Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Odd Occurrence

Something strange happened and I am still not quite sure how to take it.  I mean I know it was Divine but I am unsure how to think of it.  I have one or two opinions on it, and I thought I would share it here and I'd love to read your take on it.

I was writing very hard and deep about James the other day.  And I mean REALLY breaking myself open and digging down deep into my stores of "I know you love me because I am..." and really trying to feel his love for me.

As I did this I was reminded of something he'd written me in the past during one of our "up" and connected moment.  He wrote, "Not a day goes by that I don't think of you.  Just know I do love you."  I wrote this in my journal when I remembered it the other day.

Later in the evening I was talking with my friend Lori about her twin soul.  While I was talking to her I got a text message from Jason, one of my other soul mates who I had a relationship with in the past. We are friends now and Jason knows of my love for James.  Jason also knows not to flirt with me, and lately we have not really text much at all.  As a matter of fact since this night, like about a week ago, I have not heard from him at all.  But this night, right after I wrote in my journal about James, Jason text me the following, "Not an hour goes by that I don't think of you.  I would have said day but upon reflection it is much more often than that.

I am unsure how to take this.  I got very angry actually.  Not at Jason but at Spirit.  Why is it that I want the message so badly from James, I write about James, I think about James, I LOVE James, and I get Jason?   Saying the same words?

Being my mirror?

Is it because as of yet James cannot say it so the sentiment was coming through Jason?  Thing is I care about Jason and his well-being and happiness but I do not care if he misses me.  I hate to sound mean but I do not miss him.  At all.  I have unconditional love for him and nothing more.  I don't want to see him and honestly I only care to say hello to him here and there to know he is okay.  His message was oddly timed because I had not heard from him for a while and when I responded with a "Well I am glad to know I am thought of," he never did respond.  The message did not even SEEM like it should be coming from him!  It was from left field, did not fit with our most recent conversation.

My friend told me it was still to show me I am creating the right energy.  I don't know exactly what to think so I am going to try and think that I was getting a strange form of affirmation through a man who really truly cares for me to show me that I am to keep working with this same energy of knowing James loves me and one day it will shift.  But Jason had to be the messenger this time because Jason is not my full mirror and James is.  Maybe James still has some sort of energetic restriction on him that Jason does not.

Anyone reading this care to share your thoughts?  It could not have been a coincidence.  The words were almost exactly the same, undeniably so.

I'm just over here trying to have faith, writing love.  I love James so much.  All I want is to be reunited.  I'd do anything to hear from him again and have more of our loving kissy intimate chats.


  1. I like what your friend said: that it's proof that you're creating the right energy. But I think with your soulmate, because there's no resistance or intense focus, the message / love can more easily come through to you. He is but one vessel, one channel to you, feeding back where you're at (meaning, you *are* in the love zone! and he's showing that to you). As you say, although you love him unconditionally and wish him well, there is no desire to see him, and therefore, there's no resistance/tension/longing in you, thinking "when???" as we can sometimes tend to do with our twins.
    I think it's a great sign, actually! You're in the zone!
    My two cents... thank you as always for sharing your journey!

  2. Thanks Sophie! I really appreciate the kind and affirming words. I agree with you. I can't see what else it could possibly be. Your take makes a lot of sense. I appreciate your post!
