Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Advice to A New Twin Soul?

I pop on to SF once in a while to see what's going on over there.  Normally is shows me how many people are lost and hurting in their twin soul connection, and that makes me sad.  I used to post there a lot until Spirit kicked me off.  I was meant to put my concentrations elsewhere and honestly- my "love them no matter what" attitude really pissed off a few people on the forum.  Believe me I DO believe these unions are first and foremost meant for us to go inner and examine ourselves.  I had to work hard on ME when he separated from me.  At first I wanted to blame him.  I told myself he was somehow broken, cracked, hid dysfunction from me- it wasn't until Spirit forced my eyes open so I could see MYSELF clearly, see that I was drinking myself to alcoholism and fearing love to death, that I realized the truth: I had major shit to heal from.  And I remember what the purging process felt like, curled into a ball on the floor keening like an animal.  Pain.  Huge huge pain.  Do you know that my Higher Will guided me to take FMLA time at work once Joron went silent?  My guidance said I needed time to heal, and I did.  I would never have made it working full-time every day.  On my days off at home alone I'd be put through HUGE work with my guidance.  I would cry and scream and break shit and even once or twice I hit myself, hit the wall.  Snotted, sobbed.  Hated, loved, raged.  Channeled a lot.  Started writing a ton.  Cried myself a river.

I wish I could go back and hug that poor woman.  Thank God God was watching over me.

And miracle- I started to heal.  But shit was it hard at first.  So hard.  Yet truth came to me and I saw that my twin soul is a damn good man, great heart and kind soul.  Very special to me, and while very human which means he is not perfect, I DO place him on a pedestal because he was always, without fail, good to me.  There is no denying that truth.  *I* needed to heal- and he's helped me through it.  I will always stand by my first impression of Joron which was that he was a very whole, emotionally stable, healed and balance individual.  Ready for love.  Loving.  Kind.


But again, I feel these union are first and foremost meant to heal us.  We have to concentrate on OUR healing, not worry what is wrong with THEM.  But at the same time there is one big point many twin flames seem to forget, or overlook, or want to ignore: we are meant to love them despite the pain they cause us.  Meaning- love is not only not wanting to hurt a person but continuing to love a person when that person may cause that special mirroring-type of pain that shows us what we need to heal.  I don't mean let people walk on you; we are all pretty well smart enough to know the difference between when someone is just being hurtful and when you've met your twin soul.  There is only one twin soul- and the mirroring is SO eerie and uncanny and just off-the-wall that it is hard to overlook.  It is blatant- your angel turns into a monster and it feels like death at first, and it is: ego death.  It kills ego, and it hurts our feelings but it also opens our eyes so we can no longer stay blind.

My Higher Will told me months ago that we each have a mission in our twin soul union.  His mission is to help heal my Light no matter what.  My Light was dimming, could have been lost.  He was supposed to help heal me.  And my mission was/is to love him through it.  To always know him, be thankful for him, trust him and LOVE him.

So it's not about me concentrating on his issues.  It is about me working to heal myself but I am also supposed to love him too.  Always.  Unconditionally.  Affection without limitations.  LOVE.

I came across something today though that I wanted to share.  Someone asked the question on the forum about what advice would you give a person new to this journey, and one of the responses is SO great I wanted to highlight it here:

Join Date: Jun 2014
Posts: 175
"Utilize every experience with your twin as something to learn about yourself. They are the only ones in the entire Universe that can "show" you your deepest desires, hurts, dysfunctions.
Of course that said, it is up to YOU to do the work, but your Twin will show you everything. They know you more than you know yourself. That is their job.
LOVE them... love them like you would love a child, but MORE.
Be gentle... when you experience pain from them... process it on your own... don't use it as a springboard to hurt them back. Tit for tat will never work in these unions... it is immature, and it will only bring more pain.
Learn to let go. I have realized that when things have come up between us, that they keep amplifying until you "recognize" the issue you are dealing with, and then once you process it, and speak it out from your heart, it goes away.
The funny thing is that I have noticed, that things "dont come back to haunt me" once I process it out, the way that they would in other relationships.
That itself is AMAZING! Once they are OUT, they stay OUT...
Be OBSERVANT. ObSERVE everything... and emotionally detach yourself as much as you can. But always keep the love.
Accept it for what it is... you won't be able to move on."
I LOVE that response!  It's so true.  Tit for tat will NEVER work in these unions.  It will only hurt more.  
Always keep the love.  Love yourself and love your twin for what he is showing you.  Only unconditional love will get you to reunion.  Never resentment or fear or anger or despair.  Only clean, pure, genuine unconditional love.
I love this song :)

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