Tuesday, November 4, 2014

"Speed The Process of The Twin Soul Union"

This is an article that a friend sent to me, one that I feel the need to post here.  It is about the power of writing and how the energy can speed the twin soul/twin flame union.  It is a channeled message and the original can be found here:


Beginning copy/paste:

Up until now, you all have felt hopeless in this process of reuniting with your Twin Flame. It has felt to you as if it is out of your control and you must simply wait and see what happens between you. If you fight for them to return and they do not return to you, you feel as though you have failed, or as if something must be wrong with you. You feel as if there is no other choice but to give up your struggle. You are right. It is time for you to give up the struggle. But you are not hopeless at all. This will be a process that will be the easiest thing that you have ever done, as you are coming into new vibrations. All of your guides and all of the Universe has called every possible assistance to you now, to make your progression a process by which speed is of upmost importance. Why? Because you can. Because you are so much more than you think that you are right now. Because you are all infinite beings and you can achieve this Rapid Momentum forward that you all have been asking for, all over this world. We are answering your call. Here is a process for you to do. If you are in lower vibrations, you will be reluctant to do any process that can truly take you to great heights. But, if you can ease yourself into it and enjoy every aspect in your life as best as you can , you will find that you can indeed do this and that it will truly take you higher than you have been before. You must be willing to do things that you have never done before, if you are to take yourself into greater heights that you never thought imaginable. Enter in a new vibration by doing things differently than you have before. And come into touch with your guidance/joy as best as you can. Here is the process that brought Elise, the Channel, into heights that she never even dreamed of. Heights that brought her into channeling us and to her Twin Flame Union:

Three Times a day, you will write. Select a notebook of your choice to write in, and a pen. Both that you can find appreciation for. After all, you can always find things to appreciate. Writing is your finest point of focus. When you write, you magnify the energy of your thought and you manifest everything that you write at a much faster pace. Doing this three times a day magnifies the energy even more. If you find yourself feeling in a good place during your day and you cannot write because you are driving or walking, you can use your words out loud to take yourself on a focused journey through counting those things that you love and want to manifest. The point is to go with the feeling that feels best and new thoughts and words will present themselves to you that feel even better than the ones that came before. Focus where it feels the best.

You will write a list of things that you like, love and enjoy. That is it. Anything you want to show up in your life and you will take great joy in this process. You will write about anything you desire to. Starting from clarity, strength, courage and inspired thought. Take it to forward positive momentum. Write about being in touch with your guidance and how good that it feels and the wisdom and clarity that it brings to your life. Write about the love that you are having and receiving. Write about every good and positive trait that you see in your Twin Flame. Write about all of those traits that you want to see in your twin flame and that will greatly assist you in eliciting those traits from them. Write about the abundance that you are receiving and how good it feels to have freedom and the means to attain all that your heart desires. Take it to a high point. The highest point you can reach. This can take practice, but hold onto your steadfast ability to do this process without fail. It is guaranteed to you that if you do this process, as we have said for you to do it, that it will take less than two weeks time for you to see big and substantial changes in your life. Even if you are at lower levels of consciousness and you are very sad much of the time, you will find, through doing this process with precision to the instructions we have given, that you will notice big change in yourself. You will notice distinctive change in the way that you feel and your ability to take yourself higher when you are involved in this process. You will also begin to see small things showing up. For some of you, the things that show up will be bigger. Some of you only need a little push of focus to get you to the manifestations that you are seeking. But here is one more very important part. This is like magic. You will see that the world truly is magic, that is where the idea comes from, but here is the other part of the process….

You will take note of all positive change and you will give your attention to it. You will praise it and feel happy and grateful for it. You will talk about all of the new and positive changes you are noticing in your day to day conversations. As you allow these conversations to take place, the old conversations that were perpetuating the negative in your life, will cease to exist and along with it, the situations you were discussing. This is how gradual shift in vibration occurs. One step at a time. Just because it is gradual, it does not mean that it is slow. You can jump very fast if you pay good attention to your guidance and your joy in the moment. This process is very helpful for all of you and for those who simply do not know what to do or feel stuck. If you do this, it is absolutely certain that you will not remain stuck, that you will begin attracting more things that you want and that you will reach a state of Unconditional Love that will allow you to Reunite with your Twin Flame. This is how it happens. This is the goal. Unconditional love. Once you are there, your Flame MUST and is certain to catch up with you. They cannot remain so far away from the vibration that you are in, for that would defeat the entire purpose because they are simply a Reflection of YOU!

