Saturday, February 7, 2015

More on Self Love

I just like this picture.  I like how the angel is comforting the man in his sorrows.  It's beautiful.

So I wrote a message to my friend Crystal Ann Compton.  She is a huge ball of shining light.  A psychic intuitive who is a clear channel for Spirit.  My message to her was all about my issue with loving myself.  Feeling like I am not good enough to just accept myself and how to overcome it.  I told her, in my low moment of despair {yes I feel it too} that I often feel so "less."  Like I have to do more, be more, to be accepted by others, by my twin, by God... and by myself.  I told her I pray for someone to just tell me it is safe to accept myself as perfect right now.  Here is here response.  It is a beautiful response that applies to any of us, all the time.

BTW, first, if you ever want an amazing reading and some great loving guidance please contact her. Also her site is chock full of wonderful videos and writings by her.

"Hi Jennifer!

My question to you is: why do you need anybody else to give you permission to be okay with yourself? Given everything you already know, you realize that nobody can give you this permission, nobody can suddenly free you to love yourself or your life completely, without guilt or with abandon. Only you can give yourself that. And you know what? You are entitled to do so. You deserve to do so.

You are correct, you have been through so much, and you have still achieved such a big heart, such a gorgeous spirit, and such wisdom on this planet. Your life is so valuable and yes, it is valuable just as it is.

Even though nobody else gets to give you permission to do something that you yourself are called to do on a deeper and higher level, I will tell you that yes, you are absolutely permitted RIGHT NOW and in every moment to be exactly who you are and who you want to be, just as God made you. You were created in perfection, and have come here for a reason. So many people think that the reason must be grandiose and over-the-top, when so often the reason is simply to be an instrument of God, who walks on this earth receiving and giving love.

If all you ever do with your life is spend time receiving love from God, transmuting it and then transmitting it, then you have done all you will ever be called to do. In life people --- or Light Workers-- find their own unique ways to be love. It doesn't matter what you are doing, what you are eating, where you were living, we can and should be love every day. Are you doing that? If you are, you are doing all that you are required to do.

But love must begin with self. And everything starts with awareness. Becoming aware of your own lovability, worthiness, and value is immeasurable. You are out of touch with your personal currency in life, and this is clearly where your work needs to be. You must understand the value of a child of God. You must understand the currency of a personality here to reflect love, in whatever way she can--be it to her child, to her body, to her life. So yes, it is absolutely good and in fact it is beautiful to spend those precious times with your son having a snack, or when you journal, or when you do those things that bring joy to your heart. Remember, joy is a high vibration and when you allow yourself to be in the space of sweetness, and peace, and joy you allow your vibration to raise. The more your vibration rises the closer to God you are, meaning the more access to love you have, which is the point of all life in all universes. If for you high vibration comes by doing these things--and not doing other things -- that's perfectly okay.

It's time in your life to give yourself a massive break. It's also time to really do that work where you begin to see yourself exactly as you are, in this moment as the being you are, which is a representation of extreme and perfect love. So love yourself, because you are worthy of that love, because the God who created you, created you with love and love is perfect."

*deep breath*  I needed to read her words there, "It's time in your life to give yourself a massive break."  I am a little upset with my Higher Self for telling me over and over that I needed to write a novel.  I am trying to understand it was only to get me to WRITE at all because writing helps keep me clear.  And if I do it with joy and belief then I am manifesting good things in my life.  So it's not about "getting something done."  It's energy.  But sometimes I get scared that I am supposed to be DOING something in order to reunite, in order to be "right," in order to fulfill my "mission."

I see this thinking EVERYWHERE on the web concerning twin souls.  People are so hung up on performing some spiritual mission, of finishing this project or writing that book, and I think it stresses us out entirely.  My belief is we are simply supposed to find a way to shift the energy whether it be writing on a blog, writing in a journal, writing a "book," painting a picture, dancing, singing, writing music, creating art, etc. but it's not because of the final output.  It's the energy involved.  Belief, manifestation, etc.  God is NOT asking us to "do" something in order to reunite.  I just DO NOT believe this.  God wants us healed and in love with ourselves.  Believing we are worthy of love, and yes loving our Beloveds who are mirroring us all our shit, is what is important.  All that shit reflecting back at us does not feel great but it is necessary to shine the light on what we need healed, and that's that.

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