Friday, January 2, 2015

A ReBlog: How To Rise Up When Feeling Down

I love Elise from Accelerated Ascension blog.  Her last post really speaks to me.  It calms me and makes me understand why I am going through this, what I am blocking, and what I need to release to move forward.  What I have noticed over and over is that we twin souls are in a group alone where we have chosen to come to earth to be LOVE.  And it is a difficult journey, especially when most of society is SO conditional when it comes to love.  Everyone finds it so easy to let go of love and walk away.  I do understand that some relationships need to come to an end but for twins souls, man, once that connection happens we are being asked to love through thick and thin.  It is not easy, and often those around us think we are utterly crazy.

And we feel crazy.  Loving someone who is no longer here in life.  Who feels dead to us sometimes.  Joron is 2100 miles away and totally quiet.  He has no social media so when he is quiet he is simply gone to me.  I know nothing about him, what he's doing and who he is doing it with.  I must have faith that he's work a lot, playing hard, and still loving me somewhere deep inside.

All I truly have for him is love.  That's all I have to hold on to- my memories of being with him, the truth he's showed me.  I don't have to feel crazy for holding in- it's what twin souls are asked to do.  Hold on while healing and letting go of inner hurt, pain, lies, wounds, fears, etc.

I am reposting Elise's last blog post because it is a really good one.  It can be found here:

This is a Transmission via Unity Consciousness. Love knows no other. Just Unity.
I remember it so well… You are always on my mind…. love of mine…. There is no love greater than this. Greater than a love that never fades. Not with time, not with distance, not with action, not with struggle, not with stagnancy, not with change… no ebb and no flow could avert my gaze, for there is no one else that could ever compare… no other I want but you. I can move on, I can pretend to pretend, I can play it off and smile until the very end…. but in the end, you’ll always be the one…. The one I Iook to, the one who always comes back, the one to which none can compare….My love, my love, if you only knew how loved you are. I send you my love. My love…. Love of mine…. forever I am yours, until the stars cease to be… But, that will never happen….for, there is no end to you and me.
I said I wouldn’t cry for him anymore. I said that I was through. I thought I was done. I thought I’d made it through to the other side. I thought I could leave it behind. I thought I could overcome. But I cried for him, because I missed him so. That face I didn’t see for so many months. That hadn’t given me the time of day. That man that made me feel such awe. The resonance that language flounders to decipher. I remember it all. I remember it was mutual. I remember what he said. I remember how he said it. I remember every precious sight I saw. Every sound. Every feeling. Every thought of you. You are part of me. My other half. There’s no other way to put it. It’s not explainable. There’s nothing that resonates more to me, than you.
How do I remember it so well? How I treasure every breath. How can I love you so much? Someone who’s voice I never hear. My soul knows your soul. My being is your being. There’s no end to this.
That is exactly the meaning.

I know today, that it’s ok to cry. Tears are no object to overcome. If we could sever the connection, there would be no Twin Flame legacy, because we would have all cut our chords by now. The connection is necessary, or else it wouldn’t exist. The universe makes no mistakes. The Universe doesn’t do things for no reason. The Universe places every last detail purposefully. Every last Atom, carefully placed. Frozen together by the invisible. The Universe doesn’t miss a beat. The evidence of this is all around. Just look at the evidence of your body and every last detail that must be in place in order for you to exist and function. Just look at all the countless, imperative actions that must take place. Everything that must happen just exactly so. You know what happens when there is even one chromosome too many or too less. One organism in the wrong place. One organism missing. Even one slight thing off. Everything is purposeful.
So is the Twin Flame Relationship.
To pretend that you can forget your Twin is useless. To forget is not the point. To harden your heart is not the point. Resisting love and opting to become a stone doesn’t make you strong, it makes you a rock. Being love is the toughest thing. Being love is what it means to be strong. Nothing good can come of resisting love and for as long as you harden your heart, the journey will continue to be “hard” for you, until the Universe finally gets you to crack yourself open and let love reign free. Love conquers all.
It’s ok to feel. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to miss. Only when you allow yourself to love freely can you come up from the dips so much more easily. You see, we get sad, we cry and we think something is wrong with us because we care. That sounds pretty strange. Something is wrong with you because you have feelings? Because you are in love? That’s hogwash. You feel because, you must. Here is the part that will set you free. Know that it’s ok. It’s ok to cry. It’s ok to miss. Allow yourself. Don’t go so far as to ask yourself what is wrong with you or why you are being rejected. None of that has anything to do with truth. Accept yourself in your darkest moment. Tell yourself it’s ok.
“It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to.”
You see, if you do that, then you can cry it out and go back to normal life and not feel bad about yourself. You can come up from the dip and move right along and give thanks that you have the capacity to love. Give thanks for a love so strong. Give thanks because you know there is value in the power of love and acceptance. Love conquers all.
Have you ever put off crying and it just makes you feel like crying for longer, until you finally have to let it out? Why not just let it out? Let it be. Don’t pretend you aren’t human and don’t pretend that something must be wrong with you because you miss your Twin Flame. I have to be really honest with you so that all of you will understand that this is a real experience and we are all having it. You’re not crazy, you’re not defective, you’re not deficient. Lovely, you are exactly as you are meant to be in this moment and all you need do is recognize your perfection in every moment of your now. We are all in this together and I am right here, with you. Having this same experience that you are having. I’m having the feelings, too. I’m just getting through them, and so will you.
Allow the ebb and flow of your emotions. Don’t listen to others who do not understand. We are blessed with this untamable capacity to reach love that knows no limits. Dear, Twin Flame, you are limitless in your capacity to love. Let yourself roam free.
We are the first wave of ascension. We will reach our fuller capacities for unconditional love and we will slowly, little by little show others that great love happens, and that it’s ok.
This world does not know what love is. Through our Twin Flame experience, we are learning how to be unconditionally loving. We are learning what it means to love ourselves, to accept ourselves and others without judgement and we are learning that the only remedy for love is to love more. People have a tendency to react with fear, by withdrawing their love. We must move beyond that. That is why the Twin Flame pull is so strong. Stronger than your will to release it. Stronger than your ability to dissolve it. When in doubt, love more. Let yourself cry. Let yourself miss. Come out of it and carry on. Carry on like normal. You are normal. Feelings are normal, and love is the most basic of all.
Cry it out and carry on.
Cry it out and come out of the dip.
Let it come and let it go.
Easy does it.
Everything is ok. We are all in this together. Don’t stress when you are sad. Surrender to it and be ok.
Don’t make a big deal out of it and it won’t be a big deal.
Now, go Channel your passion….
Love is all you need
If you would like a Twin Flame Reading or guidance, you may contact me at any time.
I am here for you, we are all in this together. or via Facebook page, Accelerated Ascension for the Twin Flame

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