Wednesday, August 19, 2015

My Truth

No this is not a blog post to defend my truth, well not really.  I was hoping to kind of explain something.  I realize I can be very adamant in how I explain my stance on twin souls.  I don't meant to come off as "defensive" but only to stress my truth.

At the same time I need to remember that I only really know MY situation.  I would think that all of our situations are tailored to our individual needs and healing so each one will be different.  Maybe in the end there is some "divine template" that is followed, and I say this because some of you message me in private and tell me things that sound exactly like my twin.  And I do mean exactly to where it cannot be a coincidence.  It has to be some type of template that is being followed from "above."

Still- I should not write here and insist that what I am saying is 100% applicable in every situation. I'll tell you why I get so adamant: because I know how bad it hurts when I doubt my twin soul.  And I want to save you that pain.  So I preach about making sure we think of them as perfect, and that what we think and feel is what they will show us so make sure to think and feel only goodness and love. I don't say that because I am a Pollyanna and I pathetically place my twin soul on a pedestal.  I say it because I have been shown first-hand that if I were to think something like, "I'll bet he does not respond to me because he feels guilty," then the next thing I know he will be writing to me saying something like, "Sorry I have not responded.  I just feel really badly for..." and then some ridiculous bullshit will be written, something outlandish and so obviously not real that I have to try and look past it even if it scares the shit out of me.  Whatever I think about him- he shows me.  I know in my heart from the time I spent with him that he's quite normal and good and solid and healed and whole and loving and kind and super duper amazing in all ways.  And so am I... but I am the one, not him, who had fears to contend with, fears he is meant to help me heal by making sure I experience them as if they were real so I can SEE them and face them.  Why?  Because to ascend and awaken we cannot stay mired in the mud and the muck of all of our fears.  We have to shake them off, get rid of them, so we can move up higher.

Because I have seen this dynamic, the mirroring, SO strongly in my union I tend to push it pretty hard on my blog.  I apologize if this has rubbed some of you the wrong way.  I only know what I know and I only push because I want to try and help some of you avoid getting hit hard with your own thoughts, beliefs, worries, doubts, etc.  I believe in the mirroring, and I do believe it is a two-way street.  But I also know that all I show my twin soul is love.  When I contact him in the 3D it is always only words of love and affection because I could never ever send him anything less.  It would kill me to do so.  The love I have for him is so pure and strong and real that is must be from my soul because I have no desire to say anything to him besides I love him and he's amazing.  Yes I get scared by what he shows me.  Listen- my fears suck ass at times.  I do not like my fears.  I do not like seeing my fears.  I do not like reading my fears via email.  I do not like calling a psychic and immediately having my fears be channeled to me.  My fears do not feel good.  Yet I see them for what they are and I blame no one for showing them to me, for being my mirror.  So I love James at all times and I never have any urge to react in 3D to what he shows me.  On the inside I have to deal with my fear. But that's my thing.  It's so obvious to me though that I don't need to react to him.  There is no "defending" myself- that would just be me saying I believe all the fears, and that is NOT good because it energizes that which is not REAL.  It energizes fears and lies instead of love and truth.  This is why I do not react, do not "defend" myself when I am being mirrored.  None of it is real.

What I ask myself is- what would it be like if my twin soul DID have some type of fear issues to deal with?  Would I then be reacting in some other way to show him the stuff he needs to heal?  Being mirrors for each other?  I don't really know since that is not my experience.  I've talked to a handful of people now who clearly see where they seem to be the only one being shown their fears through the other person, like one person {normally the woman} is the creator and the other person {normally the man} is the creation of whatever the creator is thinking, feeling, believing, intending, dreaming, hoping, etc.  I understand it seems to defy our laws of free will but oh well- I think it has something to so with the soul contract that is made between the two people.  Like free will is actually decided on a soul level, not on a human level.  The soul in 5D, behind the veil, uses its free will to choose the "plan" and then the human on earth is guided, sometimes heavily, to follow that plan- not according to a human free will but by following divine will.  Higher will, and I know this is a concept many people won't agree with because we all want to feel free to make our own choices and do what we want in life.  

But again, I just wanted to say I understand we all have our separate unique experiences.  It is NEVER ever my intention to say that for all of us what I say is "right."  I can only say that for ME it is my truth in my union.  I can't say that for anyone else.  If my truth seems to fit your situation then great.  These unions do seem to follow that "divine template" or plan where the specifics are different from couple to couple yet the process follows a pattern.  So it seems.  Staying in belief, not listening to fear and ego, loving ourselves and our divine counterparts, trusting the process, having faith in the Divine- these all seem to be universal truths when it comes down to it.