We want all of you to know this, that this is about the progression of you and not the progression of them. It is never their fault! It is never the fault of anyone else or anything else outside of yourself that is responsible for that which you attract. This is a cop out that you all are so attached to in the 3rd dimension, but you all are coming around and realizing this truth for yourselves. You are realizing concepts that are beyond this third dimension and collectively, you will raise the vibration of the planet so that everyone will eventually be caught up and this Earth will filled with so much more beauty than it ever has before. Your Twin Flame has connections with you that you are not even aware of. The Twin Flames know and understand the progression of each other. That is how they reunite in exactly the right time. See your Twin Flame as you are wanting to see them. We know that all of you love your Flames, but you have also placed blame. This is part of the process. See them as you are wanting to see them. Give to them all of the traits that you know that they carry within them and all of the traits that you would like to elicit more from them. When you look upon them and all you feel and see is love, this is your window of opportunity, your golden ticket. That is where it all begins. You cannot look upon your Flame and feel blame if you are in the vibration of Unconditional Love. You would not place blame anywhere or upon anything if you embodied the vibration of Unconditional Love. All you would see is beauty. Truly, beauty is all there is to see. Everything else is created by you. By the ego that is a man-made thing. The ego is not so hard to transcend as all of you are thinking. You need ego for certain reasons, because you have a physical body and are in a physical plain of existence, but when we speak of the ego, we are referring to the parts that do not serve you. You will know when you are in the state of Unconditional Love, simply because there is no denying it. It is that feeling that without doubt, you know that you feel good. You know you feel only love and as you look upon things that are around you, you suddenly find yourself among beauty, no matter where you may be. Think of this when you unexpectedly see beautiful things. They are a small, yet precise confirmation from the Universe that you are in alignment with things that are beautiful. That means that you are either feeling love, appreciation or that you are simply in a state that is allowing of good things to come to you, so, take note of that state that you are in and how it feels. Take note of what you were thinking and focusing upon before it happened. You do not always make the connection between your thoughts and what you attract, but if you consciously make it a point to pay attention, you will.

There is no other way to the Twin Flame Union but by yourself. By your Unconditional Love of self. That is what leads you to it. So, just know that all of these processes and words that we give to you are helping you to achieve that which you want, exactly. You will know speed of manifestation like never before and there will be lovers everywhere on this planet, in no time. The Golden rule is to follow the path of love. It is paved by the love that you feel in your heart. Follow that feeling, always.

End copy/paste.  The above bold and highlighting is mine.

Oh. Mah. Gawd!  I was SO damn excited to read this channeled message from another twin flame/twin soul because it reiterates to me EXACTLY what's being told to me and what is being asked of me, and what I have been guided to along the way, and what's already been proven to me. I manifested some crap a while ago.  Joron was the one who had to show it to me, and ever since then I have placed some blame on him where no blame is due, on either of us.  I was learning.  He was listening.  He is my strongest most complete mirror, and as I've said over and over again: he has saved my life.  Helped save it- I'm the one who had to finally listen.  Stop drinking.  Work on stopping the internal rage and hatred.  I was seething inside at times.  Sometimes I could achieve Unconditional Love but other times I would still seethe inside.  I watched him come and go based on my energy.  I know what I need to do, and it is exactly what's already been told to me.

I need to concentrate on his wonderful loving amazing grace-filled healing caring sensual super-duper-loving kisses.  His care for me.  My trust in him.  The LOVE.  "The golden rule is to follow the path of love."  This is SO true and I've know this all along.  3D life can sometimes make a person lose sight.  I think this is why I had these two weeks off here recently.  I have had a blessed break, and Disney World was like the BEST vacation ever, and it was no mistake.  Not a coincidence.  I was being blessed, manifesting goodness, being guided and watched over.  I could feel it.  It was noticeable and YES I am very grateful.

Off and on I've done what this article suggests but I always kinda stop.  But this is it.  This is exactly what I am told to do.  I think through my own work with Spirit over this last year I have achieved a higher vibration already.  Sometimes it becomes very unconditional, especially when I write my truth.  Left to *only* my thoughts me ego then kicks up.  But when I write I tend to find my truth and get it out on the page.

