Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Listening to "Inner"

Yeah I know I just said I was taking a break but this will be a short posting.  One of the things I've said I know I need to do is totally pay no attention to any guidance but my own.  No psychics, no "twin soul couples" out there giving advice, no blog posts, no forums, no people trying to offer helpful info.  Often when I go looking it blows up in my face because I am only meant to do what my own Higher Self has told me to.

Had I done that from the beginning instead of doubting and being so scared then I might actually be reunited right now.

One thing about MUCH much much of the twin soul advice out there is it is VERY cynical, and this can be terrifying for someone who is really battling to hold on to hope instead of "letting go" of their twin soul.  Everywhere I turn I read that we are meant to "let go"of the expectation of being with them in the future- but this does not mesh with manifestation.  How can I let go of something but desire it at the same time?  Since when did wanting something so badly that I am willing to fight for it become a bad thing?  Since when did staying celibate and growing stronger and more independent while believing in what God is showing me mean I am weak?  It doesn't- although I recently read something on the web that said those of us who are "waiting around" for our twins are ridiculous and pathetic.  I disagree- I believe we are courageous and protective of ourselves {no distraction dating, no texting or talking to men, no running around dating, no sharing ourselves with someone who is really nothing more than a way to run from our situations, making sure to concentrate on our healing, diving inner, digging deep, etc.}

I love this quote.  I live by this quote:

"Do you want me to tell you something really subversive? Love is everything it's cracked up to be. That's why people are so cynical about it. It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more."
~ Erica Jong

People are cynical about love because when THEY begin to feel hopeless then the only way they can manage to survive is by saying "Well it's not meant to be for any of us, including you," and that's just not true.  It's them trying to convince themselves so they can sleep easier at night.

Love IS everything it's cracked up to be, and this is why I am fighting for what I know to be true.

Just throwing that out there for anyone feeling the strain right now.  Don't give in to the naysayers who say twin souls are not meant to reunite for this or that reason.  I believe in a gentle kind Creator and that Creator would not introduce us to the greatest love in the universe ONLY to keep up away from it in the future as some type of "lesson in loving without being together."  God does not expect us to be content forever with only the "spiritual connection."  I find that teaching to be erroneous and yes another way for the hopeless to feel better about where they are in their union by telling themselves it is supposed to be a connection in spirit only, and that is not the case for all of us, at all. This journey is a challenge of self-cleansing.  Speaking for myself I do realize it is only my energy keeping me from him, no one or nothing else is keeping us separate in the physical.  He is away from me physically so I can continue to learn what it is I am meant to learn to continue clearing so I can feel and trust only love.  When the time comes that I am entirely balanced then we will shift back together, and the wait can FEEL hopeless, like we are never meant to be together but that is not the case.  We *are* together in spirit right now and will be together in person, in the {hopefully naked} flesh sometime soon.

He's realllllllyyyy cute naked ;)

So again, go inner and feel your heart.  Block out the rest.  There is a lot of fear out there right now so do not let it get the best of you.  God wants us all to be together with our Beloved divine counterparts.  Don't give in.  Don't give up. I know I'm not.




  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thank you jennifer for your support and guidance. I have been following your guidance since the beginning of your blog, I can relate to your feelings as i am also on this same journey though it's the first time i am commenting on your post because it feels the right time to do. Your journey is quite similar to mine and i can feel what are you going through right now. it's easier to let go but very hard to hold on the love towards your twin soul and believe in their love. Only brave and courageous people can do this. I am with you and I am sure one day we will be reunite with our beloved and then together we'll cry happy tears :) Lots of love and best wishes to u.

  3. Hugs to you Tam! Thank you for your kind and strong words. You are correct: we are brave and courageous for standing up to our fears and owning the love we have for ourselves and our divine counterparts, and the love we have for God as it is reflected through our unions. Best wishes to you!

  4. In another post you said "we are gods." What do you believe?

    1. I believe that we all have the Creator God energy inside us. We are Creators the same as God. God made us as small versions of itself so we can experience being creators of our own lives. Not many people believe this, and really that's okay. Just living a positive joyful grateful non-fearful life will create goodness for yourself. But when it say "we are gods" I in no way am being egotistical or saying I'm sooooo awesome and God-like. I literally mean we create our own realities through our thoughts, beliefs, intentions, words etc. We are each a slice of the God-energy. Religion and denomination and even a belief in a higher power does not matter as long as the energy and thoughts are of a high vibration and love not fear.