Live long and prosper,



  1. Hi Jennifer, I've just being feading your blog which I have to say is so heartfelt and honest, very beautiful indeed. Thank you for having the courage and generosity of spirit to bare your soul, it's not always easy 😊 It really resonates with me and my TF journey as I also have huge self-worth issues, even though mine manifest a little differently to yours.

    I guess what I really wanted to say is that what seems to come through really loudly when reading your words is this sense that these issues are all one-sided, that they're all your problem, not his. That he is not experiencing his own doubts and fears, and that if only you could learn to get over your stuff everything would be OK. One thing that I've learned about the whole TF connection is that we are divine mirrors and that we BOTH reflect eachother's issues. Whatever you're going through, he is undoubtedly going through the same (even if he may not show it). If you are separate at this time, it is because BOTH of you need this space to heal. I've realised in my own TF union that the whole runner-chaser dynamic is a lot more subtle than we think, that sometimes the runner is actually the chaser and vice versa. We may think a certain issue is ours, when it's really theirs - and almost always it's a bit of both, even if it doesn't appear so on the surface. I guess what I'm trying to say is, don't be so hard on yourself (I know, easy to say, right?) and know that this divine dance is perfectly orchestrated by and for the both of you - it takes two to tango!

    Anyway, thank you again for sharing your TF journey, it's always comforting to know we're not totally insane and that others are going through the same stuff 😁 I wish you all the best on your soul trip, it sure can be a bumby ride sometimes LOL. Lots of love, Monika 💗

  2. Thank you for your kind words. I really do appreciate them :) I am trying not to be too hard on myself but I will tell you that I don't believe in any way shape or form that my twin has issues that need to be healed. I know he is my mirror. I know, I know... no one believes me or wants to listen to me but frankly I don't care. I know my truth. If I could learn to trust my twin soul, know he loves me, know he's not this monster I am shown with my fears, and if I could concentrate on the joy we spent together and not fear then we would reunite. I am sorry if that does not resonate with you but is is MY truth. Maybe my truth alone. In my journey I am meant to think of my twin as whole, healed and awakened. And since that is what he showed me that is what I believe him to be. Myself I feel to be pretty well healed now. I just need to believe in my twin. It's like my heart knows but my mind still feels rejected. I still feel "hurt" and I can't feel that way and reunite. And I KNOW there are people who read my blog who get irritated by my insistence that my twin is perfect and wonderful but oh well :) It's my truth so I stick my it. For us it is not a two-sided journey. Our mission is two sided though: his mission is to be my mirror and help heal me in whatever way he has to to ensure I did not kill my own Light with my fear. His helping to heal me has been scary and painful since I've had to see my fears up close and personal through him. But that is the part he plays in our mission. My role is to believe in him, remember the sweet man he truly is, defend him and love him fully. I try to fulfill my part of the mission. Sorry if this does not work for you but it is my truth. I am glad parts of my blog do resonate with you, and thank you for reading and commenting! XoXo OoOo

  3. I should clarify that it's not a two-sided journey in healing. But still it is two sided, as I explained above. At this point in my journey the only guidance I will follow is from my own Higher Self. So anything outside of that that does not resonate with me I don't listen to. My Higher Self used to tell me over and over about our mission together, for each other. His is to help heal me in whatever way he hast to, and the means showing me my fears hard core if need be {and it does not feel good.} And mine is to trust him and defend him. I've never ever been told I am a mirror to help him heal, and I show him very little because I refuse to project back to my fear. I react internally as I fight through what is shown to me but since I eventually want to get through this it is my goal to become completely non-reactive when he mirrors me. And what no one here seems to understand is when my twin and I are communicating and he hits me with my reflection, the more non-reactive I stay, the more I just think of him as love and wonderfulness, then the more he can come forth as that TRUTH again!!! And he does. He starts to "melt" and become the TRUTH I knew which is a man who is totally loving, healthy, amazing and angelic. But man the moment I feel maybe there is something wrong with him, watch the fuck out because he will become that in a heartbeat too. Sorry to preach on my truth but for me it is what it is. When I believe truth, that we are both love, healed and wonderful and he loves me dearly, he can become that again because it IS him. But if I believe anything less that the truth fades away and I get my fears. What do you think I WANT to see? Truth or fear?
