together.

      That night when I got home I received this text: "Hi! Wake up! Are you there? I want to talk to you! Call me if you're there!" FUCKING SURREAL. We hadn't talked in weeks- and *just* when I worked on my book and wrote out a manifestation he came through to me? Yet I fear... so wish me strength because I am really working to overcome some big hurdles over here.

  5. PS: and don't swear in front of your son, you naughty mama!

  6. You already have truckloads of strength Norligh, but if you want I wish you more of it and success and happiness of course!