I try to remember to be grateful of my blessings.  Disney came to me.  All I had to do was listen; I knew I wanted to take my son to Disney World.  On a whim I called Disney to see what I could afford, and next thing I knew I "felt" something tell me to just book it.  A few days.  Nothing extravagent... we stayed at a value hotel which was what we could afford but it's DISNEY- anything there is fun :)  It was a short trip, fast-paced and packed with fun- and honestly EVERY SINGLE ASPECT was perfect.  Everything.  I had nudges to go here or do this or turn here and every single time I did we landed somewhere with a short line or an empty bus so we could sit on our ride back, relax.  Noticeably it was wonderful.  I feel I was being blessed, and I still am.  And yes I am thankful.

My life has been like this for a while but I started noticing it last winter during my darkest periods.  I fought hard.  Very hard.  I fought hard to believe and listen to my guidance when I was told Joron didn't just leave me.  I was terrified but I fought through the terror.  And eventually with all of my writing, and my deep love for him, he'd come back.  And I was shown a process that I found hard to believe in.  At that time, though, I'd ask for things and get them.  Simple things like a shovel.  It had started snowing {again} and my shovel was broken.  I was standing in line somewhere and I said, "Oh man I need a shovel!"  The guy in front of me who was walking out the door turned and said to me, "You need a shovel?  I have an extra you can have."  And he did, in his trunk and he gave me a brand new nice heavy duty shovel.  Another time I was standing outside in -11 degrees.  FREEZING cold.  My son was inside, alone, and I was trying to shovel out my driveway.  It was not working.  I almost cried.  I stood there and said, "God I can't get this shoveled and I need to get out in the morning."  RIGHT THEN a plow turned on to my street.  The man drove up to me and said, "Ma'am just step back and let me plow your driveway.  It is way too cold for you to be out here."  I literally cried and called him an angel!  I knew it then, that something strangely divine was happening to me.

And yes I am thankful.  Sometimes I get sad because Joron is not here, and that can make it hard to keep my vibration up but SHIT I am trying.  My inner fight has been strong.  There were days I felt immobilized- unable to write a word.  This blog has helped a lot.  I journal but I do better on the blog for some reason.  Energy flows easier for me when I type.  I'm glad I have all of this documented, though, and I can only hope it helps others too as I make my way through to twin soul union.

I love him, undeinably.  Affection without limitations.  If you honestly knew all the things that have been sent to me through him you'd see why it's pretty amazing that I still adore him.  But I do- and in my heart I know that THIS is him:

My open-minded loving expansive empathetic scientist amazing sweetheart.  But he is a strong channel, STRONG.  Again- I saw this when we dated but I didn't know what was happening.  Often between us Spirit was speaking through him, and maybe even through me at times, but there is one thing for sure: those hours of kisses were not... channeled.  LOL.  I think our souls were reveling in being so close together again.  But as human beings, silent except for some small sighs and even a few little moans {oh my WORD is he adorable and just turns me on in every single way} and a little quiet gentle loving conversation- but those kisses were it.  They were truth.  In my love's kisses I felt his truth, just how perfect we are together, and how special I made him feel- how much he loves me. All of that was felt in his kisses.

After the one Spirit-induced argument we had he came over.  It had been five days that we had been separated.  He had to have felt some anxiety driving over- the argument got really strange,  There was a weird silence.  We both said shitty stuff, unlike ourselves.  I KNOW what it feels like to channel. I've had it happen before where I NEED to say something even if I don't really want to, or where I've been told to and I don't want to.  When he walked in my door after those five days apart I just remember how sad and sorry he looked, head hanging down a little bit.  He hugged me and said, "I'm sorry." And I said I was sorry too.  He told me he didn't want any more talk about religion.  He felt it was religion talk that caused issues between us.  I did not feel the same.  Now I can see it was a "step."  It was guided even back then.  But then we made our way over to the couch and he wrapped me in his arms, pulled me close, touched my face with those amazingly gentle tender hands, turned my gaze towards him and kissed me.  Again said he was sorry, and made it all better through his kisses.  I've never loved another more, and never will.

Funny thing is we didn't spend as much time making love as we did kissing.  We only fit in lovemaking a hand full of times before he left.  Our intimacy was wayyyy more through kissing. During one of our last conversations, like back in June, he suddenly said to me "You know what I really love about you?  That you waited to sleep with me.  It showed me how special this is, how special you are."  That comment from him made me glow.  He was glad we didn't hop right in the sack- and I am very fortunate and blessed that he loves me enough that just being there with me, holding my hands and kissing me, was enough to keep him totally content.  I adore that about him.

