Thursday, July 2, 2015

More on Self-Love, Kindness to Self, and The Twin Soul Union

An interesting thing about the definition of "self-love."  When I googled "Self-love" I found reference to being "narcissistic."  Self-love is the regard for one's own well-being and happiness.  What is so wrong about that?  Our world has shaped those of us with sensitive hearts to have a deflated ego meaning we do not practice strong self-love.  We often feel like we are "less than" and honestly the 3D society we live in would like us to stay that way, feeling "narcissistic" and "egotistical" if we dare love ourselves because it keeps us powerless.  Higher Self says otherwise and is working to have us all learn self-love, kindness and niceness to self.  Just like Jesus said.

I wrote an email to a friend of mine but after writing it out I decided to post it here.  It concerns the link between self-love and the twin soul union.

"Hello friend,

I just gotta share this with you.  Divine stuff happens to me all the time.  You and I have been discussing not going out on the web to watch videos and read stuff about twin souls, and I agree totally.  I am stopping the madness.  I already know what I need to know.

But then out of the blue this man sends me a video.  Trying to be brief here {hard for me lol} he's Craig, the quantum healer from January 2014 who could not hypnotize me.  We talked for hours at my appointment and he knew I was trying to stop drinking.  Weeks after meeting him he, out of the blue, called me. I was *just* cracking open a new bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey when my cell rang.  I answered it and he said, "Hi Jen it's Craig.  Just calling to see what you are doing."  He totally called me to help show me I was not to drink that whiskey.  I was honest.  I told him, "Well I am just getting ready to drink this whiskey."  He told me no.  He said, "You know you are way too sensitive and not meant to drink," and he made me dump it out while he was on the phone with me.

And I had not heard from him since!

But yesterday he sent me a video on raising vibration, manifestation and self-love.  Oh... it's such a freeing message, and I love this guy who does the video, Matt Kahn.  He's funny and calming.  He says there is ONE purpose for each and every person on earth and it is to learn to be kind to ourselves which means transcending our egos that tell us we are not good enough, not loveable enough, not worthy enough, etc.  And when we learn to be kind to ourselves we will be nicer to others which in turn means in being kind to ourselves and others we are being kind to the mass consciousness on earth {the whole "we are one" thing.}

That is all.  NO yoga, no "super duper lightworker who saves the planet."  No meditation, no having to do anything to be "better."  Nothing besides being kind to ourselves.  And I believe this.  He says it is liberating to know the only important things on earth are goodness and niceness and it starts with self-love.

So it gets better.  He says there is this little "inner child" inside of us that we neglect.  And it is our Higher Selves.  It tries to tell us forever to get out of ego {thinking less of ourselves, not loving ourselves} and for years we don't listen.  And because being kind to ourselves is THE main purpose we have while being on earth {since we all basically want to hate ourselves because of ego} HS is always wanting us to learn self-love.  And the more we love ourselves the more we can manifest better.  He explains this is because HS starts... blessing us with our joys once we start loving ourselves.  He's really funny.  But he says the more we love ourselves the more our vibration naturally raises and the more we begin to bring to ourselves that which we want because HS is actually "making" it happen based on increased self-love.

I've learned throughout the course of these last few years that it is a Universal Law that we reap what we sow; Higher Self cannot avoid us from experiencing what we create so HS is always trying to get us to create from love not fear- it's basically the same thing Matt is saying in this video just in a little bit different way.

We are not meant to hate ourselves, and HS will spend the eternity of this lifetime on earth guiding us to love ourselves because only in loving ourselves can we reach our destinies.

So I was thinking about this and how it applies to James.  I know I was sent the video by Craig as divine intervention.  I was meant to watch it and pay close attention; Craig is used as a messenger for me and when someone like him sends me something THEN I am meant to pay attention.  I do not have to seek because guidance is given to me when it is needed.
This is what I've come to believe about James.  When I refuse to believe in the love he has for me, or when I refuse to believe that he could be out there missing the shit out of me like he lost the best thing that ever happened to him, it is because I do not love myself enough to know my own amazingly huge worth to myself and others.  I find it so hard to believe that I could be the best thing that ever happened to him even though he basically told me I am the answer to his "wishes" and prayers."

The email to my friend ends there but here are a few more of my thoughts about this self-love thing.

I really do believe these twin soul unions ALL come down to us learning to love ourselves more fully, and to believe immensely that we are accepted and loved by our twin souls because their love for us forces us to have to believe in that love for us, and believing in that love for us can be so so hard and scary because we are then forced to believe that we are that loveable!!!

I know I was sent this video for a reason.  I had better start concentrating on knowing that I am loveable and my James fell hard for me FOR A REASON.  And my soul mates all fell so hard for me for a reason, and they all wished they could be with me, and heck they still do.  Because I am so loveable and sweet and kind and gentle and good, and they knew it.  Immediately.  So did James, and he still feels that way.  I know he does but I am being forced to totally believe I am a person who could be missed that much or loved that much.  *I* have to know it now.

Ugh, right? ;)

Seriously I do feel these unions come to us to force us to own our own love-ability, knowing we are loveable.  And I'll bet once we love ourselves fully, that's when we are totally Awakened.  When I love myself fully then it does not matter what anyone else thinks of me- nothing will bother me because I will know that I am perfect so that's all that matters, me loving myself and being nice to others too.

This does not mean that I will ever want James with me any less than I do now.  It does not mean that I will ever not feel like I need him in my life- because I love him for all the same reasons I am meant to love myself.  He is so like me that when I see all the things about him I love, I know those are things about me to be loved as well, and I will always love him.  There is no need for me to have to "give him up" just because I love myself.  I love myself enough to know I want him as my companion and he wants me as his companion.  I love myself enough to know it is okay to feel I am meant to have my twin soul in my life, forever, here in the physical- curled up together at night, every night.  I will always want him as my life and love companion.  Loving myself does NOT mean that I need to be content being alone, Hell no.  What it does mean is to open my heart and accept when I am loved and cherished.

To accept when I am loved and cherished, instead of denying or disbelieving when someone loves me and cherishes me due to not feeling worthy of having someone find me loveable enough to love every last bit of me inside and out, unconditionally. 

Makes sense to me.  Many of them, twin souls, are out there showing us our fears/ego so we can be forced to finally work through it all and love ourselves when all they really want to do is show us the love that we are.  They are "shattering" us on purpose, and it is a Divine purpose {watch the video below if you want to know more.}  I love James so much for walking this path with me, and I am working on shifting this so we can come back together.  I know he wants to.

Last year this time I asked him if his quiet was due to him being interested in someone else.  He assured me no, he was too busy and also he found me to be his date-able one.  He said that I am the one he clicks with and wants, me.  *sigh*  He also smiled {I could hear that sweet smile in his voice} and said, "If you were here with me right now I would not need this electric blanket because you would be keeping me warm."

Oh my dear sweet soul, I know you ache to have me there with you keeping you warm.  It will happen, I promise.



Matt Kahn Raising Vibration

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