Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Taking Another Break :)

For my few reader friends I just want to let you know I am again taking a break from my blog.  I feel like I am still being pushed even farther inward to seek within myself.  Because I get no more guidance spelled out to me through my pendulum I am going strictly on signs I get from around me to affirm me that I am headed in the right direction.  Sometimes I can get discouraged and I don't want that.  Also sometimes the pain in missing him so much wants to take over and I can't allow that either.  I ask myself what it is I need to FEEL to bring him back to me.  I am not a believer that we have to "do" something to reunite.  It is all about what and how we feel that matters.

I watched a video the other day, Ralph Smart, and he says we do not manifest that which we want.  We instead manifest that which we feel.  I think I need to concentrate even more on how I feel and less on talking about twin souls.

I ask myself- what would I be thinking, feeling and doing right now concerning this situation with James if I had no access to the Internet and all of its teachings?  If I had only my guidance from above and the experiences with James himself- would I be doing things differently?  Probably so.  I'd put even more energy into "feeling his love" which is what I've been told to do.  Instead I allow myself to be derailed by the thoughts and beliefs of others, and that's gotta stop.

I also really don't have the energy right now to guide anyone but myself.  I'm so tired and I need to be quiet now.  I can write but it's going to be in my journal.  There is something about this "feeling" and where I put my energy that still needs to continue to shift for me and I have to do it alone now.  If anyone is going through an experience like mine I hope they find my blog and it helps them to know they are not alone.  For now though- I am tired.  I am very blessed but I am also tired and I need some rest, some quiet, some totally going inner.  I love James so much.  I know he is my destiny and I'd like him back in my life NOW.  I know he will return and I want it to be soon.  My life is meant to be shared with him.

As always, best wishes to all.  May all of your dreams come true.

xxoo Jennifer

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