So I can see why Higher Will keeps telling me to ONLY write about the kisses and about the love. I am generating truth then.  None of the rest of this is truth.  It is simply mirroring.  Think of it this way: I am saved having really big bad shit happening in my life, something 3D and real, by using Joron as the means to wake me up.  I manifest stuff I don't like through my negativity and fear but it's coming through him.  So emotionally it sucks but it's not harming my life or my security, etc.  It pushes my buttons emotionally and I have to fend it off, fight through it.  But I am thankful that my physical health, stability and security remains intact.

I am blessed.  I know this.  And what this article states is true.  I am going to really buckle down now and do these things.  I mean I like to write.  It's what I do {obviously.}  I write love well, lol.  And I enjoy writing about my love.  I like bringing him close to me.  Sometimes it can hurt a little.  I wish he was here wrapped up in my arms like he was back when we dated- but I know he will be back in my arms in the future.

I go back to work tomorrow.  I will, no denying it, morning and night write about us, the kisses and the love.  It is what *I* am told to do.  I think I've done a decent job getting my vibration pretty stable.  Now I have to really send home this Unconditional Love, no blame only love, for my twin soul.

I always wrote on the forum that we should think of them with love.  It got some people pissed off at me.  The truth hurts.  We like to shift blame... and in these unions we cannot do that.  Much of the shit they show us is coming FROM us, and some people can't tolerate that truth.  I don't always like it but I refuse to see it and deny it.  I refuse to let someone tell me "Oh you are just in denial."  Uh uh.  I see it.  I KNOW who my twin soul is- the dear man who came over and brought me little gifts, who took me and my son on our play date, who told me that even though he is Atheist he thought my "connection" was unique, and my passion made him love me even more.  He is enamored with me, and I am so ready to have my Love back in my arms again.

It is where he belongs.  


  1. This is an excellent write-up. it is simply the truth because I identify with it. But i hope you are not so worried about him on the issue of religion. Rather than worry, trust in God that everything will work for the good, if you are christian. Such huge difference in thought or belief system seem like an affront to the twin union. That is why i am very hopeful that he will come to an experential knowledge of God in the future. Perhaps, that will be a sort of healing for him and it is the big one. You see, there are so many supportive elements in the universe God created that, one who has inured himself to the benefits of the Universe may fail to acknowledge the creator and even assume the role of a god, especially if what he thinks manifests as is the case of the twin flame experience. But, if both of you can appreciate and be grateful for beauty and love and the moments that the universe offers you, then your man may as well contemplate on the powers that made this possible. I am sure, you like him, already believe that there is nothing like chance or luck...everything has a reason and is a cuase or effect of some element. Hence, to contemplate on the creative force behind this beauty, love, and goodness, and the human sense of appreciation itself should be possible and drive him to come to knowledge of God in the least, and perhaps soon appreciate the salvific mystery of mankind through Jesus Christ. While the facts of the many happenings in the Bible can be proved in the secular world, he may thus approach this from an intellectual point and coupled with his belief is Spirit, He should come to that knowledge. If he is not physically present with you as i gathered somewhere in your writeup, i think you can communicate this mentally to him. It will work because it always works. Just believe and don't worry about the outcome, or attempt to control any possible outcome. It is not in your power to control it. Allow it to be and just believe.
    - Atsu

  2. Oops I didn't notice this beautiful comment until today! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Just to clarify, I am not at all worried about him on the issue of religion. I love and respect his Atheism. Actually it turns me on in all ways. He is so passionate about what he stands up for that I can't help but wanting to tear his clothes off and adore every inch of his sweet body (and heart and mind and soul) for being so inspiring! My Joron wore an Atheist t-shirt on our first date after I cancelled our planned first date because I was scared of his Atheism, scared "God" would judge me for wanting to cavort with a dreaded non-believer. Hogwash. He's no less worthy than I am {or you are} even though he does not believe. I do not believe my twin flame must turn to believing in God or Jesus the same way you or I do. Not at all. God loves him very much and uses him as a divine instrument of healing despite his passion for science and the universe over believing in an all-mighty God. My Beloved's soul is strong, and I love him to infinity and beyond no matter what he believes {or does not} believe in. So with all due respect, he does not have to come to any knowledge about the bible or Christ. He loves pure and hard and that is what is truly important, unconditional love. Not belief in "God" but a belief in love. I communicate mentally to him my pure love and adoration and thanks of HIM. Just him. I tell him I trust him and believe in him. That is our truth.

    Thank you again for your comments!
