Thursday, July 30, 2015

Again on Mirroring...

Mirroring.  I need to refresh on this.  Mirroring does NOT always mean the other person is feeling exactly what you are or that he/she is experiencing the same stuff all the time.  It does not necessarily mean because you are feeling sad then your twin is feeling sad.

Mirroring means the other person is showing you something about yourself.  Maybe in many cases it will seem like they are feeling the same things, and maybe they ARE feeling the same things.  But really what is happening is if you need to see something about yourself then that other person is the one showing it to you.

In my experience pretty much anything and anyone in life can be used as a mirror for us to see things about ourselves that we need to see.  When I am feeling fearful about something in particular then a complete stranger could walk up to me and speak that fear to me so I can "see" it, glaringly obvious.  It's happened to me one to many times for me to write it off as a coincidence.  A twin soul, though, this person mirrors everything to you, fully.  Not just "one moment in time" and not only just good stuff.  They are here to make you face your deepest fears and they do this by almost kind of like "enacting" those fears to you.  They are SHOWING you the fear so you can see it and face it and realize it is not real.

So- this is SO so important to understand and BELIEVE!!  If you are scared that your twin soul does not really love you then your twin soul is going to act as if he does not love you.  This does NOT mean the twin soul is "afraid of love" or "cannot love" or has some block to love or blah blah blah.  It has nothing to do with his own emotions, issues, blockages, etc.  In reality the twin soul could feel tons of love for you but CANNOT show it due to being contracted as playing the part of your spiritual mirror so you can see your fears fully.  It's actually a suck-ass job but some soul had to agree to do it and that would be the one you call your twin soul.

And this is where it gets allllllll fucked up in the twin soul world.  Everyone thinks that since the other twin seems to be "running" from love then THEY, the other twin, are the ones with the issue.  And that is SO so so not true.  I am sure in some cases it can be mutual or whatever, or not even a twin soul situation to begin with, but in a true "full spiritual mirror" union one is mirroring the other.  So if you fear the your are not worthy, not thin enough, not young enough and your twin is going to like someone younger and thinner then WATCH THE FUCK OUT because yes you can create pushing your twin into the arms of what you fear most.  And this would not mean, in any way, that he is running to someone else to escape you or the intensity or any of that whiny bullshit that is taught on most websites.  It means that if you have fears then he will enact them for you so you can see them.  It means if you are sitting there thinking, "He does not love me enough to choose me," then he is going to literally TAUNT you with messages like, "Sorry I didn't respond sooner!  I was soooo busy and having fun drinking beers with the guys that I didn't respond until now" {and it's like three weeks since you text him last.}

Again this does not mean he is a douche who cannot commit.  It means he is a soul who agreed to manifest into whatever you fear, doubt or misbelieve about him.  He will show you your hangups about yourself.  He will also tell you that you are wonderful, beautiful, and the best girl ever... but then he won't commit and it will make you crazy wondering why this man seems to think you are the best thing since sliced bread yet he won't define a relationship with you, and he will go weeks or months without responding and when he does often it will seem insane.  And it is all because he is being your mirror.  No it does not mean that he also feels fear.  Not at all, that is not what mirroring is about.  You can very well be the one who thinks the stuff, and he is the one who projects it back to you via acting as the mirror.

Please get this straight.  It will save you a lot of sorrow in the end when you stop placing blame on him.  And the more you think "Oh he's just a runner who is scared of love," then the more he is going to show you that by being quiet and saying things like, "You scare me."  Yet he means none of it.  It is all an illusion meant to push and prod all of your fears out of you and into the light so you can let them all go.

Rethink mirroring.  Think of this song by Justin Timberlake.  He sings about not being able to change without the mirror, and this is because the mirror shows us the very things we need to stop fearing so we can move on into happiness.

And one more comment about the mirroring.  So many debaters of what I share about mirroring say, "Well why is it all about you?  Why is he so perfect?"  All I can say to that is if all I feel like sending to my twin is... love then what am I mirroring to him?  Does that make sense?  I have utterly no desire whatsoever to send my twin anything besides words of adoration, affection and love.  And I firmly believe this is because *I* also have a soul inside of me that is used as HIS mirror.  And he is healthy and whole and ready for love.  So this is all I mirror back to him.  This doesn't mean that I let him walk on me or abuse me or that I bite my tongue with him.  NO- it means that I become OVERWHELMED with this intense tsunami-like wave of love and affection for him, about him, that I want to wash him with.  And I know it comes from soul, and I know it is me acting as his mirror.  Thing is there is nothing else there I am supposed to show him.  Just that love.

I hope that offers some clarity for those who feel I am ignoring my twin's "faults"- truth is there are no faults there to ignore, and there are no FEARS there to mirror.

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